The most widely purchased Book in the history of mankind is the least known and understood. This is especially true concerning certain portions of it, which is by design. One of the most controversial and least understood passages concerns Daniel’s vision which begins in chapter 7 and ends with chapter 12. After ending the vision God told Daniel to close the book (so that it would not be understood) until the end of the end times when the entire earth would be in a state of turmoil and trouble–a crisis that would arise at the end of the age (12:4). From the time of the vision until modern times the vision has been a puzzle seemingly without a solution. Not anymore. The entire world is now in a crisis that is rapidly approaching a condition of total chaos. WE ARE NOW IN THE “CRISIS AT THE END OF THE AGE.” Jesus prophesied that at this time of global crisis “None of the WICKED shall understand (the Bible), BUT THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND (it)” (12:10).
Though the Bible has been printed millions of times in many different languages, utter confusion reigns relative to its message. There is a very shallow, very general knowledge of it, but the world, including the church world, does not fully understand it and therefore does not obey it. As a result, utter confusion reigns in the religious, political, social, academic and military realms. The world does not know where it is headed because it neither comprehends where it has been nor why. Having separated himself from God and His Word, man has depended on his intellectual proweress which has led him to a point where he has the capacity to destroy every living creature on the face of the earth. Operating under the power of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:13 that, in the end times, “Evil men (the wicked false prophets of Dan. 12:10) shall wax worse and worse.” We are warned in Proverbs 14:12 that carnal-minded religious men have always produced destruction and death. Man is warned in Isaiah 59:2 that sin separates him from God. This has happened globally, led by “the church.” Looking ahead, Jesus said that as the world approached the end of days, “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved (alive)” (Mat. 24:22).
But all is not lost for those whose ONLY goal in this life is to learn God’s ways and obey them. Man can understand the Bible and obey its precepts. The process begins with believing that THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ARE GOD’S SPIRITUAL TRUTHS. Jesus proved this in John 17:17 when He said: “Thy Word is Truth.” He also stated that we could “… know the Truth and the Truth shall make you free” from error. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21 we are placed on the right track by the Apostle Paul. Here he tells us to “prove all things” relative to God’s Word and will. There is only one way to prove any spiritual concept, that is to “Study (the Scriptures) to show thyself approved of God” (2 Tim. 2:15). Note that he did not say to read the Word, but rather to STUDY it diligently, continually and purposefully in search of God’s Truth. We must approach our Bible study with an openness of heart, ready to reject any and all previous beliefs that conflict with God’s Word. This will include many, probably most of the “truths” we have been taught from pulpit and podium. Anyone who has been involved in Institutional Christianity (Catholicism/Protestantism) will be shocked at how far away from God his past religion has drawn him. It is at this point that one must decide whether he believes God and His messengers or Satan and his false prophets. He must then decide which of the two masters and ways he will embrace. This decision will determine his fate. Proverbs 14:12 warns that there is a way that SEEMS RIGHT to a man, but it is the way of death. Choose life–study to find God’s Way, believe it and walk it. To be continued. L.J.
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