The United States of America is declining rapidly because the Lord God Almighty prophesied that He would punish any nation that claimed to be His people but refused to obey His Word, specifically His Ten Commandment Law. America has led the world in that regard for many years. What was at one time the “city set on a hill” on the spiritual level has become more like a city dump. What, specifically is the problem with the supposed One Nation Under God, the God In Whom she supposedly trusts? That question was answered by one of her past presidents who unknowingly voiced the reason the nation was already in a downward slide and picking up speed long before he became her president and speeded up her descent into apostasy (falling away from the God Who created her to be His light to the nations).
That president was Barach Obama who governed the United States for eight years. Last year (2022) he delivered a speech at Stanford University concerning DISINFORMATION. In his speech Obama extolled the idea of governmental control over public speech made by private citizens on social communications platforms that are available to every citizen. Disinformation, he proclaimed, was information that people should not be allowed to hear or read because it is WRONG. According to him and those who agree with him, Americans are incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong information, that only the government has that capability. He went on to say that the only way to effectively protect Americans from each other is for the federal government to have total control over all publicly proclaimed pronouncements.
Obama noted that America has the opportunity to take on and solve a very important problem. He opined that the federal government should have the power to police all public information in order to eliminate what was not the TRUTH. He said that doing so would give the nation the opportunity to “fight for truth.” Then he added the following: “… but NOT ABSOLUTE TRUTH, NOT A FIXED TRUTH, BUT TO FIGHT FOR WHAT, DEEP DOWN WE KNOW IS MORE TRUE–IS RIGHT.”
Did you catch what he said? In his view, ABSOLUTE TRUTH DOES NOT EXIST. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FIXED, UNCHANGEABLE TRUTH. This brings up the question: what happens when absolute truth is replaced by “… what, deep down, we know is MORE TRUE.” Without absolutes in the truth realm, we are allowed to believe whatever we want to believe. Invariably we will believe that which is expedient–what gives us the feeling of being right, for the current situation, at the present time. Also, what is right is subject to change as people’s outlook on life changes. What is “right” changes, making it “wrong” by replacing it with what is now what we “KNOW DEEP DOWN” IS THE REAL RIGHT. This process can take place from day to day and moment to moment. Truth, then, becomes fluid, able to be shaped in any form one wants it to be at any time. And if the government has control over the definition of “truth,” the government can control which truth reaches the public. In the novel 1984, a central committee called the “Ministry of Truth” decided what was “truth” and controlled what the public could hear. Barach Obama wants to be “Big Brother” who, in the novel, controlled the committee and the world over which it reigned.
In such a truth-defining situation that is controlled by a centralized government, individuals are not actually allowed to define truth for themselves. TRUTH IS WHATEVER THE GOVERNMENT “KNOWS” TRUTH TO BE “DEEP DOWN” IN THE GOVERNMENT’S COLLECTIVE MIND. Individually, the citizen is not free to believe what he knows is true. He must accept as true that which the authorities decide is true–ONLY THE GOVERNMENT CAN LOOK “DEEP DOWN.” In Obama’s perfect world, the authorities would have the power to punish those who differed with the government by bullying, deplatforming, shadow-banning, censoring, publicly shaming, fining, incarcerating and exiling them. From whence could such a concept have evolved? God’s Holy Bible and secular history provide the answer.
The idea that what “we know, deep down” in our minds is actually true was first put before human beings in the Garden of Eden. Though we do not know that Satan said those exact words to Eve, we know he planted them in her and Adam’s minds by convincing them that what God had said He would do, HE WOULD NOT IN FACT DO. ADAM AND EVE CAME TO “KNOW DEEP DOWN” THAT GOD WOULD NOT KILL THEM FOR DISOBEYING HIM–THEY KNEW “DEEP DOWN” that GOD HAD LIED TO THEM. Satan sealed the deal by telling Eve: “God knows that in the day you eat of the tree your eyes will be opened and YOU WILL BE AS GODS, ABLE TO DETERMINE GOOD AND EVIL.” What man “knows down deep” is right is what destroyed God’s first church–the Church of Eden. That mentality has destroyed 99% of every generation ever since. The Laodicean church era in which we now live is showing the world how far from God a group can be and still call itself His people. The Satan-controlled Catholic/Protestant Religious System set a new standard for “knowing deep down” that she is indeed “as God, knowing (better than Him) what constitutes good and evil.” Her governing bodies determine what the people should hear and read. The result is described by Jesus Christ in Revelation 3:14-18 where Jesus describes the modern cult system known collectively as “Christianity.”
Nothing has changed since the Eden debacle. Today the whole of professing Christianity “KNOWS” that God lied to them repeatedly. The homepage to this website lists a number of lies He has supposedly told them. For example, church people “KNOW, DEEP DOWN” in their minds (hearts) THAT GOD IS DECEIVING THEM when He threatens to punish them when they fail to celebrate His weekly Sabbath on the seventh day (Saturday), when He commands them not to celebrate Christmas, Easter and New Years. Because absolute truth supposedly does not exist even in His Holy Bible, billions of beliers in Christ “KNOW, DEEP DOWN” that they are saved and born again, that denominations are of the Lord, that a secret rapture will save them from the coming Great Tribulation, that the Godhead consists of three Gods which comprise one entity, that Jesus was killed on (good) Friday and arose from the dead on Sunday, that man’s faith and God’s grace are all that are needed for salvation to be granted, that God’s Law was nailed to Christ’s cross, that one enters either heaven or hell immediately upon death, that Adam transferred his sin gene into every soul that has ever been born, thereby making sin “natural” and unavoidable for mankind, and because of this “truth,” Jesus died so that man could sin (do what is “natural”) and get away with it, seeing that it is, after all, not his fault.
Such are some of the “truths” churchman “knows, deep down” in his heart are right in spite of the fact that God condemns all of them in the Bible they all own. The problem is that each one of the above “truths” are in fact Satanic lies, as this ministry declares and proves Biblically for those who care to learn. Each of the above-listed church-defined “truths” has been proven wrong on this website. For a list of all series titles and their key words email me at There is no charge and I will not contact you again unless asked to do so. I ask only that the reader study the Scriptural passages provided in each series.
Why is America being cursed by God at this time? Because her people, which make up the nation, “know, deep down” that what they believe to be true is in fact true, in spite of God’s teaching to the contrary. In keeping with Obama’s dream world scenario, religious “governing bodies” have determined their respective “truths” which, in most cases, are the exact opposite of God’s Biblical Truths. Because of her rejection of God’s Truths, and her creation of denominationally-defined “truths,” America, having “sown the wind” for many generations, is now beginning to “reap the whirlwind” (Hos. 8:7) which Jesus calls “… the beginning of sorrows” in Matthew 24:1-8.
Jesus tells us that what we are experiencing now is only the preliminary puffs of wind relative to what is coming. If the nation as a whole does not right her ship of state and join Him by obeying His Law, He has promised to pour out His wrath on her as never before in what is Biblically called The Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord–a 3 1/2 year period of terror, death and destruction the likes of which man cannot imagine. As I have stated, I believe that the nation will continue to follow the church’s lead which will result in the ultimate downfall and destruction of my beloved country. My heart weeps for her. I work daily to warn her. It is abundantly clear that God’s Truth has no place in the heart of the church and therefore the nation which follows her lead. Like Adam, Eve and 99% of their descendants “DOWN DEEP KNOW” THAT GOD IS WRONG AND THEY ARE RIGHT, THAT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ABSOLUTE TRUTH, THAT TRUTH IS WHATEVER MAN WANTS IT TO BE. THE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS GOVERNMENTS (CHURCHES/DENOMINATIONS, FAITHS, ETC.) HAVE TASKED THEMSELVES WITH THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MAKING CERTAIN THAT THEIR RESPECTIVE TRUTHS ARE BELIEVED AND OBEYED BY THEIR CONGREGATIONS. THEY ACCOMPLISH THIS BY TRAINING THEIR PROPHETS TO TEACH THEIR RESPECTIVE DENOMINATIONAL GOSPELS. Sadly, their gospels in no way resemble God’s Gospel. For this reason the vast majority of salvation seekers fail to find and enter God’s strait gate and walk His narrow way that will end in the awarding of eternal life (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). L.J.
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