Satan manipulates individuals and through them controls the social, political, economic and spiritual life of nations. Let us examine one way in which he and his demons manipulate individuals into believing a lie. How many times have we read or heard about someone in a life or death situation seeing an angel, hearing a heavenly voice or watching a miracle occur that changed the situation for the victim? I once saw an angel standing beside my bed. Though he said nothing, I heard God’s “voice” telling me to get up and get before Him, not only that morning (at 4:30 a.m.) but every morning from that time forward. As a result I am up anywhere from 3:00 to 5:00 a.m. each morning for prayer, Bible study and website work. I realized from the angelic visitation that God was angry with me for neglecting my prayer time due to my busy schedule. Message received; lesson learned. By rising a couple of hours ahead of my wife each morning I have plenty of quiet time alone with Him.
Typical church people, however, being “saved,” “born again,” etc., fail to get God’s message from angelic visitations, voices and other miracles. Due to their perceived oneness with God, they erroneously assume that God is confirming the “fact” that they are saved and born again. Tragically, the recipients of these visitations, voices, etc. “hear” Satan’s “voice” telling them that all is well, go back to church, tell others to do the same, etc. Because some false prophet has pronounced them saved, etc., they do not realize that God is calling them to believe His Word, to come out of their Satan-dominated churches and serve Him in Truth. However, the subject hears what he/she has been programmed to hear, then bears witness to others about what he/she has supposedly heard from God. Satan wins, having hijacked God’s loving message. Bear in mind that GOD DOES NOT SAY TO “KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK” OR “DO MORE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING” (BECOME MORE RELIGIOUS) TO THOSE WHO ARE IN REBELLION AGAINST HIM, WHO CALL HIM A LIAR, WHO REJECT HIS WORD OPENLY, LOUDLY AND CONSISTENTLY, which is what those in Catholicism/Protestantism do as this website proves.
I have heard people say “But he’s a Christian” in describing someone who has been caught committing sinful acts. The poor soul had simply succumbed to temptation in “a moment of weakness.” But all is well because “He’s as Christian.” Question: Who told the speaker that the subject was a Christian? Answer: The same one who told the speaker that he/she was a Christian–Satan. The devil has so manipulated the religious system that calls itself “Christianity” that anyone who has ever completed a prescribed ritual, taken Jesus as his/her personal Savior, etc. is automatically declared to be saved, born again and rapture ready. Therefore, what the “saved” person does after their “salvation experience” is irrelevant. No matter how many “moments of weakness” said born again person has experienced, he/she has nothing to be concerned about–the fix is in; its all good–next stop: HEAVEN. Praise the Lord!
Because the people of the world and and those in the worldly church serve Satan, he is able to manipulate entire nations to do his bidding. Look at what is going on in the world’s nations? Crime, hate, war, false religion, etc. characterize every nation on earth, with the so-called “Christian nations” leading the charge into the abyss. Question: How did the world’s nations come to be in this condition? Answer: Satanic manipulation. The Prince of the power of the air manipulates the minds of men. Men run the world for him–they are his “vicars” (replacements). God allows individual and national decay to happen because man is a free moral agent. As I wrote previously, if a person or nation wants to commit spiritual suicide, God will provide the spiritual tree, the spiritual rope and the spiritual stool. This is brought out perfectly in Romans 1:24-27. In the previous verses Paul described the moral degeneracy of men who had rejected the way of the Lord. Because they insisted on going their own way, God “GAVE THEM UP to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves.” In other words, He allowed them to hang themselves by letting them do what they wanted to do–embrace homosexuality. In verses 28-32 Paul lists other sins that those head-strong men were hell-bound to do. Question: Where did they get the urge to do “such things as these?” Answer: From the father of “such things as these”–Satan. To make matters worse, they were not satisfied to simply condemn themselves by doing “such things,” but “have (had) pleasure in them that do them” (vs. 32). Nothing has changed. The Institutional Church not only publically and proudly exhibits her rebellion against God through t.v., radio, the Internet, etc., but takes great pleasure in enticing unsuspecting, Biblically ignorant heaven-seekers into joining them. To be continued. L.J.
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