As stated earlier, Satan and his demons/devils/fallen angels’ influence on mankind can take three forms–deception, manipulation or possession–based on the degree of control they exert over the lives of those they attack. For the unchurched, as well as many in professing Christendom, the idea that unseen spiritual forces exist is laughable. That they not only exist, but in any way affect their lives is inconceivable. This attitude allows the devil and his agents free reign in the lives of billions of people world-wide.
Satan works in the spiritual as well as the physical realm. Spiritually, he is called “the prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 2:2). He affects people spiritually by sending thoughts, impulses and urges into the minds of not only those who are ignorant of his ways, but also those who know how he operates but who fail to be diligent in warring against the one who “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We are warned that at times he will attack with a blitzkrieg of temptations or trials. Isaiah describes it as a time “When the enemy shall come in like a flood.” Those who fear the Lord and are ready for his onslaught will be protected by the One Who will lift up a standard against him (59:19). Note that Satan attacks God’s saints. No one is immune. Only those who fear Him enough to obey Him will be empowered to defeat him. The “standard” God lifts up is His Holy Spirit–His power (Lk. 1:35)–which the saint must use to “Resist the devil and (so that) he will flee from you” (Jam. 4:7). Note that the saint must “resist” the spiritual powers coming against him, and that Satan will flee from the saint. God provides the power to defeat him; the saint must use that power to bring about victory.
Satan knows our weaknesses, and we all have them. Those who believe that Jesus has taken care of everything and they need only be “active in church” to inherit eternal life–“sinners saved by grace”–are easy pickings for the devil. As one who is at war with Satan and his demons on a daily basis, I can assure you that you are under attack whether you realize it or not. Most people do not, which makes their defeat a sure thing. Most professing Christians believe that Jesus died so that they would not have to fight a war which, due to Adam’s supposed sin-transmission, they cannot win. This is one of his most effective weapons against professing Christendom. See Human Nature. If we do not know we are in a war we are expected to fight and win, we have no chance–we are losers going in. We arrive on the battlefield with white flag in hand. Having laid down our arms, we surrender unconditionally. This characterizes the vast majority of the two billion plus self-described Christians on earth today.
The above describes those who have succumbed to Satan’s “I don’t exist” theology with which he has deceived the vast majority of earth’s inhabitants, including many in professing Christendom. Those who doubt his existence believe that their negative thoughts, urges, words and acts come with the territory of being human, that due to Adam’s sin, they are slaves to those impulses, thoughts, etc. and are therefore not expected to resist and overcome them. These Biblically challenged heaven-seekers are indeed low hanging fruit for the Prince of the power of the air.” To be continued. L.J.
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