The “Last Days” began on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. Since that time God’s warnings to His people concerning the end of the world as we know it have been in effect. As the Apostle Paul told Timothy, “in the last days perilous time shall come” (2 Tim. 3:1). This tells us that ever more perilous times are coming upon mankind as the time of the end draws near. Paul warns that, instead of drawing nearer to God as times grow ever darker, man will not grow in true righteousness, but will instead put forth a false righteousness (religiosity) which he describes as a “form of godliness” (vs. 5). To see up close and personal what a “form of godliness” looks like, try showing a religious person what God says in His Word. The response will begin with “I didn’t know that was in the Bible.” It will then shift to, “but that’s not what I was always taught.” The end normally concludes with something akin to, “Well, I took Jesus as my Savior so I know I’m saved. That’s all that matters.” And Satan smiles.
This typical response, either voiced or thought, proves that Satan rules the minds of men. Because of his power over the masses, God’s people must wage a continuous struggle “against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against rulers (spirits) in high places” (Eph. 6:12). We are warned to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather (to) expose them” (Eph. 11:3), which is what this website is designed to do. In these final days of the era Satan is in a frenzy to destroy as many people as possible before the return of Jesus Christ when his reign will end. His success is evidenced by the level of religious and social dysfunction found throughout the world. This is especially critical in the so-called “Christian nations” for it reveals how Satan has gained control of what was once God’s church. Only His “little flock”–His “remnant”–remain true to Him by waging a constant battle against His arch enemy and his demons. Everyone on earth is exposed to the power of Satan as he tries to fill the minds of men with his agenda. The results of his efforts are seen in the lawlessness sweeping across the globe and throughout the church. Within professing Christendom we see his influence as men reject the Word of God and embrace “every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4:14) offered by the devil. These “winds” and “doctrines” are manifested in the hundreds of churches, faiths, denominations, etc. into which Bible owners have divided themselves. Who but Satan could convince the two billion plus God-seekers who call themselves “Christians” to reject the God they claim to believe and embrace the arch enemy of that God? One need only return to Genesis 1-4 to realize that it is Satan who is behind every breach of faith exhibited by the Institutional Church. Cain, who heard every Word from God that Abel heard, chose to reject the Lord’s Words and obey Satan’s words, just as his parents had done before him. The Counterfeit Church walks in Cain’s footsteps of rebellion. As I wrote in a previous posting, the Lord has shown me that some of you are hearing His voice and are turning to Him. But beware–Satan’s attacks will not lessen, but instead will intensify. Spend as much time in prayer and Bible study as possible. The Bible tells us what to do, prayer empowers us to do it. If I can be of assistance, do not hesitate to contact me through the website or at (903) 677-5642 or P.O. Box 2352 Athens, TX 75751.
Symptoms of Satan’s influence are also found in the society in general. For example, studies have shown that mental illness is at an all-time high with one out of every four (72 million) Americans and Canadians and two out of every nine in England and Australia suffering from mental illness. One need only watch the evening news to realize that the devil is alive and well on planet earth. To be continued. L.J.
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