Anyone who has been paying attention has noticed the rapid decline in human thought processes over the past few years. The future of America’s moral decay became evident many years ago when two grade-schoolers in Arkansas shot round after round into their school playground during recess. Since then that type of behavior has become routine. Several years ago a local pastor mentioned something that let me know that Satan was not ignoring small town America. The minister had heard about a documentary, titled The Faces of Death, that was becoming popular with local young people. As I recall, it had come to his attention through members of his church who had seen it and were excited about it. Our conversation took place after he had watched the film, which had shaken him to his core. He was shocked that anyone in his congregation had seen it, let alone enjoyed it. His description of the death themed film opened my eyes even more to the rapid moral decline of this nation. The film showed animals being killed in a variety of slow, agonizing ways, the camera zooming in on their faces as death overtook them. Satan was revealing his mind-controlling power to corrupt the youth of the nation, especially church youth. He was no longer lurking in the shadows. His coming-out time had arrived.
Who’s In Charge? (cont. 4)
Following the end of World War II he began to gradually revealed his power over the masses as our once God-fearing nation began to distance herself from the Lord, choosing rather see herself as her source of national power and success. The nation’s unpresidented rise in economic production and international influence brought about a corresponding rise in idolatry as her citizens embraced their new god– themselves. Pleasing the Biblical God gradually faded in importance as a personal and national goal; fulfilling their fleshly desires quickly became Americans’ focus of attention. Seemingly overnight the nation become addicted to entertainment as television was introduced to the average American home. Athletes, movie and music “stars” became household names. Today, public schools are known, not for their academic excellence, but for their athletic proweress. The average American now knows more about the t.v. lineup, music’s top ten, sports schedules and who is starring in the latest blockbuster film than about the Bible. The church once owned Sundays; now the National Football League owns it. Pornography is now a three billion dollar a year business. We pay governmental “workers” to watch it on the Internet. Zombie-like creatures stalk our streets and hallways, their faces glued to their personal idiot boxes as they troll for something, anything that will satisfy their insatiable craving for entertainment. Screen gazing has replaced human-to human communication as the nation pastime. And what are these brain-dead humanoids gazing at? Any number of menus Satan has provided to satisfy the entertainment needs of his victims.
The advent of television, the rise of the Internet, the emergence of mobile communication devices and the rising importance of technology in the lives of Americans all aid Satan in his broadcasting of sin through the airwaves. One need only watch the continuous flow of movie and t.v. trailers to see that Americans have become addicted to dark and demonic themes. Video games have “advanced” from Donkey Cong to Grand Theft Auto. Without a doubt the wave of the future was revealed on the Fox News Network on March 1, 2011 when a reporter exposed a new video game that was being introduced as “an entertaining school-shooting spree game.” It was advertised as “a virtual playground with endless possibilities.” A description of the game read: “There’s nothing else but you, your weapon and hapless non-player characters seemingly ripe for the killing.” At the end of the game the player committed suicide. We see America’s moral and mental free-fall being played out on the news each evening. Did God warn us about the rise in Satan’s power over people in the latter days? To be continued. L.J.
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