Demon possession has two different but related manifestations, the first of which has recently come to light globally through the rise of ISIL. I will call it the ISIL Syndrome whose primary feature is extreme inhuman behavior toward other humans. This syndrome is characterized by such acts as blowing oneself up in order to kill strangers. They also behead, burn, drown, bury alive, crucify, disembowel, enslave, sell, sexually ravage, etc. their perceived enemies. Obviously this spiritual abnormality is being empowered and spread through an extremely powerful demonic force unseen in the modern world until the last few years. In the past there have been isolated incidences in which people like Jeffery Dahmer have killed, dismembered and sometimes eaten the flesh of their victims. In these incidences Satan’s demons were much more selective in choosing both their hosts and their victims. Also, their hosts showed no particular malice toward their victims who simply had the misfortune of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
This all changed with the rise of ISIL. Satan’s new model features wholesale slaughter of carefully selected groups of people who are usually chosen because of their religious preferences. Satan is using religion as the rationale for his onslaught on humanity–again. ISIL’s murderous rampage toward those of other religions pales in comparison to the Catholic Inquisition in which some 50,000,000 innocents, many of them God’s people, were slaughtered in the name of Satan. The devil has deceived the whole of Catholicism and Protestantism into worshiping him while thinking that they are worshiping the Biblical God. As Jesus said to the woman at the well who believed that she and her people worshiped the God of the Israelites, “You know not what what you worship.” One need only examine the beliefs and customs of this dual-headed religious monster to find ample evidence of anti-God worship conducted in His name. See the Introduction to this website. Then read the website en toto for Scriptural proof of her apostasy.
The second type of demon possession involves people who have no control over their actions, words or thoughts. A prime example is found in the story of Christ’s dealings with the ferocious demoniacs of Gadara who lived naked in the tombs and routinely slashed themselves with sharp objects (Lk. 8:26-39). These men had no control over themselves; the demons in them enjoyed absolute dominion over them. The story is well known and therefore need not be repeated at this time. The main point of the episode is that the men were totally demon possessed. It took the power of the Holy Spirit, utilized by Jesus of Nazareth, to remove the demons from them.
The rise of ISIL is merely the beginning of the end for the world as we know it. Things will get much worse in the near future. ISIL’s push to start a global conflict will end in World War III which Jesus Christ will bring to a close soon after His return to Jerusalem to establish the Kingdom of God. L.J.
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