No one is immune to Satanic influence. No one, not even the most religious of us, has an automatic resistance to demonic attack. Maintaining a oneness with God is man’s only protection against the onslaught of the devil and his demons as they do what they do, in most cases without their victims knowing what is happening. In many cases their host believes that what they are experiencing is from God. Examples of this type of false credit assignment takes place when people openly reject the Word of God when confronted with it. Incredibly, religious people will adamantly reject what I show them in the Bible while giving the Author of that Bible credit for telling them to reject it, and in so doing, reject Him. The vast majority of church people believe that, being “saved,” they are immune to demonic influence. Many outright reject the existence of evil spirits, which makes them prime targets for Satan’s attacks. Scripture reveals that even Jesus Christ was subject to the devil’s power. This is made clear in the spiritual battle that took place between Him and Satan following His 40 day fast as recorded in the fourth chapter of Luke’s gospel. If Jesus could not be tempted to sin, why did Satan go to the trouble of repeatedly tempting Him, even as He hung on the cross? If the man Jesus was subject to the manipulations of the devil, we certainly are.
We can open our minds to evil spirits in a variety of ways–extreme anger, seances, exercises which leave our minds blank, mind-altering drugs, hypnosis, books, movies, t.v. programs, etc. The minions of Satan’s spirit world will use any means possible to gain entrance to the human psyche. Once inside they control their host, either partially or totally. I once found myself having thoughts (mental visions) of a grotesque Christ hanging on the cross. I could not understand why, when I pictured Him during the crucifixion, His face was that of a demon. Then I learned that reading books about fortune tellers, etc. could cause that same reaction. Because I had been reading about the careers of famous fortune tellers, I traced the beginning of my problem back to the time I began my reading program. I got rid of the books. Problem recognized–problem solved. God commands that we have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the forces of evil. I once sat outside the Mosque of Oman in Jerusalem while my companions went inside the “Dome of the Rock” located on the Temple Mount. God warned me not to go inside. I was the only one in a group of some 50 church people who was open to His voice. He did not prevent me from going inside; He simply warned me not to do so. I was a free moral agent and had the power of self-direction. God speaks in a calm, quiet voice. Only those who stay in contact with Him through prayer, meditation and Bible study will hear Him. I heard Him loud and clear. I knew that the Islamic religion was evil and, being open to His voice, heard Him warn me to have NOTHING to do with it.
What people fail to realize is that “addictions” to such things as sports, food, drink, t.v. programs, music, reading materials, the internet, etc., are all signs of demonic control. For many years I was “addicted” to watching professional sports such as basketball and boxing. When time came for these activities to come on the t.v. I could feel myself getting hyped up in anticipation. The same was true concerning police programs. Through the grace of God I realized what was happening to me and asked Him to deliver me from my “addictions.” He did–instantly and totally. I never again experienced a need or desire for them. Test yourself. Do you experience a psychological and/or physical change when something of the world you enjoy is about to begin? Can you sit down in your favorite chair without turning on the t.v. or the radio? Can you drive your car without turning on the radio or listening to a music c.d.? Can you leave your social media gadget at home for the day? Do you feel compelled to repeatedly check it throughout the day? Must you have it available at all times? These are a few indicators of demonic activity. In summary, if you are continually needing stimulation you can rest assured that Satan is involved to some degree. Any “addiction,” whether physical, mental or emotional, is not of God. If it is not of God it is of Satan. We have a master we must obey and serve–either God or the devil. We are led by either God’s Holy Spirit or Satan’s evil spirits. With the Lord there are no degrees–one either belongs to Him totally or not at all. Satan, on the other hand, is satisfied with any degree of control–from an intense need for a t.v. program to begin, to the point that one loses control over his thoughts, words and actions. Which brings us to the most extreme level of Satanic/demonic control experienced by human beings–possession. To be continued. L.J.
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