Question: why does professing Christendom “know” beyond a doubt that God nailed His Law to the cross of Jesus Christ, thereby declaring it null and void relative to salvation? Answer: because of a misinterpretation of Hebrews 8:9 by church leaders, then their “truth” being accepted by billions of followers without question. We are commanded to “try the spirits” of those who teach us to see if they are of God (1 Jn. 4:1), meaning if their teachings are in line with His Word. Those who have done so know that the Law given from Mt. Sinai by the Word Who became Jesus of Nazareth did have a “fault.” The church’s misunderstanding of that fault rendered the entire Law not merely useless relative to her standing with God, but actually dangerous to those of an enlightened New Covenant Church. As I have been told by local preachers, those who continue to obey God’s Law, which the Apostle Paul called “HOLY, JUST AND GOOD” (Rom. 7:12), have “fallen from grace” and are in need of salvation. Not to my surprise, salvation can be obtained only in their respective churches. In this series we will examine the supposed Law-destroying passage that has been used by Satan to deceive church people for almost 2000 years.
In our study of Hebrews 8 we will find that there was indeed a need for a new covenant upon Christ’s arrival on earth. The first covenant did indeed have a “fault” that had to be corrected. “For if that first covenant had been without fault, then there would have been no need for a second (covenant)”–Heb. 8:7,8. Seems clear enough–THERE WAS A FAULT WITH THE OLD COVENANT. THEREFORE A NEW COVENANT WAS NEEDED. The church’s problem is that she misidentified the fault. Was the fault of the Old Covenant the Law as we have been told time and time again? Let us allow God to answer the question.
“For, FINDING FAULT WITH THEM, He (God) said, ‘Behold the days will come, says the Lord, when I will make a NEW COVENANT with the House of Israel and the House of Judah'” (Heb. 8:7,8). Notice that the fault was not found in the Law, but rather in “THEM”–THE PEOPLE. The children of Israel had a fault. God said that their fault was that “… they did not obey My covenant” (vss 8,9). If the fault had been with the Law, then the Law would not have been perfect or holy, or just or good. But King David said: “The Law of the Lord is PERFECT and can save the soul” (Ps. 19:7). In order to correct the “fault” with the Old Covenant (the people) God needed to make a new covenant with them. Again, it was the PEOPLE, NOT THE LAW that was at fault. The Law, we must remind ourselves “… is PERFECT.” Obeying that Law leads to the SAVING OF THE SOUL. No lesser luminaries than King David, the Apostle Paul and Jesus of Nazareth have told us that we have been lied to by Satan’s false prophets who continue to spread his Law-nailed-to-the-cross deception every sun god day from pulpit and podium, in person, on radio, on television, through movies and books and via the internet.
At this point I must expose what Satan’s spokesmen have convinced their followers to believe over the centuries concerning God’s Law. The primary problem concerns the “law that was ADDED because of transgressions (sins)”–Gal. 3:19. In Deuteronomy 5:6-21 we find Moses reminding the children of Israel of the Ten Commandments God had given to them from atop Mt. Sinai. In verse 22 Moses said this: to the Israelite nation: “These Words (the Law) the Lord spoke to you …. and He ADDED NO MORE. He then wrote them (the Ten Commandments) on tablets of stone and delivered them unto me.” Notice that the Ten Commandment Law was, as David and Paul said, “Perfect, holy, just and good.” Nothing more was needed. To receive God’s promises one needed to obey the Ten Commandment Law. The same God (the Word–Jesus Christ–Jn. 1:1-4,14) would later say that in order to prove one’s love for Him one must obey that same Law (Jn. 14:15,23), that in order to remain in Christ’s love one must obey that same Law, and that in order to inherit eternal life one must obey that same Law (Mat. 19:17). Jesus went on to say that He (Jesus) remained in God’s love ONLY because He obeyed that same Law (Jn. 15:10). THE LAW THAT GIVES ETERNAL LIFE WAS NOT NAILED TO THE CROSS. RATHER, THE “HANDWRITING OF ORDINANCES” (THE SACRIFICIAL LAW) WAS NAILED TO THE CROSS (Col. 2:14). Jesus declared that He did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it (to meet its requirements perfectly) (Mat. 5:17). He did exactly that, thereby qualifying to be man’s Savior.
The sacrificial law was “added because of transgressions” so that, by spilling the blood of animals, etc. the Israelites’ would be reminded of their need for forgiveness. Such sacrifices merely covered their sins. The blood of lambs would suffice “until Shiloh (the Messiah) comes” (Gen. 49:10). At the Last Supper Jesus announced the end of the sacrificial law (God would nailed it to His cross). Henceforth, His shed blood would not simply cover the people’s sins as had the blood of animals; rather, His blood would blot them out forever. Christ’s bloody death and resurrection three days and nights (not one day and two nights) later would cause God to send His Holy Spirit to righteousness seekers which would empower them to resist Satan’s temptations to break God’s Law (sin–1 Jn. 3:4). Those who resist the devil “until the end” (of life) will be saved and born again upon Christ’s arrival on earth (Mat. 10:22). Read The Kingdom of God, God’s Very Elect: Future Caretakers of the Universe and Born Again. Key words Kingdom, Caretakers and Born respectively.
The Lord makes it abundantly clear that obedience to the Ten Commandment Law is required for salvation. The self-professed church rejects commandment #4, which results in the breaking of the entire Law (Jam. 2:10), making her parishioners “workers of iniquity” (Lawlessness). Jesus promised that at judgment He would reject “… you who work iniquity” (Mat. 7:23). The Old Covenant did not provide Holy Spirit power to withstand Satan’s temptations. Because the people sinned continually, they had to continually sacrifice animals to receive forgiveness. Their sins constituted their “fault” relative to the Law. Jesus came to correct that fault. He brought with Him from heaven a new covenant by which one could receive blanket forgiveness of all of one’s PAST SINS (Rom. 3:25), resulting in justification due to God’s grace and the penitent’s faith. Repentant man needed the power of the Holy Spirit operating from within him in order to overcome Satan as did Jesus (Rev. 3;21). Only by the Spirit’s power can man keep Satan at bay. The same was true of Jesus of Nazareth. The reception of the Holy Spirit with its power to ward off Satan’s “fiery darts” of temptation (Eph. 6:16) is the solution to man’s “fault.” On his own power man has no chance against Satan. The church does not believe this and therefore sins continually. To justify their God-rejecting lifestyle, church members contend that sin is a natural and unavoidable part of the “Christian walk” and call themselves “Sinners Saved By Grace.” She lacks the power of God and rejects it when it is offered by God’s messengers. Her sins separate her from Him (Isa. 59:2), thereby preventing Him from hearing her prayers, which is why 99.99% of church prayers go unanswered. Because of the rebellion of so-called grace-saved sinners, God has turned their heaven into brass which prevents her prayers from getting through to Him (Deut. 28:23). He said in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if He hears one’s prayer He will answer it. Sin having separated them from Him, their prayers do not get through to Him. Truth-rejecting man, unwilling to take responsibility for his sins, blames them on Adam’s sin-transferal miracle. Read Sin is a Choice. Key word–Choice. L.J.
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