The God Who became a man like all other men, walked the earth as do all other men and died as do all other men. He then rose from the grave after three days and returned to heaven from whence He had come in human form some 31 years earlier. As a man (1 Tim. 2:5) He now sits at the right hand of the Father and serves as High Priest for those members of humanity who have recognized their need for Him and have asked for and received forgiveness of all PAST sins (Rom. 3:25). Because of His death and resurrection Christ can provide “the promise” to His true saints–the Holy Spirit which provides power to overcome the pull of sin that tugs at the heart of every human being who has ever lived, including Jesus Himself. It is written: “Wherefore in ALL THINGS HE WAS MADE LIKE HIS BRETHREN so that He could be a faithful high priest in all things pertaining to God by affecting reconciliation for the PAST sins of the people. For in that HE HIMSELF SUFFERED TEMPTATION, He is able to help those who are being tempted” (Heb. 2:17,18) to overcome temptation. In 4:15 it is written that He “WAS IN EVERY WAY TEMPTED AS WE ARE, YET WITHOUT SIN.” In 5:7,8 the Apostle Paul brings Christ’s humanity into full focus by writing about Him: “Who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplication WITH STRONG CRYING AND TEARS to Him (the Father) Who could save Him from (eternal) death, He was heard (His prayers were answered) because He feared (to fail His Father). Though He was a Son (of God), yet He LEARNED TO OBEY (God) by overcoming the temptations He suffered.” He was tempted exactly as we are, only more-so, “YET WITHOUT SIN” (5:8). Because of what is written above, He serves as the perfect example for those who would join Him in the Kingdom of God. Those who follow His example will do so (Rev. 3:21).
Only a 100% human being (Jesus of Nazareth) could set the perfect example for all other human beings during His walk through this life. In order to join Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God, human beings must “walk as He walked” and “… overcome even as I overcame” (temptations)–1 Jn. 2:6/Rev. 3:21.
This same Jesus of Nazareth–the Word Who became a man–sits, AS A MAN at the Father’s right hand in the northern heavens making intercession for all who come to Them in total surrender, faith and obedience. Having understood the need for a God to become a human being and shed human blood in order to become man’s Savior, He applies His shed blood to their Past sins (Rom. 3:25) which clears them of the guilt associated with their pre-conversion sins (Heb. 7:13, 15-17,21-28). This is the point at which Satan has deceived 99.99% of professing Christendom into unknowingly leaving God’s path and moving onto Satan’s path. Read Bait and Switch. Key word–Bait.
The Truth-seeking salvation seeker comes to understand that Jesus applies His blood only to the sins of those who turn to Him with the totality of their being, rid themselves of sin via His grace, then use the power of the Holy Spirit to resist Satan’s temptation sin, meaning to break God’s Law, which is His definition of sin: “To transgress the Law is sin; for sin is the transgression of the Law” (1 Jn. 3:4). Because sin (transgression) separates one from God (Isa. 59:2), the sinning churchite cannot walk with Him because His walk is the walk prescribed in His Law, which is the entirety of the Holy Bible which He condensed into Ten Commandments. Church man has been told for almost 2000 years that no one can obey the Law, which is why God did away with it by nailing it to the cross of Christ. Churchman has been told that lie, believes that lie and lives that lie. He believes that Christ provided salvation seekers with a New Covenant which contains no Law, only grace and promises which one need only to accept Jesus as one’s Savior in order to receive. But what do the Holy Scriptures say about such all-grace/no Law “truths?”
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God makes it clear that in order to be heard by Him and therefore receive answers to their prayers, those who are called by His name must: “… humble themselves, pray, seek My face and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS. THEN (AND ONLY THEN) I WILL HEAR (THEIR PRAYERS) FROM HEAVEN, FORGIVE THEIR SINS AND HEAL THEIR LAND (ANSWER THEIR PRAYERS).” True God seekers will “put off the old (sinful) man” and “put on the new (holy) man” (Eph. 4:22/ Col. 3:9,10). This is the man who resists Satan (Jam. 4:7) and grows in righteousness and holiness until he “comes to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph. 4:13), the END of which is eternal life (Rom. 5:21; 6:22/ Mat. 10:22). Following justification (removal of all PAST sins–Rom. 3:25) and being converted, one must work to remove all sin from one’s life and keep it out (1 Jn. 2:1-6). The convert who continues to sin, having separated himself from God (Isa. 59:2), has backslid and has returned to his former father–Satan (1 Jn. 3:4-10) whom he continues to obey by sinning. SO-CALLED “SINNERS SAVED BY GRACE” DO NOT BELIEVE THIS PLAIN BIBLICAL FACT. ARE LIVING A SATANIC LIE BECAUSE THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A SINNING SAINT.
With extremely few exceptions (Mat. 7:13,14/ Mat. 20:16), God seekers have been taught that the Old Covenant/Law was nullified, and that Christ brought to the church a New Covenant that was more user friendly that its old counterpart, which He abolished on the cross. This would have us believe that the Old Covenant was harsh, cruel and enslaving. This theological principle teaches that the Old Covenant had a “FAULT” that rendered it unsuitable for a more enlightened, more intelligent clientele (Heb. 8:8). This theological concept holds that, because the fault was in the Law, and the Law was issued by God the Father, then the fault was His. More on the “fault” later. Therefore Jesus had to provide a new and improved way to get to heaven. This “way” involved only grace and faith and promises. Faith, we have all been told, is all that is needed in order to do as one pleases and get away with it because of Christ’s shed blood, which supposedly covers each inevitable sin as soon as the saved already-sinner repents of it. Before we get into the whys and wherefores of the Old Covenant’s “fault,” let us be reminded of exactly what constitutes a “covenant.” Without this knowledge one can never become a child of God. Webster’s dictionary defines a “COVENANT” as “an AGREEMENT, a legal undertaking to do or to refrain from an action. It is A DOCUMENT CONTAINING THE TERMS OF AN AGREEMENT. A covenant is an agreement between parties.” God’s New Covenant explicitly defines the required actions He requires of Himself and those who choose to meet the requirements of the covenant. The Old and New Covenant requirements on the part of both parties is explicitly stated in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. God changed only two things relative to His requirements of the Old Covenant Israelites and the New Covenant Christians. The change involves His Law which He recorded in stone anciently. However, HE WRITES HIS LAW ON THE HEART OF THE NEW COVENANT SAINT AND PROVIDES HIM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT POWER TO OBEY IT (Jer. 31:33/ Heb. 8:10). Galatians 6:15,16 tells us that those who obey Jesus Christ (His true church) are “the Israel of God.” L.J.
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