Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, ….” Truth seekers know that the word “life” in that statement means much more than the time span between the conversion of a human being and eternity. They also know that Jesus is the Alpha (beginning) and the Omega (ending), and that He, like the other Member of the Godhead, was a spirit being before coming to earth as a man, and that the two Gods were co-equal. This is but the beginning salvo of information about the Lord’s Messiah that this series will reveal about the Savior of mankind.
In Genesis 1:1 we find that: “In the beginning God (Elohim–Gods) created the heaven and the earth.” We do not know how many years, or possibly eons, elapsed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2–many I am guessing. What we do know is that there was life between the “beginning” of 1:1 and the re-creation of heaven and earth as recorded beginning with 1:2. The Old Testament tells us about the Gods’ (Elohim) creation of angels, the earth, the heavenly bodies, etc. It also tells us about the war that was waged in heaven which caused the destruction of the surface of the planets, including earth, along with the darkening of the sun and other light-giving bodies. Looking at pictures of the surfaces of the planets tells us that the destruction caused by Lucifer’s rebellion was universe-wide. and massive. For this reason we find the two Members of the Godhead re-creating one of the planets for a special purpose and special beings. They wanted a place to put Their most precious creation whom They would make in their own physical likeness and spiritual image. The historical recording of this process begins in 1:2.
From long before the original creation of heaven and earth referred to in Genesis 1:1 and the re-creation of the universe as recorded in 1:2 through 2:3, there was eternal life in the form of the two Gods. As is the case in any two-being situation, one will be in charge. This is perfectly exemplified in God’s depiction of the perfect marriage in which the male assumes the dominant role. This performance of roles can operate as designed only when both parties voluntarily accept their assigned role as being of God and worth carrying out according to His command. The condition of many modern day American families reveals the result of a failure to abide in the roles God has handed down. The fact that a large percentage of babies born are illegitimate and that an inordinate percentage of prison inmates , especially the younger ones, do not have fathers in the home says much about the nation’s rejection of God’s way of family life.
Now let us return to the beginning of all creation as recorded in John 1:1-3,14: “In the beginning was the Word (Who would later become Jesus Christ), and the Word was WITH (a) God, and the Word was (a) God (only two God’s in the beginning). The same (Word) was in the beginning WITH God. ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM (THE WORD), AND WITHOUT HIM WAS NOT ANYTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE. And the (spirit) Word was MADE flesh and dwelt among us (the disciples), and we beheld His glory, the glory of the only (at that time) begotten (humanly conceived son) of the Father (the other God), (Who–the Word–was) full of grace and truth.” Notice that the Word , who was spirit, BECAME a man like all other men. Having been born with only what all other men, including you and me, inherit at birth, He was in no way different from His peers. We are told in Philippians 2:6-8 that, while in heaven, the Word was equal to the other God in the Godhead. However, He stripped Himself of all of His Godly powers in order to be MADE like all other men. Having done so, He humbled Himself and became obedient even unto death on a cross. His decision to come to earth and endure the horror of crucifixion was made voluntarily. The spirit Word willingly left heaven to come to this earth as a flesh and blood man knowing that He would be terribly abused and killed by men in order to become the Savior of those same men if they later obeyed Him. This obedience mind-set is found in all who will sit with Jesus on His throne in the Kingdom of God (1 Jn. 2:6/Rev. 3:21).
All of the powers the man Jesus was given He earned through obedience to the God who, upon Christ’s conception within Mary, became His Father. Before that instant Jesus Christ had been the Word–a spirit-bodied, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God by whom the universe was both created (Gen. 1:1) and re-created (Gen. 1:2-2:3). Upon conception the Word BECAME a human being and the other God BECAME His Father. This is brought out in Psalm 2:7 where God said: “You (the God Who had been made a man) are (now) My Son, this (specific) day I have begotten (caused the conception of) You.” Note that the same word–“begotten” (begat) is used when referring to the conception of all people (Mat. 1:16). In the KJVER version the word used is “fathered.” Read the series on Abortion. Key word–Abortion. The Personality who was impregnated into the womb of Mary before she was married to Joseph (Mat. 1:18) her husband was a co-equal God within the God family. This spirit God created the entirety of the universe, both visible and invisible (Rom. 1:20).
Equally vital to the existence of man was what the Word (Jesus) did following the six days of creation. HE “RESTED/REFRESHED HIMSELF” on the 7th day of creation. He called THAT SPECIFIC DAY “MY HOLY DAY, which He said was “A DELIGHT” (Isa. 58:13). He then, “BLESSED” and “SANCTIFIED” THAT DAY. He later commanded His people to “REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY AND KEEP IT HOLY” (Exo. 20:8-11). Note that He had more to say about His Sabbath than about any other commandment, including the first commandment. Notice also how much He said in condemning the use of graven (man-made) images (crosses, fish, statues, pictures, carvings, etchings, etc.) in verses 3-5. In verse 5 He notes that those who have such images “… HATE ME” because, in His view, they replace (are “before” Him). Jesus warns about rejecting His Words, including those Words, in Luke 10:16 where He tells us that to reject His Words proves that one DESPISES BOTH HIMSELF AND HIS FATHER. The Lord set aside (sanctified) the 7th (last) day of each week for man’s sake. This was (is) one 24-hour period in which man was (is) commanded to take his mind off of the things of the world and to concentrate on His Words which, if believed and obeyed, will qualify him to spend eternity with the Godhead–Father and Son.
Why do church people hate/despise the very God Whom they claim has saved them? Truly, Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). L.J.
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