When was the first account of God’s existence? Like me, you probably assumed that it was Genesis 1:1. I was surprised to learn that I was wrong. Chronologically, the first mention of God is found in John 1:1-4,14 where we are told that: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with (another) God, and the Word was (a) God.” In the beginning there were two Gods, not three. Read about The Trinity. Key word–Trinity. The Apostle John is writing about the Godhead (two Gods) “in the beginning”–before the material universe was created. Admittedly, I do not understand “the beginning” as I should. The Greek word translated into the English “Word” in John 1:1-4 is Logos, meaning word, revolutionary thought, spokesman or one who speaks. In this instance it refers to an individual personage Who came to earth as a man called Jesus of Nazareth. As the Word, He had created the entire universe, including the earth to which He later came as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. His death and resurrection enabled mankind to receive the Holy Spirit which empowers true saints to obey God and therefore keep sin out of their lives. Contrary to church-wide opinion, He did not die so that man could sin and get away with it.
At the time of His human ministry Jesus was the ONLY begotten Son of God (vs 14). His death and resurrection enable others to become human sons of God as was He, but only IF they walk “as He walked” during this life (1 Jn. 2:6) and IF they overcome Satan’s temptations to sin “as I (Jesus) overcame” his temptations (Rev. 3:21).
The spirit Word (God’s Spokesman) became a flesh and blood human being over 2000 years ago. He became as human as His human contemporaries were human. Only by becoming totally human could He be the example after Whom Truth seekers must pattern their lives. As Jesus of Nazareth He had no advantage over you or me. The power, knowledge, etc. He had as a man is available to you and me. In John 14:12 He is referring to this life. Only by having the same powers from on high can we do what He did, and even greater things.
Upon being born a human being, God became His Father. Before the Word’s incarnation they were equal Gods in every way (Phil. 2:6). Read Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or Godman? Key word–Godman. When He was birthed by Mary He had no advantage over other human beings. Before coming to earth He “made Himself of no reputation”–he “poured out” His innate Godness and became a man like all other men. He was tempted as are all men and overcame Satan’s temptations to sin (Heb. 2:18) as His disciples continue to do. Because He has “walked in our shoes,” He can command that we walk as He walked, overcome as He overcame and be holy as He was holy (1 Pet. 1:15,16). What God demanded of Him as a human being He demands of all who seek to live with Them in paradise. God expects of those who seek Him exactly what He expected of His Son–the man Jesus the Christ. Jesus said that only a few would do what is necessary to attain that status. Let us be part of that tiny, first resurrection group.
Man rejects God’s command for holiness, which brings a grin to Satan’s face. Man’s relationship with Satan could be called Eden Part Two. In Part One he convinced Adam and Eve that they could sin and still live forever in paradise–that they could eat the forbidden fruit and: “YOU SHALL NOT SURELY DIE” (Gen. 3:4). Sound familiar? It should, for this is what church people are told repeatedly. Through his false prophets Satan tells church people that, because of Adam’s sin transferal miracle, they have no choice but to sin. But, thanks to Jesus, all is well with man’s soul–the fix is in because they have been “saved.” Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope. Therefore, “Sin and grin my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” My home-spun homily summarizes Satan’s message to church people. Contrary to popular opinion, First Peter 1:15,16 and First John 2:3-5; 3:1-10 are not sweet-sounding platitudes to be read and ignored. They are Truths to be believed.
Both members of the Godhead (the God family) have existed eternally (Ps.90:2/ Heb. 1:8; 10:2/ 1 Tim. 1:17). It is impossible for the human mind to comprehend how these Two supreme Beings could have existed forever. But neither do we understand gravity. There were things that, as a man, Jesus did not know. Recall that, upon being asked when He would return to earth, He confessed that He did not know. However, GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. Jesus as not a God while on earth. A God cannot die. Jesus died. The man Jesus had divested Himself of His divinity when He came to earth as a human being (Phil. 2:5-8). He got tired, hungry, thirsty, dirty, sleepy, etc. just as we do. He did what others could not do and knew what others did not know because of His relationship with His Father, Who is also the Father of His true saints. Jesus confessed this Truth when He said, “I can of Myself do nothing …. My Father does the works” (in and through Him). That same situation is available to those whom God has called to His ministry. Not only is that power available, they are expected to use it. Recall that on one occasion Jesus scolded the disciples for not stilling a storm (Mat. 8:23-26). In another instance He chastised them for not healing a boy (Mat. 17:15-18). In Matthew 14:25-32 He chastised Peter for losing his faith AFTER HE (PETER) HAD WALKIED ON WATER. He is the Lord; He does not change. What He does through one, He will do through others, IF, that is, the “others” obey Him as did Jesus.
Why did the Word come to earth as a flesh and blood human being? Read John 3:17,17; Romans 5:6-10 and Hebrews 2:9,10. Because His Father was a God and His mother was a human being, Jesus was both the “Son of God” and the “Son of man.” This great former God (the Word) sacrificed Himself for the sins of all mankind so that others could come to know who God is, receive His Holy Spirit and be born into His family (Rom. 8:29; Heb. 2:11).
What does God look like? To answer that question we need only look into a mirror. Genesis 1:26 tells us that God created man in His own image and likeness. This tells us that both members of the Godhead look like mankind in general. We know from Scripture that God has a face, eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears, hair, arms, legs, hands and fingers. God also has a mind. In all respects, you are very much like God. In Matthew 26:47-49 we learn that Jesus looked every bit like the men around Him. When the multitude came to capture Him, Judas had to identify Him. When asked to reveal what the Father looked like, Jesus said that when people saw Him they were seeing the Father. Father and Son were alike in every way except that one was the Father and one was His Son (Jn. 14:9).
Though God looks like a man, He is composed of spirit (Jn. 4:24). He is therefore invisible to the human eye (1 Tim. 1:17). Both God’s and Christ’s appearances are described as glorious in John 17:5. Revelation 1:13-18 describes Jesus’ appearance as having a face as bright as the sun in its full strength. His eyes are as flames of fire. His feet are like burnished brass and His hair is as white as snow. And following our rebirth from flesh to spirit, we will look exactly as He does. We will also, like Him, be visible and invisible at will. As John tells us, “We will be like Him for we will see Him as He is” (1 Jn. 3:2). L.J.
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