“What is truth?” The question was put to Jesus of Nazareth while on trial for preaching God’s Word to people who did not want to hear it (John 18:38). Instead of waiting for His answer, Pilate, His Roman inquisitor, immediately left the room and went outside where he asked the mob of Jesus haters what they wanted done to the One who was on trial for proclaiming the Truth they hated so deeply. Moments earlier Jesus had told Pilate that He (Jesus) had come into the world to bear witness to that despised Truth, and that those who heard His voice were hearing that Truth. Pilate’s response was: “What is Truth?” And like those who have come after him, he refused to hear that Truth spoken by the Bearer of all spiritual Truth–Jesus Christ. Afterwards His death the masses would also hate those whom He would use to speak His Truth until His return. He tells us in Luke 10:16 that those who reject His Word prove that they despise (hate) both Himself and His Father. In Deuteronomy 5:9 and 7:9,10 we find Him saying to Israel that to walk in iniquity (Lawlessness–hatred of His Word) was to prove their hatred of Him. In 7:9,10 Moses reminded them, and us, that those who do not “love Him (God) and keep (obey) His commandments (the Law) will suffer at His hands. In John 14:15,23 Jesus declared that we must prove our love for Him by obeying His Law (vs 15), which He calls His Word in verse 23. In Matthew 19:17 He said that in order to receive eternal life one must obey His commandments (Law/Word/Gospel/Truth). This series will prove that God’s Law, His Gospel and His Word are all one and the same from Genesis to Revelation.. This is why Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the Law and the writings of the prophets, but rather to fulfill them (Mat. 5:17),
In the series titled Persecution we find Jesus warning true believers that what they believed, spoke and wrote would be hated by the religious masses whom He called “the world.” The world’s unreligious would ignore it. As Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” What people hated during the times of the prophets and the times of Christ, people will hate in the end times. Hatred among human beings began with Adam and Eve and has infected mankind ever since. What man hates most is God’s Holy Word.
Religious man’s hatred of God’s Words, thereby proving his hatred of Him, explains why Jesus only had about 120 followers when He established His church on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. Again, churchman, hates His Words, except those that fit into man’s religious narrative. Those words are known as “church doctrine.” Some of that doctrine is found in the Introduction to this website. An examination of those “truths” reveals why religious man hates God’s Truth–it is the antithesis of man’s truth.
“You will know the (one and only spiritual) Truth and the (that one and only) Truth will set you free,” meaning free from Scriptural error. These Words were spoken by Jesus to a group of Jews who “believed in Him” (John 8:31,32). Jesus then shared some of His Truth for approximately one minute. Upon hearing His Words these people who “believed in Him” accused Him of having a devil. Some 30 seconds later, after hearing more of His Words, they took up stones to kill him.
In another instance we find a ruler of the Pharisees named Nicodemus calling Jesus a “rabbi (teacher) and admitting that the Pharisees knew that, “… You are a man sent from God” (Jn. 3:1,2). Nevertheless, they would later be instrumental in putting Him to death. Why? They hated the Man “sent from God” because of His message.
In two other instances great multitudes heard Him speak, were fed by Him, had their diseases cured and their demons cast out by Him. Counting women and children, these masses probably numbered in the 30-40,000 range. Where were these “great multitudes” when His enemies were shouting “crucify Him, crucify Him?” That many people could have affected Pilate’s decision. Question: what was it that reversed the attitude of tens of thousands of people for whom He had done so many wonderful things? Answer: HIS WORDS. In answering His disciple’s question as to why He spoke to the masses in parables which they could not understand, He replied that they had hardened their hearts, closed their ears and eyes to what He said (Mat. 13:9-15). As it is written, He knew their hearts and the hearts of all men (Acts 1:24). The multitudes followed Him for what they could get from Him. His message was rejected when it did not line up with what they believed. Sound familiar?
It should, for that is exactly what people do when they hear or read God’s un-filtered Truth. There is an automatic rejection of the unfamiliar. This is the normal human response to people and situations that are different from the norm. This human trait is called the “normalcy bias.” Man prefers that which is familiar (normal). We naturally trust in the familiar/normal and gravitate to it. This is also true in the spiritual sense. I naturally gravitate to those who speak the Biblical Truth, which is why I avoid Catholic and Protestant churches. Nor do I listen to their t.v. or radio messages. Except, that is, when God arranges for me to do so. In those rare occasions He has a lesson for me to share with my readers and hearers. He is very sly in the way He does this. For example, I do not normally watch entertainment television. However a few days ago I was sitting in our living room during prime time when the two false prophets I mentioned in the previous series came on peddling their version of salvation. As I reported earlier, they guaranteed salvation, rebirth and rapture-readiness simply by repeating the words they would utter. As noted, their respective prayers were 10 and 11 seconds long. As one of them told his audience, “You’re only a prayer away from salvation.” Just repeat the speakers’ spoon-fed words. No study needed; no change of spiritual direction, no race to run, no rules to obey, no sins to quit, no righteousness to manifest–just “repeat after me.” If Jesus had only known this He could have saved Himself the time and effort it took to preach the Sermon on the Mount. He and the apostles could have died in their ripe of ages if they had not insisted on delivering their message. All was well as long as they were feeding the people, healing the sick and casting out devils. It was the message they delivered that sealed their doom. Nothing has changed.
As this series will bear out, it is the message–the actual Words of God–that repulse the masses who call themselves the children of God. These are they whom the Apostle Paul compared to beautifully decorated tombs–pretty on the outside but hideous inside. Why? BECAUSE THEY REJECTED GOD’S WORDS. God’s Words were unfamiliar to them because they never got past the “headlines.” As we will see, the men of Berea had the right attitude toward a message they had never heard before. Let us look to their example for guidance in our search for God’s Truth.
Memory verse: Galatians 3:19: The sacrificial law was added because of transgressions”–the people of Israel refused to keep the Ten Commandments. Originally, the Law was perfect, therefore the Lord “added no more” to it (Deut. 5:1-22–note vs 22). It was this added, animal sacrificing law that was nailed to the cross of Christ Who made this plain during the Last Supper. L.J.
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