As has been shown in previous postings, an open-hearted study of God’s Word will prove to the honest seeker of Truth that WORKS ARE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO QUALIFY FOR SALVATION. Those who have been shown this Truth but reject it always pose the question: Can we earn salvation by our own works? In a word: NO. In Ephesians 2:8,9 and Romans 6:23 we are told that it is by God’s grace that we are saved through faith, that salvation, grace and faith are gifts from God, and that eternal life is not earned by man’s works. Philippians 2:13 reminds the Truth-hungry God-seeker that it is God Who places His will in him, then manifests His will in and through him. Confused? Join the masses, including this Truth-seeker. I struggled mightily but fruitlessly against Satan until the light of Truth penetrated my heart. And then the war is not over. As anyone who has been truly converted will attest, Satan never stops trying to seduce his former slaves. But the battles have been won; our part is to allow the Victor to continue to win on our behalf. God shows us how to do that.
Eternal life is a free gift from God. However, though the gift is free, it does not come without obligations on the part of the recipient. While it is impossible to earn salvation by personal works, a lack of works can and will cause the believer to be denied it. The parable of the pounds (Lk. 19:11-27) tells us that we have responsibilities (works) to perform in order to receive our crown upon His return. This parable tells of a “certain Nobleman” (Jesus Christ) who had gone into a “far country” (heaven) where He received His inheritance (the earthly Kingdom of God). See The Kingdom of God. Upon His return (Christ’s second advent) He acknowledged both those who had correctly managed the “talents” (works) He had assigned them and those who had failed to do so. Notice that the Nobleman welcomed the “workers” (obedient ones) into His kingdom, but then killed those who failed to do their assigned “works.” Recall that both the righteous and the wicked were “His servants” (His people) prior to His departure. Note also that He called those who failed to do the assigned “work” “My enemies” who did not want Him to “reign over them.” They, like those in the Institutional Church today, want Jesus to be their Savior, but not their Lord. They want Him to send them rain, but refuse to allow Him to reign over them. Satan has deceived them into believing that Jesus is indeed what they want Him to be (Rev. 12:9). Now let us allow God to identify the works He commands of us. I will leave this segment with a quote from Jesus found in Revelation 22:12: “And behold I come quickly (His second advent), and My reward (salvation) is with Me, to give to every man according to his WORKS.” No works=no salvation.
The Lord tells us that in order to receive eternal life we must rid ourselves of the sins that had kept us separated from Him throughout our pre-conversion life. By enticing us to sin, Satan had enslaved us and kept us in his camp. We must reject and overcome all ungodly habits, words, thoughts and acts that, if not conquered, will lead us to our deaths (Rom. 6:23). Note this fact: No amount of religiosity (Bible study, prayer, giving, witnessing, praying, fasting, preaching, church-attending, Scripture-quoting, Bible-toting, cross-wearing, etc.) will save us if we do not eliminate sin from our lives. But how do we do this?
No amount of struggle, work, effort, self-condemnation, etc. on our part can remove sin from our lives and keep it out. Trust me, I have the self-inflicted spiritual scars to prove that point. I have great willpower, but without the power of God (His Holy Spirit) operating within me, I am no match for Satan. And neither is anyone else–NOT EVEN JESUS OF NAZARETH Who admitted: “I can of Myself do nothing.” “I must work the works of Him Who sent Me.” Now note Who does the works: “He that dwells in Me, He does the works.” As Jesus readily admitted, He could not conquer the influences of the world, the flesh and the devil by His own human strength. See Jesus Christ: God, Man or Godman. To be continued. L.J.
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