Most people involved in professing Christendom believe that Christian faith consists of believing that Jesus Christ existed, that He came to earth to live among men where He died for the sins of mankind. Consequently, there is nothing left for them to do in that Jesus did everything that needs to be done in order for them to be saved. This is not what God said in the Holy Bible. This is false, Satan-generated faith.
The Apostle Paul refuted the above definition of faith in his letter to the church at Philippi when he reminded the parishioners that Jesus became one with them–a flesh and blood man–and did everything they must do in order to be accepted by the Father. Paul told the Philippians (2:5-7,12) to “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Let that statement sink in–WE ARE TO BE LIKE-MINDED WITH JESUS CHRIST, to think as He thought, to have the SAME MIND (1 Cor. 2:16). Having the same mental faculties as Jesus, the Philippians were to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.” Note that he did not tell them to faith out their salvation, but rather to WORK it out. Having a change of heart and completing a prescribed ritual does not save the soul. If given the job of digging a ditch, having faith that the ditch will be dug by someone else does not get it dug. Only a shovel and a lot of work on our part will get it dug. See Hope and Salvation.
In his second letter to the church, the Apostle Peter begins with a litany of things that the believer must DO in order to be “partakers of the divine nature”–the nature needed to affect salvation. Beginning in verse four of the first chapter, Peter lists a number of virtues one must WORK toward and accomplish. In verse eight he reminds us that “IF THESE THINGS BE IN YOU (church members) AND ABOUND” we will not fail to be fruitful for the Lord. However, as he states in verse nine, if one lacks these things (works) he is blind and is living in sin. In verse ten Peter says under the power of the Holy Spirit: “Wherefore … brethren, … MAKE your calling and election SURE (by doing these works), for IF YOU DO (WORK) THESE THINGS YOU WILL NEVER FALL.” Note the use of the words “if,” “do,” “fall” and “work” relative to salvation. The Lord gets even more emphatic relative to works-salvation connection when speaking through the Apostle James. In James 1:22,23 we are commanded to be “DOERS of the WORD and not hearers only,” for in so doing we deceive ourselves. In James 1:25 we are commanded to be “DOERS of the WORK.” In James 4:11 we are told to be DOERS of the LAW. God equates DOING with WORKING. He also equates the WORD, THE WORK AND THE LAW.
Immediately upon initial conversion (not salvation) there are things a Christian must begin to do and continue to do throughout their lives. The Christian walk involves WORKS; it involves DOING THINGS that will result in OVERCOMING SATAN, which is necessary for salvation. This was made clear by Jesus in Revelation 3:21: “To him that OVERCOMES (Satan) I will grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I OVERCAME and am set down with My Father in His throne.” Note that in order for Jesus to sit with the Father on His throne He had to overcome Satan. The same is required of us. In 1 John 2:14 the apostle notes that in order to overcome Satan the Word of God must abide in us. The Word abides in us only when we study, believe and obey it–when we DO the Word. To be continued. L.J.
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