In the Scriptures Jesus is called “the Word of God” (Jn. 1:1-4,14/Rev. 19:13). Before coming to earth in human form He was God’s Word in spirit form. While on earth He was God’s Word in human form. Having been born again (changed from flesh to spirit-see Born Again), He is once again God’s Word in spirit form. The Bible is the Godhead in written form. Faith is belief in the Bible. GOD, HIS WORD, JESUS CHRIST AND FAITH ARE SYNONYMOUS AND INSEPARABLE.
In order to qualify for eternal life one must accept the above statement and live accordingly–one must have unwavering faith that God’s Word is Truth as Jesus said it was (Jn. 17:17). God arranged to have His Truth/Word/Will/Way preserved in written form in order to provide a spiritual road map to His kingdom. In John 8:38-44 Jesus said He came to teach that map exactly as His Father had given it to Him. He went on to say that those who refuse to follow God’s map have Satan as their father, making them incapable of believing God’s Word. These people have faith in Satan’s lies, Adam and Eve being their role models. To further drive home the Word-faith-salvation connection, Jesus said in John 12:48-50 that to reject His Words is to reject both Himself and His Father in that the Father gave Him the Words He spoke (personally as well as through the prophets and apostles). He went on to say that all men will be judged by His Words (the Bible). Only those who believe and obey them can be saved in that “… HIS COMMANDMENT (LAW) IS EVERLASTING LIFE.” Note it: To qualify for eternal life one must obey the Ten Commandment Law.
Jesus of Nazareth was God’s messenger of the New Covenant. He came to tell those who will listen to, believe and obey His message how to qualify for eternal life. In Matthew 19:16-19 He tells us that those requirements include believing and obeying the Ten Commandment Law. To one who asked about those requirements, He replied: “… if you want to enter (eternal) life, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS.” When asked which ones, Jesus began to voice the Ten Commandments. His questioner cut Him off, stating that he had kept all ten commandments from his youth. Satisfied that he had done so, Jesus told the man that only one thing stood between him and salvation. Note that Jesus Himself equated obedience to the Ten Commandment Law with eternal life. The Institutional Church calls this statement a lie. Ironically, the “lie” was spoken by the One she claims cannot lie. And if this statement is a lie, how many more of God’s statements are lies? According to professing Christendom–scores of them.
According to the Words of Jesus Christ Himself, faith in God necessitates obedience to His Ten Commandment Law. Note that #4 (His Sabbath commandment) is not an exception. See The Mark Of The Beast. In James 2:10,11 the Lord states emphatically that to break one of the commandments is to break them all. Doing so makes one a worker of iniquity (Gr.-lawless), whom Jesus will reject on Judgment Day (Mat. 7:21-23). The Ten Commandment Law is the heart of the Lord’s gospel. Without faith in and obedience to that Law one is not a child of God and has no hope of eternal life. See God’s Royal Law. God says that His Law is alive and must be obeyed; Satan claims that God nailed the Law to the cross and is to be ignored. SOMEONE IS LYING/SOMEONE IS TELLING THE TRUTH. We must each decide which is which.
In John 15:10 Jesus makes an astounding statement. HE SAID THAT HE REMAINED IN GOD’S LOVE BECAUSE HE KEPT HIS COMMANDMENTS. And that in order to remain in His (Jesus’) love, WE MUST KEEP THOSE SAME COMMANDMENTS. Therefore, THE LOVE OF THE FATHER AND THE SON FOR MAN DEPENDS ON MAN’S KEEPING OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (INCLUDING #4). To deny this is to make liars out of both God the Father and God the Son. The two billion plus people trapped in Catholicism/Protestantism do this continually while calling themselves Christians. More irony–they claim to believe the very Bible they say is filled with lies. See the Introduction to this website. Having a counterfeit god, counterfeit savior, counterfeit faith, counterfeit church and counterfeit salvation, they are, by God’s definition, counterfeit Christians. THUS SAYS THE LORD IN HIS WORD. To be continued. L.J.
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