Ephesians 2:8 tells us that the faith of Jesus Christ, the only faith by which we can be saved, is a gift from God as an expression of His grace. Galatians 5:22 tells us that God-given faith comes from having His Holy Spirit abiding within us. In summary: Christ’s faith saves us as He gives us His faith through His Holy Spirit that abides within us. How does this infusion of faith take place? What are His requirements for receiving His Holy Spirit and saving faith? Let us go to God’s Word for the answer.
In order to receive the Holy Spirit and the faith of Jesus Christ which places us on the path to eternal life we must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the removal of all past sins (Acts 2:38); we must obey God (Acts 5:32); we must have faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 20:21); we must make the iron-clad decision to stop sinning, to reject our old way of life, to obey God’s commandments and to show our own faith in the belief in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Upon accepting Him as both our Lord (ruling master) and Savior, God then gives us His Holy Spirit through which He grants us the faith of Jesus Christ which saves us IF we continue on our kingdom-bound walk to the end of life or His return, whichever comes first (Mat. 10:21,22). In this passage Jesus warns us that if we do all of the above we will be hated, despised and ostracized by professing Christendom whose darkness we will expose by being His light. Only those who continue standing for Him in the face of the church’s persecution will be saved at His return.
Here is a warning from Jesus Christ found in Matthew 7:1-15: The instantly-received, “come as you are, stay as you are,” “any way you want it” brand of salvation offered by the Counterfeit Church (Catholicism/Protestantism) is the product of Satan–the father of lies. In times past we have all been led by false prophets through Satan’s wide gate and along his broad way that leads to death. This took place while our families and churchmates assured us that we had entered the strait gate and were walking the narrow way that would lead us to our heavenly mansion (Mat. 7:13-15). This universal church doctrine is condemned by God in His Holy Scriptures.
There is no short-cut to salvation. Initially, we must express our faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ–that His shed blood paid the death penalty for our sins. But contrary to church doctrine, our faith in this fact does not save us; nor does our acceptance of Him as our Savior; nor does the reception of His Holy Spirit; nor does His awarding to us of His faith. The aforementioned, plus OBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD, if continued until the end, will produce eternal life. To be continued. L.J.
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