Why did Jesus preach and tell His apostles and future apostles to preach one basic message–the earthly Kingdom of God? Because that is where true saints will spend eternity with Him and the Father. As we are told repeatedly in the Scriptures, to enter that kingdom requires more than faith in Jesus Christ; it requires the believer to do WORKS. This Biblical Truth is universally rejected by professing Christendom, which is the primary reason why the Institutional Church, barring mass repentance and conversion, will not enter God’s Kingdom upon Christ’s second advent. This is “a hard saying” (Jn. 6:60) for those who have been told all their lives that, having believed in Jesus Christ and accepting Him as one’s Savior, salvation is both automatic and irreversible. Jesus refuted this Satanically-inspired “truth” many times. For example, following a short statement concerning “fruit” production (works), He said: “Not every one that says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter into the Kingdom of heaven, but he that DOES (works) the will of My Father which is in heaven.” He went on to say that He will reject those who claim Him as their Savior but do not produce the WORK OF OBEDIENCE TO HIS LAW–who work iniquity–who HEAR HIS WORDS BUT DO NOT DO (WORK) THEM. These uber-religious people, He warns, will fall because their sand-based foundation (church doctrine) will not support them when Satan attacks (Mat. 7:16-27). Those who believe that Jesus has done it all for them will not enter God’s Kingdom. Paul confirms the need for works in 1 Corinthians 7:19 where he declares that the most important thing a Christian can do is TO OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD–the Ten Commandment Law. Jesus made this clear in his dealings with the young ruler and the lawyer who asked Him what they must do to inherit eternal life. He told both of them to obey (work) the Law.
Another, perhaps the most important, thing one must do is to have love in his heart. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:1-8,13 that without love we are nothing, even if we give everything, including our lives, to God. The word “charity” refers to godly love. In Romans 13:8-10 we learn that love will lead us to keep God’s Ten Commandments–ALL of them, including #4. John gives us God’s definition of love: “By this we know that we love the children of God–when we love God and KEEP (D0) HIS (TEN) COMMANDMENTS. For this is (proof of our having) the love of God–that we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS” (1 Jn. 5:2,3). The apostle also wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit: “… whoso keeps (works/does) His Word, in him verily is the love of God perfected; HEREBY (BY KEEPING–WORKING–HIS WORD) WE DO KNOW THAT WE KNOW HIM.” These passages clearly show that one must obey (work) the Law in order to know the Lord. Those who do not know Him will not live with Him in His Father’s earthly kingdom–paradise. This is the same Law the church has “nailed to the cross” and declared null and void. See God’s Royal Law.
Because I do not practice Religious Correctness, but am direct and to the point, I have been accused of not having Christian love. But why else would I do what I do? With extremely rare exception, all I get out of this ministry is hate and rejection from those to whom I minister. I ask nothing from anyone. My only reward is assurance from my heavenly Father and His Son that They approve of me. You might call my attitude and actions “tough love.” It is extremely tough to “give freely what I have been given”–God’s Truth (Mat. 10:8) only to receive rejection in return, even from my family and those who once were my close friends. But, being a student of the Bible, I knew this going in. See Persecution. My only request is that readers and hearers take on the attitude of the noble Bereans and SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES to determine if what I say and write is of the Lord (Acts 17:11). If those of you who work so hard trying to hack into this website would spend that time studying God’s Word you might learn His Truth and embrace it. But if the future is anything like the past, you will not do so. Instead you will continue in your attempts to destroy God’s work. To be continued. L.J.
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