I want to be perfectly clear relative to the identity of those in Group A and Group B written about in the previous postings. Having been part of Group B for most of my life, I know them well. Having been part of Group A for the past decade or so, I also know them well. Those in Group A know who they are and know that they are minutely few, numbering only in the thousands world-wide. The problem is that those in Group B, who number in the billions, believe that they are in Group A, and that those who are actually in Group A are religious reprobates who, if they have ever known God, have rejected Him as did the five foolish virgins written about in Matthew 25. Several years ago I pointed out the light-and-darkness difference between the two groups in a newspaper article. Not to my surprise, I received a pastoral letter telling me that I had left God and had “fallen from grace.” Another pastor also wrote me a letter but was kinder and more merciful, going so far as to invite me to visit his church where I could hear the REAL truth of God. While there I could get saved, be born again, qualify for the rapture, etc. The words of the two false prophets made it clear that, in my present spiritual condition, hell was my future destination. I also received a phone call that differed little from the two letters. This attitude, which is embraced by the whole of professing Christendom, brings forth some questions.
What was it that prompted these “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:13-15), the caller and many others who had been less vocal to tell me how far from God I had drifted? What was it that, in their eyes, made me a spiritual outcast in the eyes of God? What was it that had placed me on the path leading to the Lake of Fire? My supposed soul-destroying sin was that I QUOTED GOD’S WORD IN EVERY EXAMPLE I USED TO PROVE THAT THE CHURCH (GROUP B) WAS IN REBELLION AGAINST GOD AND IN LEAGUE WITH SATAN. This most egregious of “sins” had placed me second only to Satan himself on God’s reprobate list. Family, friends and former churchmates have let me know in no uncertain terms that my publicly-stated, Biblically-proven statements are not in line with their version of Christianity. This comes as no surprise in that, from the Bible, that darkness hates light.
I know from personal experience that those who responded to the newspaper article were speaking for everyone who knew me or knew about me. Ironically, these were (and still are) among the most religious, Bible-toting, Scripture-quoting,, cross-wearing, smile-implanted people on the planet. Recall that the Truth-speaking, dead-raising, food-multiplying, body and mind-healing, water-walking, nature-controlling, tree-killing, mind-reading, wine-making, sin-forgiving Son of God’s most outspoken critics were the members of the religious hierarchy who claimed to be expert in all things spiritual. Has anything changed in the religious world since then? No.
But there is one aspect of God’s Bible Truth that is about to change. The Book of Acts (of the apostles) is the recorded history of the highest level of God’s miraculous activities that have taken place in this age. But that will not always be the case, if, that is, we can take Christ at His Word. In John 14:10-12 Jesus makes an incredible statement that I have never heard preached on or written about by anyone other than myself. Here Jesus is speaking to His disciples about the future–the end of the age–the time in which we are living. We pick up the narrative in mid-statement: “… the WORDS that I speak to you I do not speak of Myself, but the Father Who dwells within Me, He does the WORKS.” Note that Father and Son equate Their WORDS and Their WORKS. The WORDS Jesus spoke (the Bible) and were recorded by their prophets and apostles are WORKS that have been, are being, or will be WORKED (done). “Verily, verily (Truth, Truth), I say to you (and us), he who believes in Me (believes His Words), THE WORKS THAT I DO HE WILL DO ALSO, AND GREATER WORKS THAN THESE HE WILL DO.” Read James 2:10,14,17,18,20, 24,26 for proof that FAITH (BELIEVING God’s Word/Law–Rom. 10:19) is tied directly to WORKS (DOING God’s Word/Law–Rom. 2:13/Jam. 1:22). Faith (belief) without works (action) is dead faith. We live by our faith (Hab. 2:4). Faith is a spiritual entity. Therefore, spiritually dead faith produces a spiritually dead believer.
Man has never seen what the world’s masses will witness in the near future. By way of television, the internet and whatever else will be available by that time, the world will watch John 14:12 manifested before their eyes and in real time. Everything Jesus did while on earth will be duplicated as God works through His true ministers exactly as He did through Jesus of Nazareth–“AND EVEN GREATER THINGS WILL THEY DO.” THIS IS THE SON OF GOD TALKING TO US. Can take Him at His Word? I can and I do. If I am hearing the Lord correctly, I will be in the middle of what will take place within a few years. This move of the Holy Spirit will make the Book of Acts pale by comparison. As this is going on, those in Group B and their leaders will be exposed for what they are–misguided, misled, manipulated and maligned God seekers who are marching to the religious cadence put forth by the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4).
Reminder: I offer free of charge a complete list of the series titles that are available on this website. The titles number in the hundreds and involve over 2000 postings. For a copy of these titles, email me at lpj4142@gmail.com I will not contact you afterwards unless asked to do so. L.J.
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