I recently listened to a Muslim terrorist who spoke for all such terrorists. His words hit me in the face like a right cross. He said that Muslim terrorists fervently wish for HARDSHIP. Why? BECAUSE IT KEEPS THEIR MINDS FOCUSED ON THEIR GOD. This is why they destroy everything they win in war. This is why they don’t mind the sacrifice they have to make to satisfy Alla’. There is a message for the Western so-called Christian world. I like good food, a nice home, a nice car, nice clothes, etc. as much as the next reasonable person. But the West’s attitude toward these things reveals why Islam is winning the hearts and minds of millions world-wide and why they are winning in the Middle East and North Africa. This is why they will defeat the West. THEY WANT ABOVE ALL THINGS TO PLEASE THEIR GOD. I once told the Muslims in my sociology class that, though I reject their religion, I greatly admired their dedication to Alla’. I also told them that if self-professed Christians were as dedicated to their God as were the Muslims, the West would have no real problems. I was right then and I’m still right–the so-called church takes the Biblical God for granted. He is around only to serve them. Obeying Him is an impossibility, and even if one could, why bother? The fix is in; everyone is saved. Just show up, pay up, ‘fess up and get ready to go up. Salvation is guaranteed if one simply stays the course. The West’s focus is on more, better, bigger, etc. Terrorists’ focus on less, smaller, worse SO THAT THEIR MINDS WILL STAY ON THEIR GOD and “not on the things of the earth.” Oh that the Counterfeit Church would learn from Satan’s people the true meaning of discipleship. Isn’t it a tragedy that the God-denying heathen should serve as the church’s example? I am ashamed for so-called Christendom. Reader, please examine your priorities. I promise that I will do so. Let us forsake our need for a bigger house (mine is 44 years old), a newer car (mine is 16 years old), fancier clothes (probably 90% of my clothes were purchased at Goodwill, etc.). I try to live what I profess. But at times I fail and feel sorry for myself. I ask God’s forgiveness when I do. I trust that you do the same. Let us focus our entire lives on the Lord and His Way as dictated in His Word. L.J.
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