Having proven that all societies whose rules are formulated by men without regard to the Creator God eventually fail, let us focus on the most hypocritical of all nations–the United States of America. On November 6 of this year the voters will choose between two would-be kings (or a king and a queen), one of whom will become their dictator come next January. Question: What happened to the God-centered, Bible-believing American mind-set of old? How did the nation founded on God’s moral principles come to find herself in the condition in which she finds herself? Answer: As did her ancient ancestors, she chose to heed Lucifer’s voice and ignore the voice of the Lord Who formed her, established her and blessed her for so many years. As a result of her spiritual demise, the United States will suffer the same fate as her Israelite ancestors. See White Fields. Again, what happened?
One can trace the beginning of America’s demise to the latter 1800’s when the Industrial Revolution thrust her onto the world stage. Immediately her rapid success went to her head, causing her to become absorbed by her own pride. The Lord tried to remind her of her dependence on Him by involving her in World War I. Following the “war to end all wars,” the nation, having supposedly won the conflict by her own power and might, turned inward and began worshiping the works of her own hands while satisfying the cravings of her own flesh. The result was the “Roaring 20’s,” a decade of national sin and degradation unheard-of before that era. Several times since then God has tried to bring America to her senses by orchestrating such events as the Great Depression, the attacks by German U-boats, the attack on Pearl Harbor, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, periodic financial meltdowns, 9/11, involvement in the Middle East and now the war with Islam that will usher in World War III. God has numerous methods of speaking to sinning man. “Acts of nature” such as droughts, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, fires, etc. are designed to get man’s attention. See Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? In spite of these warnings from God, America refuses to turn to Him and welcome Him as her King and Ruler. Satan having convinced everyone who has ever “surrendered to Jesus” that they are saved and born again, religious man does not realize that in order to live with his Savior in the next life, Jesus must be man’s Lord in this life. Man simply refuses to believe God’s Word. See Hope and Salvation. As a result of man’s rebellion, God is today “tightening the screws” by sending ever more destructive “acts of nature” man’s way. His latest move is to plant within America’s (along with the entire Western World) midst those who will eventually bring her down. The Trojan Horse of old has a modern counterpart–the Muslim Bomber. What is the United States to do? America’s answer: hire a dictator.
Indeed a dictator is coming who will solve all the world’s problems–albeit temporarily. Biblically he is known as the Antichrist, a man who will satisfy the world’s craving for a worldly master–a human messiah who will gain the praise of the world’s inhabitants. The Antichrist will lead a “Beast” government and will move at the behest of a False Prophet–the leader of a one-world church. The union of the world’s masses and these two men will appear to be a match made in heaven. However, the honeymoon will be short lived. Together they will sink the world into the most horrific time of terror mankind has ever experienced. Man’s self-eradication will be prevented only by the return of Jesus Christ to establish His Father’s earthly kingdom. Only then will peace reign on earth. Until that time the world’s inhabitants will continue to proclaim their heart’s desire for a human king. Or in the case of the U.S., a queen. A queen America wants–a queen America will get. This queen will pick up where her predecessor left off–she will finish the job he began by completing the total destruction of the United States. God gives men the government they desire. The United States deserves the government she has and the one she is about to have. Having sown the wind, she must now reap the whirlwind. L.J.
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