In the previous series of postings I once again pointed out that the United States, among other “Christian” nations, will be defeated and destroyed in the near future. I have also pointed out on this website that the reason for the defeat and destruction of the Western world involves ungodly leadership–first from the church, then from the political class. I have also pointed out that, like lemmings headed toward the cliff, the people of these self-proclaimed “Christian nations” have, with open arms, embraced the ungodly spiritual and political leadership Satan has provided. The purpose of this series of postings is to explain that what we are seeing in the current political arena, specifically in the United States, is symptomatic of two age-old spiritual problems–mans desire to choose his own god, and man’s desire to be god. The American public and the two front-runners in the presidential race perfectly exhibit these Satan-inspired traits: 1) Americans want a human god and 2) two Americans want to be their human god. Having lived under a self-professed, mass-worshiped flesh and blood god for seven plus years, thinking Americans assumed that the majority of voters would reject both would-be deities. Not so. One of them will survive the election process to rule, not lead, the nation. Hint: She will do so with an iron fist. Why will the people choose such a tyrant to rule them? Because the majority of Americans want someone to tell them what to do, when, where and how to do it, and to provide what they need to do it. Because of this attitude Americans have become willing subjects for whatever king (or queen) will promise to take care of them. One hears much about ABT (“Anyone But Trump”) and ABH (“Anyone But Hillary”) coming from the American masses. What one does not hear is the underlying truth about the entire leadership (read rulership) situation–the American populace is silently shouting “ABG” (anyone but God). The purpose of these postings is to reveal where the rejection of the Creator God and the desire for human rulership had their beginning.
One of the most observable traits of mortal man is his insistence on being ruled by an earthly being– someone like himself. But this is not a modern phenomenon. Nor is it strictly a human characteristic. We must return to the beginning of creation to find where this deadly spiritual disease is first mentioned. Here we will learn that angels were the first of God’s created beings to exhibit its symptoms.
But first there was rejoicing. In Job 38:1-7 we find God describing His greatness and majesty to His suffering servant, telling him that He not only created the earth, but that upon seeing it the angels shouted for joy. By this we know that angels predated the creation of the earth. Further reading in the Scriptures reveals that angels were the first of God’s creation to insist on being ruled by one of their own–a created being like themselves. The irony of this situation is that they, like their future human counterparts, wanted the One who created them to be subservient to the entity He created! This is the first recorded example of the tail-wags-dog syndrome that has not merely survived unto the present age, but has actually gained in popularity. As will be shown by this study, man’s ultimate desire is self-rulership–MAN INSISTS ON BEING HIS OWN GOD. And as will also be shown, man has granted himself his ultimate desire. To be continued. L.J.
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