The war between the children of God and the one who would steal them from Him began in the Garden of Eden and has continued non-stop ever since. At one point the would-be god, known as the Serpent or Satan, had spiritually killed every human being on earth except eight people. His success was so overwhelming that the Creator God had to destroy everyone except those eight people. The people’s sins were so great that they had even infected the natural world.
Since that time the human race has increased exponentially in size as the war continues to rage. Over the millenniums the false god–Satan–has continued his winning ways. The only reason the Creator God has not killed off most of Satan’s victims is for the sake of a tiny group of true followers whom He calls His Very Elect, His remnant, His chosen, His kingdom of holy priests whom He characterizes as “peculiar” (1 Pet. 2:9). That they are few in number was prophesied by His Son in Matthew 7:13,14; 22:14. The question is, why are there so few? The answer is spiritual.
A decade or so ago I began to notice a rise in the number of strange behaviors and statements by people who, in the past, would have been placed in what had traditionally been known as “insane asylums” where the mentally deranged were protected and cared for so that they could not harm themselves or others. Families having such members kept them hidden as much as possible. The general public looked upon them with pity, or in some cases, fear. This has changed. Today, the farther removed from normality a person is the more he/she is exalted and revered. The question is, why? Want fame? Want to be the focus of t.v. talk shows and specials? Want to be elevated to rock star status? Do something totally insane on a regular basis. Again, why? Why have such people become so popular?
The answer is, again, spiritual. The Apostle Paul warns us in Ephesians 6:12 that we are at war, not against flesh and blood, but against powerful spirits, against spiritual wickedness in high place. This wickedness is being performed by real, live, spiritual beings, namely Satan and his fallen angels, Biblically known as devils or demons. The major problem concerning these enemies of mankind is three-fold: (1) most people do not believe they exist; (2) others have embraced their powers in their lives and exhibit their effects for the world to see; and (3) others recognize that something is terribly wrong but do not know what to do about it.
An important factor in the proliferation of the activities and influences these forces are having in the lives of human beings is that they are usually passed off “quirky” but “just the way life is.” It is true that some level of craziness has always been part of the human experience. This ho-hum attitude has summed up the normal reaction to those strange people living among the rest of humankind. But of late there has been an up-tick in the amount and extent of the unusual behavior that is seen every night on the evening news and read in newspapers and magazines.
The lunacy exhibited by the human species has grown so persuasive that the public is no longer shocked when someone drives cross-country and guns down innocent strangers, or a group of teenagers destroy a place of business simply for the fun of it, or someone shoves someone else into the path of an oncoming train, or someone tries to open an airplane door while in flight, or …. The insanity continues and is not only increasing in numbers of incidences, but in the types of behavior exhibited. The general public cannot understand it. Those in charge are not allowed to stop it for fear of trampling on the civil rights of the perpetrators. Again, why? What is happening to the human race? Again, the answer is spiritual. Let us look into this global problem from a spiritual, meaning Biblical, standpoint. Again, we will focus on America for she is leading in the spread of and extent of what is happening to a world gone mad. As one who has not only studied the problem extensively, but has also fought those forces of wickedness in high places head-on for many years, I feel that I am qualified to explain what is happening. That is one of the reasons for the existence of this website. Warning: as bad as things are relative to the subject at hand, it is going to get much worse.
What was once the subject of hushed conversations in secluded places has gone mainstream. That which was previously rejected has become cool, trendy, even glamorous as Satan worshipers grow bolder in their activities. The recent Grammy Awards seen throughout the world featured a song titled “Unholy” by performers dressed as the devil and his demons. The number of public schools sponsoring “Satan clubs” is increasing and becoming more accepted by the general public. The number of people identifying as Satanists is increasing. Satan is en vogue while God is persona non grata.
It is surprising how many self-professing Christians do not believe in Satan and his fallen angels. Current polling reveal that approximately half of professing Christendom do not believe that Satan and company exist. The same percentage do not believe that God exists. AND THESE ARE BIBLE-OWNING CHURCH PEOPLE. Part of the problem lies in the fact that most of what is written about evil spirits in high places is found in the Old Testament which was supposedly “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ and therefore not part of New Testament theology. I was once chastised by a leading churchite for teaching so much about the Old Testament. Evidently, I am way behind the times. Satan? Demons? Spirits in high places …? Surely, I am not serious. Rest assured, I am deadly serious.
Many in the church world have outgrown those antiquated beliefs about Satan, demons, etc. The general public is even more ignorant of what the Bible says about such beings. As a result, Satan and company have free reign over 99% of humanity. Most of those who do believe in them “know” that the sin they induce is inevitable because of what the Serpent of Eden persuaded Adam to do. “The devil made me do it” is a popular expression among those who “know” that they have no power over him. They thank God for having Jesus crucified. His death makes their sins vanish as quickly as they can repent of them. And Satan smiles. This is the being that is described in the Jerusalem Bible as the one who “enslaved the nations.” However, the world’s people do not know that they themselves are enslaved. Never underestimate the power of the devil.
Indeed, the world’s nations, including the nation known as America, are being held captive. More and more human beings are willingly enslaving themselves to the one known Biblically as “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4). Understand this: THIS WORLD DOES NOT BELONG TO THE BIBLICAL GOD. His people rule those parts of it in which they abide and control. They rule their domains by the power of His Holy Spirit. Their rule is challenged on a continuous basis as the world’s god bombards them with his “fiery darts” of temptation. “Like a roaring lion, he goes about seeking whom he can devour.” And in the vast majority of cases, he wins. He is so persuasive that he has billions of people obeying, worshiping and serving him while believing that they are honoring the Biblical God. Satan has gone mainstream. He is taking the world by storm. Millions of people are unknowingly riding his wave. Read Temptation: Satan’s Weapon of Choice. Key word–Temptation. L.J.
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