In the previous posting I asked you to read Leviticus 26 (again). In that incredibly enlightening book we find the Word (Jn. 1:1-4,14–the God of the Old Testament) speaking to His Old Testament Israelite congregation (ekklesia–church), telling them how to live in a state of holiness and thereby receive blessings from Him. He is also telling them how they could fail to receive those promised blessings. Bear in mind that this covenant is His idea, which proves that He wants to bless His people. Let us return there for some “precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here and little, there a little” type of Bible study which God commands in Isaiah 28:9-13. Note that He is addressing those among His people “to whom He can teach knowledge and give understanding.” Nothing has changed. Today His people are those in His church–those who are called by His name. Those within this group who truly love Him will study His Word, embrace and obey it. The vast majority will not, just as Jesus warned would be the case. Let us be part of the minority.
In Leviticus 26 the Lord is showing His people–then and now–two ways to walk. One way would produce blessings, happiness, plenty, health, success, etc. The other way would produce the opposite. God’s Way of walking is stated thusly: “IF YOU (His chosen people) walk in (obey) My statutes and keep (protect) My commandments and do (obey) them …,” blessings would be provided (vs 3). From verse three through verse 13 He tells them how to gain His promised blessings. In verse 12 He tells them that if they would obey His Words He would walk among them, meaning that they would walk with Him during their earthly lives. The Word “keep” relative to God’s commandments is a military word which means to surround in order to protect. Note in Exodus 20 where this same God was giving His chosen people His Ten Commandment Law. Here He uses the Word “keep” relative to His seventh day Sabbath. He commands them to surround that day and protect it from any change man would want to make in it. In verses 14 and 15 God warns His people that if they refuse to obey His commandments they will prove that they despise His statutes, that they abhor His judgments, that they reject His commandments and His covenant (vss 1-13). He says: “But if you will not listen to me and will not do all these commandments ….” (vs 14), He would curse them. In the following verses He details how He will curse His chosen people for disobeying Him. God does not change.
God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Look at the world around you that man has created by disobeying his Maker. Note the wars, famines, diseases, hate, crime, natural disasters, sadness, invasion, etc. Read verses 16 through 46 to see how He is cursing mankind, including those in the churches. Here He perfectly describes the world, including the so-called “Christian world,” of this Laodicean age (read Rev. 3:14-18). And what we are seeing is only the “beginning of sorrows” (Mat. 24:8). As we enter the final years of the world as we know it we will see things grow ever worse and worse. We might have a brief respite in which God offers the world a chance to turn to Him. But Scripture tells us that in the end the world will become so horrible that only the return of Jesus Christ will save what few people are left alive. Let us be among that tiny group that God protects from the world war that is coming. Read God’s Place of safety. Key word–Safety.
In verse 21 the Lord says that disobeying His Laws (committing “iniquity”) means that people are WALKING CONTRARY TO HIM. Notice the results of such a walk in verse 24: “Then I will walk contrary to you and I will punish you seven times for your sins.” Today He is speaking specifically to those who are known as His people, who call themselves by His name. Clearly, “walking with God” means obeying His commandments/Law/Truth.
The Book of Revelation, written more than 2000 years ago, foretells what we are about to see take place on this earth in the near future. Notice what Jesus said in 18:4 about the calamities that will befall mankind just before His Second Advent. God wants to save His true saints from what is coming. John writes: “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, My people, and do not be involved in her sins so that you receive of her plagues.” Here the Lord instructs true Christians to live separate from the people in the world, including those in the so-called “church” who believe that they are Christians but who walk contrary to God’s Law–contrary to the walk of Jesus of Nazareth. These are those who call themselves “sinners saved by grace.” Read The “Voices” of God. Key word–Voices.
Christ’s end-time command to “come out of her” is found in Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1 where we are told to come out of the counterfeit Catholic/Protestant Church System and remain separated from her. Then, and only then, Paul tells us, God will be our God and we will be His children. One cannot walk with God and Christ and remain in Satan’s religious system known as “the church.”
A true Christian–one of God’s Very Elect saints–walks with God by keeping (obeying) His Ten Commandment Law–INCLUDING COMMANDMENT #4. Read the series on the Sabbath. Key word–Sabbath. The Very Elect are to be examples to the world, including the church world (Mat. 5:14-16). Such a walk has many challenges which require the power of the Holy Spirit to remain on the right path until the end. Most salvation seekers never find the Lord’s gate (church) and never walk beside Him on His path (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14) which is found in His Holy Bible–His roadmap to the Kingdom of God. Be one of the few, the sanctified, the holy ones who will rise to meet the Master in the clouds upon His return by walking with Him and His Father until that time. Turn of the television; lay down the magazine; take a hammer to the zombie box and answer God’s call to “come aside” with Him. Study His Word; pray, fast; spend quiet and alone time with Him. After all, what else has any value? This life is nothing more than a time to prove ourselves to the Lord. It is in this life that He separates His sheep from the worldly goats. Let us be of the sheeply type. L.J.
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