Modern Christianity resembles a giant maze consisting of hundreds of look-alike religious paths that guarantee to lead the heaven seeker to his/her heavenly home. All he/she has to do is believe the advertising broadcasted at the entrance to his/her chosen path. The problem is that not one of the paths will lead the salvation seeker to where the Lord and His Very Elect will spend eternity. The Biblical Truth is that all man-made, Satan-directed paths lead those who trod them away from life and to death. God walks none of the paths that call themselves “the church.” “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is destruction” (Prov. 14:12).
In Matthew 24 we find His disciples asking Him for a sign that His return to earth would soon take place at which time He would take charge of the earth and clean up the mess mankind had made. Jesus gave them several signs to look for, the first one being a world-entrapping attack from Satan known as false religion, specifically false Christianity. I call all false “Christian” organizations “counterfeit” because they are each designed to look and sound like the Church of God–the ONLY name by which the Lord identifies His true church, which He does 12 times in the New Testament.
The religious “hook” Satan’s false prophets use to lure people into his Catholic/Protestant web is the name of Jesus. The leaders of the hundreds of counterfeit church organizations (denominations, faiths, churches, etc.) use the Lord’s name repeatedly in order to legitimize themselves in the eyes of the people they are trying to draw into whichever cult they represent. Each denomination, etc. had as its originator a man in search of a following. Heeding the advice of his mentor (Satan), the man offered a better way than the Lord’s Biblical way. Those who agreed with him congregated around him and, with the stroke of a pen, another church, faith, denomination was born. Since 31 A.D., literally hundreds of “churches” have come on the religious scene, thereby dividing “the church” into a “you name it, I’ve got it” conglomeration of mongrelized whores which Satan makes available for simply showing up. In Revelation 17:1-5 we find that in the future all of the religious ladies have joined together to form one universal religious system known as “mystery, Babylon (Catholic) and her harlot (Protestant) daughters. Read The Ingathering: The Forming of the End-time church. Key word–Ingathering.
Jesus warned that “ministers of righteousness,” following the orders of the “angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:13-15) would proclaim to salvation seekers that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the Messiah, then, having gained their trust, would deceive “many” into joining one of Satan’s religious organizations. Originally, the Catholic religion was designed to appeal to everyone regardless of his/her religious persuasion. After breaking from the mother church, the “Protestants” did the same thing by splitting up into hundreds of mini-churches, each with its own Jesus (2 Cor. 11:4), its own god, its own plan of salvation, its own truths, etc. Protestantism soon became Catholicism’s fraternal twin, having the same foundational beliefs and customs. See the homepage for this website for a list of such “truths” upon which the Catholic/Protestant Religious System was founded and upon which she still stands.
Jesus warned in Matthew 7:13,14 that modern Christianity would offer an easily-entered “gate” and a many-optioned “way” to paradise. He tells us that there is only one gate and one way to the Kingdom of God. In the series titled “Who Are God’s People? (key word–People), one will find that “All That Glitters” (key word–Glitters) is not gold. Spiritually speaking, the Lord says that only a tiny percentage of those who “shine” in the religious sense are in fact true gold. Most are “fool’s gold” which look like the real thing but are in fact fakes. In order to tell if gold is real, one needs to bite into it. In the spiritual realm one needs to dine on the Word of God in order to tell which “nugget” is real and which is not. Only real golden “nuggets” can walk with the Lord because only they are in agreement with Him (His Word/Law/Truth), which renders them “golden.” IF those Very Elect “gold nuggets” continue in their holy walk to the end, they will receive eternal life (Mat. 10:22). Read John 15:13,14 for proof of this Christ-spoken Truth. Note that He is talking to His God-chosen disciples, one of whom failed to “endure unto the end.”
Of the hundreds of “paths” from which to choose, which path does the true Christian take? Which path is the one that will place Him/her beside the Lord so that they can walk through this life together? The Jesus reveals to the true searcher the way the Truth seeker must walk in order to be God’s true, Very Elect child. Only by using the Bible as one’s guidebook, and the life of Jesus as one’s personal guide, can one walk with Him on the way to the Kingdom of God where the traveler will one day meet his spiritual Father.
God instructs us to follow the same path Jesus Christ followed: “He that says he abides in Him (Jesus) must walk even as He walked” while on earth (1 Jn. 2:6). Read Jesus of Nazareth: God, Man or God-man? Key word–Nazareth. Read First Peter 2:21,22. In Luke 22:42 we are told that Jesus always did that which pleased His Father. He did this by always putting His Father’s will ahead of His own. If He had not operated in total agreement with and obedience to the Father’s commands, He would not have become our Savior. Only by following His example can we be in agreement with Him.
The man Jesus of Nazareth lived a perfect, sinless life (1 Pet. 2:22). As a man like all other men, He overcame every temptation Satan sent his way. In Revelation 3:21 He tells us that in order to be with Him in paradise we must “overcome (Satan) even as I overcame (him).” Contrary to church opinion, that is not an unattainable goal; instead, IT IS A COMMAND. Jesus came to earth as a man to show us that God’s command can be obeyed by man using the same Holy Spirit power by which He obeyed the Father. He shows us not only what to do, but how to do it. If we are to sit with Him on His thrown, WE MUST WALK AS HE WALKED AND OVERCOME AS HE OVERCAME. Jesus said that few would do so (Mat. 7:13,14; 22:14). Why? Because Satan’s prophets would tell them that they need not do so, even if they could, which, Satan’s messengers tell them, they can’t. So why even try? We are told that to try to obey God is a waste of time. After all, the fix is in. Man’s only job is to believe in Jesus Who becomes our righteousness for us. Satan and his helpers have been incredibly successful. Revelation 12:9 tells us that the devil “has deceived the whole world, which includes the church world. His deceptive powers have been on display for a long time. Recall that of the first four humans God created, three fell under Satan’s power.
Jesus was not the first human to walk holy before the Father. Others lived holy and righteous lives in spite of the efforts of the devil to turn them aside from the strait and narrow way of God. The Bible records that Enoch walked with God in a state of holiness (Gen. 5:22) long before the Word came to earth as Jesus of Nazareth. Hebrews 11:5 reveals that Enoch pleased God, which enabled him to walk with Him. Hebrews 11 lists many others who faithfully followed God. We are continually told that it is impossible to obey the Lord. But Jesus said that He did not come for the righteous, but for sinners (Lk. 5:32). Who were (then and now) the righteous? If, as Satan’s false prophets assure us, everyone receives Adam’s sin gene, how could those in the Old Testament have been righteous? Remember “righteous Abel?” (Mat. 23:35). Jesus Himself called him “righteous.” Concerning the righteous people of Old Testament, Jesus had not died for their sins at that point. So how could they be righteous? We are told that righteousness is impossible for man to achieve, that Jesus has become righteous for them those in “the church” (whichever one that is).
False prophets make a living assuring the church masses that God never intended for them to obey Him, that sin is an innate, built-in, natural condition which man cannot overcome, that Jesus died so that man could obey Satan and still inherit eternal life. This should sound familiar, for it is what the Serpent told Eve and his spiritual descendants have told salvation seekers ever since. Their success rate is nothing less than phenomenal. Want proof? Check any phone book under CHURCHES.
Satan (the “angel of light”) has instructed his false prophets (“ministers of righteousness”) concerning how to present the “You can’t obey God so Jesus obeys Him for you” doctrine. Having sold the masses on their message, they keep their followers ignorant of the “whole Word of God” that the prophets and apostles preached and recorded in writing, they have led billions through Satan’s wide gate and along his broad way leading to death.
Like getting paid not to work, salvation seekers by the billions have consumed the religious smorgasbord of church offerings which guarantee salvation for merely believing what their leaders tell them. Why paint the house when their spiritual father will pay them for just showing up with brush in hand. The Lord’s method requires one to actually earn the payment by obeying His instructions (painting the house). Let’s examine the options available to the salvation seeker: Plan (A): obey a strict Law according to strict instructions and get paid (salvation). Or Plan (B) believe in Jesus, ignore His Law, follow group instructions and get paid (salvation).
Unless one is interested in ALL THAT GOD SAYS ABOUT A SUBJECT, one will go with plan (B). This is why God’s Biblical message is hated by those in the Institutional Church who have been continually fed an “only believe” message for 2000 years. The “only believe and you will receive” message consists of God’s promises which I call His “headlines.” However, His “fine print” makes up about 90% of His Holy Bible and provides rules (the “how”) for receiving His promises. His “headlines” tell us the “what” God has promised while His “fine print” show us “how” to receive them. Churchites reject God’s “fine print” and embrace only His “headlines.” Eve set the standard for making the wrong choices by embracing the Serpent’s “truth” immediately and without question. According to her new god, she and Adam needed only to believe in him. He would then free them to decide what to do and what not to do. Then they could do as they pleased and would “not surely die,” meaning that they would inherit eternal life in the paradise God has created for them and their descendants. To make all that happen they needed to do only one thing–change gods. They did, and the rest is the history of mankind.
Sadly, 99% of their children have followed in their footsteps. Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Note verses 14 and 13 respectively where God warns His chosen people about disobeying Him. Note the contrast between the first 13 and 14 verses respectively and those verses that follow them. Whether they were to be blessed or cursed depended on their obedience to the Lord, meaning WHETHER THEY WALKED WITH HIM OR CONTRARY TO HIM. Nothing has changed. There are still only two ways to go: Plan (A) or Plan (B). With Plan (A) one pays now and plays later. With Plan (B) one plays now and pays later. Choose Plan (A). L.J.
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