In a recent series I wrote about Jesus Christ as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and how He is roaring today. The question that followed was: “IS ANYONE LISTENING?” Read the series by using the key word: Roaring. In this series we will learn about another lion, about how he roars and about the effects of his roaring. In it we will see how the first Lion speaks with a still, small voice. However, those who do not listen to him and follow His commands then hear His roar. The world is hearing Him roar now. At the same time the second lion is also roaring as he tries to keep people from hearing the first Lion’s still, small voice. At present the second lion’s spiritual brethren number in the billions while the first Lion’s brethren amount to a few thousand. The second lion is gathering followers at an ever-increasing rate while the first Lion’s disciples are growing fewer in number–EXACTLY AS JESUS WARNED. Read about church apostasy in the series by that name.
As I am sure you have figured out by now, the first Lion is Jesus Christ and the roar the world is hearing from Him is coming in the form of the “whirlwinds” (curses) that He warned those who sow the wind (sin) that they would reap (Hos. 8:7). Having just recovered from His previous whirlwind (COVID-19), it is obvious that the masses did not hear His gentle voice telling those of the world, including the church world, to turn from their wicked ways (Law-breaking), be converted and follow Him.
An excellent lesson concerning this Truth is found in Second Chronicles 7:13-15 where God (the Word Who became Jesus of Nazareth–Jn. 1:1-4,14) is telling His chosen people (Israel) that it is He who sends drought on their land and locusts to eat what little it produces. And that it is He who sends pestilences (diseases) upon the people themselves. And why does He send those curses on those who are His people who are called by His name? He answers in verse 14 by telling them what they must do and why: “If My people, who are called by My name will HUMBLE THEMSELVES (pride), and PRAY (lack of prayer), and SEEK ME (rejection of His rule over their lives), and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS (Lawlessness), “THEN (AND ONLY THEN) I WILL HEAR THEIR PRAYERS, FORGIVE THEIR SINS AND HEAL THEIR LAND (AS WELL AS THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES WHO ARE ON THE LAND). THEN (AND ONLY THEN) WILL MY EYES BE OPEN (TO THEIR PROBLEMS). THEN WILL MY EARS HEAR (THEIR PRAYERS). Read Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Again, these were God’s chosen people who were called by His name.
Today such people are called “the church.” And why does He curse church people today as He cursed their ancestors anciently and as He curses those not in the church? FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON–SIN–THE BREAKING OF HIS TEN COMMANDMENT LAW (1 JN. 3:4), SPECIFICALLY COMMANDMANTS ONE AND FOUR. Read the series on idolatry and the Sabbath. Key words Idolatry and Sabbath. Remember that to break one commandment is to break the entire Law (Jam. 2:10), which makes one a “worker of iniquity.” Among such Law-breakers are those who call Him “Lord, Lord” and have dined in His honor, preached, healed the sick and cast out demons IN HIS NAME. These are they to whom He will say on Judgment Day: “I never knew you; depart from Me you who work iniquity” (Mat. 7:21-23). HE IS ROARING AT CHURCH PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO HEAR HIS STILL, SMALL VOICE SPEAKING TO THEM FROM HIS HOLY SCRIPTURES AND TELLING THEM TO OBEY HIS TEN COMMANDMENTS.
Now we will take a closer look at the second lion in this scenario. We are introduced to him in First Peter 5:8 where it is written: “Be sober, be vigilant (listen to God’s quiet voice) for your enemy the devil, AS A ROARING LION, walks about seeking whom he may devour.” A lion roars from his lunch site after he has killed his prey. He does not roar before attacking because it would warn his target and allow it to escape. The devil roars his message to those who might believe the Words of Jesus and His Father, telling them (his potential victims) about his false, perverted and totally user-friendly gospel which, he tells them, they need in order to be saved.
How many billions of people have heard Satan’s roarings coming from local pulpits, from television screens, radios, c.d.’s, street corners and on foreign mission fields? Hundreds of billions of such roarings have been sent out telling people that they need only believe in Jesus Christ, take Him as their personal savior and join “the church” in order to receive instant salvation and rebirth. Did I mention that Satan’s roarings are lies designed to appeal to those who seek salvation rather than instruction on how to please the only One Who has salvation to award?
Satan’s roarings are filled with the word “ONLY”–“only believe” and the fix is automatically in. Christ’s key word involves a two-letter Word. His quiet voice tells us that we can have what He promises, including salvation, only “IF” we obey His commandments and thereby prove that we love Him and the Father (Jn. 8:31; 14:15,23; 15:10/ 1 Jn. 2:3-5; 3:1-10). In John 15:13,14 Jesus tells His disciples that He will die for His friends. He tells them that they are His friends “IF,” and only “IF YOU DO WHATSOEVER I COMMAND YOU.”
Nothing has changed. Both lions are still roaring. One of them, using His gentle voice, tells man how to show his (man’s) love for Him (by obeying His Law) and thereby qualify for eternal life. The other lion is roaring loudly from pulpit and podium, telling salvation seekers that what the other Lion wrote in His Bible is a lie, that they can sin and “You shall not surely die.” If, that is, you join his (Satan’s) church which today is known as Catholicism and Protestantism–two heads of the same religious snake.
We must each determine which voice we will hear, believe and obey. Our eternity is in our own hands. L.J.
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