Two words of warning must be issued at this point. First, the reader must understand that the whole of professing Christendom is practicing religious terrorism. What makes a terrorist a terrorist is that those around him do not know that he is the enemy, but believe that he is one of their own. Such an enemy is more dangerous than one who announces his malevolent intentions. What makes the church an especially insidious enemy of God is that she does not realize that she is His enemy. Believing that she is serving Him, she spreads her spiritual poison throughout the world with messianic fervor.
The second warning comes in the form of two Scripture passages: “Unto whom much is given, much is required” (Lk. 12:48). “Come ye out from among them and be ye separate … touch not the unclean thing … and (then) I will be your God and you will be My people” (2 Cor. 6:17,18). Read and heed these statements from the heart of God Himself. Once the reader has read the Scriptures presented on this website he must believe and obey them in order to have any chance of attaining eternal life. God will judge all men by His Word (Jn. 12:48), not by church doctrine which is illegitimate in that it exists. God’s Word is His doctrine. God’s people reject church “truth” and embrace His Truth. New Covenant writers warned about men who, operating under the power of demonic spirits, would corrupt the church by deceiving them into obeying “doctrines of devils” (1 Tim. 4:1). These “ministers of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:15) have divided the church into hundreds of denominations, proving that the spirit of Antichrist (mystery of iniquity) is at work in the professing church. To remain in the Institutional Church system is to publicly proclaim one’s allegiance to Satan and his words and one’s rejection of God and His Word.
“Thy Word is Truth.” These words were spoken by Jesus Christ to His Father as He made known to mankind the Way and Will of the Almighty. The absolute necessity for knowing and embracing God’s Truth was brought out by Jesus in John 12:44-50 where He spoke the following to those who would follow Him: To believe Him is to believe the Father; He is light; He will not judge those who reject His Words, rather, the words He has spoken (the Bible) will judge those who do not believe and obey them; the words men reject are the Words which, if obeyed, will result in eternal life; there is no other way to eternal life than through obedience to His Words with faith in Him.
The statement that “… there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved” is both universally quoted and universally misapplied. Contrary to church doctrine, believing and confessing that Jesus is the Son of God sent to the world to save men is not enough to secure salvation. Satan and his demons believe and confess this; false prophets, parishioners, prostitutes, thieves and murderers wear crosses and What Would Jesus Do bracelets, carry Bibles, quote Scripture, have been “saved” and “born again” and attend church. None are numbered among God’s saints, for man must believe and OBEY God’s Word in order to qualify for salvation which will be awarded at the return of Christ to earth at which time He will set up His Father’s kingdom. Faith alone cannot save the believer. Faith without works (obedience to God’s Word) is dead faith (Jam. 2:14-19). The words of no other man or angel will lead to eternal life (Gal. 1:8). Religious man disagrees.
That more than one church exists proves that man believes that his various and sundry ways are superior to God’s singular Way. If man believed God there would be only one church–the entity Bible writers called the Church of God (not to be confused with the denomination of that name).
In John 10:27 Jesus distinguishes between His true sheep and Satan’s counterfeit sheep: “My sheep hear MY VOICE (Word) and FOLLOW (obey) ME. Another they will not (hear and) follow.” “Another” refers to those false shepherds/prophets who would show them another way, as did the original false prophet in Eden. The religious leaders Jesus warns us about are the self-called shepherds whose religious ancestors created the multi-bodied, Satan-empowered, man-directed morass known as “Christiantity” with its multiple faiths and differing versions of what man believes God SHOULD have said. These false shepherds also reject the Old Testament which Jesus called “Truth” in John 17:17. At the time He said those Words the Old Testament was the only Word of God in existence. It would be many generations before the New Testament would come on the scene.
That Jesus intended for the apostles to teach and preach only His Word as stated is brought out in John 21:15-17 where He tells Peter three times to feed His sheep. The food Peter and the other apostles would be providing for God’s people was Jesus’ Word (Old and New Testaments). To be continued.
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