Further proof that His Word is the only spiritual food on which His sheep are to dine is found in His Great Commission of Matthew 28:19,20. Here Jesus instructs the apostles to go into all nations and teach them to observe (learn and obey) “… ALL THINGS I HAVE COMMANDED (TAUGHT) YOU,” and to do so “UNTIL THE END OF THE WORLD (AION-AGE).” “All things” refers to ALL of the doctrines He had taught the apostles as well as the prophets and holy men who had gone before them–His Words. By obeying the Words given Him by the Father, the apostles, along with those who believed them, would be obeying the Father. His Words are not guidelines to follow or not, edit or remove at will as does the false church. His Words are Laws to be obeyed as stated. The mission given by the Lord to the writer of this website is bring to light the heathen principles, doctrines and activities with which the Counterfeit Church conducts its business and to warn her of the consequences of her ways.
In Luke 9:23-26 Jesus tells us that anyone who seeks salvation must first deny himself (his way and will). This frees the seeker to receive God’s Will and Way which are put forth in His Word. Jesus noted that to not believe and obey His Word means that one is “… ashamed of Me and My Words.” Jesus said that He would be ashamed of such a one upon His return. The statement “Me and My Words” shows that He identifies with His Words–they are spiritually one in the same, as is brought out in John 1:1-4,14 where Jesus is called “the Word.” In John 14:6 Jesus identifies Himself as “… the Way, the Truth (Word) and the Life.” In 1 Corinthians 1:24 He presents Himself as the power and wisdom of God. In sum: He was the human form of the Word, the Way, the Power, the Truth and the Wisdom of God. To believe and obey Him is essential if one is to inherit eternal life. Any deviation from that Word is sin, which results in death (Rom. 2:23). Jesus makes it clear that there is only one Way to salvation, not many ways (denominations, nondenominations, faiths, churches, etc.) as Satan would have us believe. Jesus (God’s Word) is the only Way to life; all other ways lead to death.
In John 5:37,38 Jesus is telling a group of Jews that they did not believe Him because they did not have God’s Words abiding in them. In verse 34 He had told them that they could only be saved by believing and obeying His Words (gospel). He had taught the Old Testament prophets those Words and was at that time teaching them to His apostles who were to teach then until the end of the age.
IN Acts 13:6-10 Paul confronts a Jewish sorcerer whom he accused of perverting the Ways of the Lord, calling him deceitful, a fraud, a son of the devil and an enemy of all righteousness. This man, being a Jew, knew the Word of God. Note that he did not deny that the Scriptures were God’s Word, instead he “perverted” them by altering them to fit his theology. Because she openly and defiantly perverts God’s Word (Gal. 1:6-8), the Counterfeit Church can be described using the same words: deceitful, fraudulent, sons of Satan and enemies of all righteousness.
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