Of all the commands God has given those who profess to be His people, one of the least acknowledged and obeyed is to “tremble.” Throughout the Scriptures we find two types of entities that are commanded to tremble: nature and man. In Jeremiah 10:10 God declared that the earth would tremble at His wrath, and that the islands of the earth would tremble at the fall of Tyre (Eze. 26:18). The earth will tremble at the coming of the Day of the Lord when His terrible, unstoppable army will scour the earth (Joel 2:10,11).
With all the death and destruction taking place in the future, it is only reasonable that man will also tremble while enduring the holocaust. Also, that God’s people whom He has scattered throughout the nations will tremble when He rescues them is brought out in Hosea 11:10,11.
But there are some entities who tremble now in anticipation of what the future holds for them. These are devils who not only know God’s Word, but believe it (Jam. 2:19). Which brings us to churchman, who not only rejects most of His Word, but does not obey most of what he proclaims to believe. No trembling on his part. Which begs the question: Does God keep churchman in his sight? Does he count this man as His own–a member of His spiritual family? He answers in Isaiah 66:5: “Hear the Word of the Lord, you that TREMBLE AT HIS WORD.” Notice how He characterizes such a person in 66:2: “… to this man will I look … to him who TREMBLES AT MY WORD.” Note the unbreakable connection between believing His Word and trembling at that word. The one who does both is the one who is constantly making certain that he/she is in compliance with God’s instructions by studying His Word to show himself approved of Him (2 Tim. 2:15). Such a one does not deviate from His Word in any way, nor does he/she alter them or do away with them. As I have repeatedly pointed out, these sins constitute many of the foundational principles upon which Catholicism/Protestantism is built. Of utmost irony is the fact that Satan’s demons believe every Word of the Word–and tremble–knowing that they will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for having disobeyed them, while those who profess to believe and obey them do neither, “knowing” that they are going to heaven. A secondary irony is that the demons are right concerning their future while church people are wrong concerning theirs.
As the God-rejecting “Christian” nations of the world prepare for the next Satanic holiday (Christmas), there will be no trembling at the Word of God, rather there will be rejoicing over their supposed power to rebel against His Word and not only get away with it, but greatly please Him in the process. Truly, Satan has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). See the Christmas postings. L.J.
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