A prime example of the two billion strong Catholic/Protestant Church System’s attitude toward God and His Word was spoken by a popular television preacher whom God arranged for me to hear so that I could use his words in future teachings. This false prophet told his local congregation along with his large television audience: “Don’t even try to be righteous. You’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” Salvation, he was telling them, has nothing to do with behavior, whether deeds, words or thoughts. Of late several salvation hucksters have begun telling people via television that, in order to be saved, they need only to repeat a simple prayer at the end of which they will be instantly saved. Heaven, they are promised, will be their future home. Period. That is it–just repeat the prayer provided for them and presto, salvation is awarded. Saying an eight-to-ten-second prayer fed to them by these “ministers of righteousness” guarantees them a mansion on high regardless of what they do, say or think or fail to do, say or thing throughout the remainder of their lives. When I hear preachers speak they invariably leave out the one word that God mentions time and time again in His Holy Scriptures–OBEDIENCE. We are told that “obedience” is too harsh a word for today’s more polished and sophisticated mental state. That, we are told, was then; this is now.
Today’s version of the salvation process is much different from the Lord’s stone-etched (aged) version. Today, it’s all in the mind. Anything beyond the mental stage constitutes the most hated word in the Holy Scriptures: WORKS. Read Romans 2:6,7,10 where the Apostle Paul notes that God will judge us by our DEEDS, our DOINGS, our WORKS. In First John 2:17,29 and 3:7,10 we find the apostle saying that the one who DOES the will of God abides forever, that he who DOES righteousness is righteous and that he who does not DO righteousness is not righteous. But again, that was then, this is now. Satan’s “only believe” (and repent) formula for salvation is the NOW TRUTH. Anything beyond the thought process is passe’ and applies only to the past.
Such is the religious garbage being fed to the masses by Satan’s ministers who have drawn billions of unwary souls into his web of deception and idolatry over the past 2000 years. I made up a ditty that SSBG should adopt as their mantra. It goes like this: “Sin and grin, my friend, for in the end, you’ll still win. Pie in the sky, sin till you die, for in the sweet bye and bye, you’ll still get to fly.” Excuse me for repeating what I have written before. I do this for those who have only recently found this website. Also, recall that God had four apostles to write four different books, all having the same theme–the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. Those books are called Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
As I was studying the Book of Romans (again), I heard the Lord tell me to write about Sinners Saved By Grace and the destruction their leaders have caused salvation seekers in the past, are causing in the present and will cause in the future. Satan has blinded the eyes of the religious masses to the Truth of God’s Holy Scriptures. This blindness is so powerful that, once the devil gets control of a salvation seeker’s mind, it is almost impossible to change it. It is like trying to stop Adam and Eve while they were on their way to partake of the fruit God had forbidden them to eat. What their Creator had forbidden on the threat of DEATH, their new god had allowed them to eat with the promise of ETERNAL LIFE, telling Eve that she and Adam could eat of the forbidden fruit and: “You shall not surely die.” I doubt that an angel could have persuaded them to turn around. Such is the power of Satan’s “kinder, gentler, easier, more self-serving, user-friendly, endless variety, have it your way” versions of the salvation process. Each cult (denomination) has its own version given to it by its own god and made possible by its own savior. Recall the Lord saying through the Apostle Paul, “there are gods many and lords many” both in heaven and on earth (1 Cor. 8:5). Satan’s ministers are expert in delivering his primary, all-encompassing salvation message: “TO RECEIVE–ONLY BELIEVE” (and don’t forget to repent). Question: Why repent if sin doesn’t matter? as we are told 52 Sundays each year. Thanks to Adam, we have no choice. Right? Read Conception: Mom, Dad & …? Key word: Conception.
Jesus warns us in Matthew 24:4,5 about men who will come in His name, proclaim His messiahship, gain acceptance and then “deceive many” into following them into Satan’s DEI arms. These are religious fishermen whose HOOK is: “Come as you are; stay as you are; Jesus accepts you just as you are.” Instant salvation is the BATE. Diversity, equity and inclusion are the LURES. All that is required for membership in “the church” is faith–belief that Jesus died for all mankind. Read James 2:10,14,17,18,20, 24,26 to learn what God says about professing Christendom’s “only believe” lie.
According to SSBG, one can, as they say: “have your cake and eat it too.” Church-defined salvation requires no behavioral change on the part of the convert. If one is a queer, one can continue to have sex with one’s own sex and all is well with the Lord. The only requirement is to “believe in Jesus.” This means that, among SSBG, there is no such thing as a “convert,” which requires a “conversion”–a 180 degree turn relative to actions, speech and thought. Biblical conversion requires one to do, say and think the exact opposite of what one did, said and thought prior to conversion. Personal change in masse is an unchanging requirement. The Apostle Paul tells us in Second Corinthians 5:24 and Ephesians 4:24 that true conversion renders the convert a new creation. Everything concerning the old (pre-conversion) man must pass away: “BEHOLD, ALL THINGS MUST BE MADE NEW.” True conversion makes one a “NEW (SPIRITUAL) CREATION.” One is spiritually re-created according to the pattern set by God’s Son Jesus of Nazareth Who is our example and in Whose spiritual footsteps we must walk. The Apostle John minces no words when telling us that, if we claim to belong to Jesus, we must “walk as He walked; we must “purify ourselves even as He is pure” (1 Jn. 2:6; 3:3). Paul tells us that this can be accomplished only by “the washing by the water by the Word” of God (Eph. 5:26). Such washings must be done on a continual basis by faithfully studying God’s Word, believing it and obeying it. Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:21 that the converted one must overcome Satan’s temptations to disobey God’s Word, that one must “… overcome (him) even as I overcame (him) ….” in order to sit with Him on His throne in the Kingdom of God. This command is possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit abiding within the saint.
Though faith (believing) is a vital part of the converted life, it is only one part of that life. As the Apostle James tells us in chapter two, faith without WORKS (of obedience) is dead faith. Because we live by our faith, dead faith produces a spiritually dead believer. As James asks in verse 14, “Can faith save?” The answer is NO. Satan has more faith than any of us. He KNOWS the Bible and KNOWS it is true. The demons also know and they “tremble” (vs 19). If faith alone saved, Satan and his devils would be Christians.
Sinners Saved By Grace do not believe these Words taken straight from the New Testament. In their version of the salvation process, one need only to change one’s mind in order to receive instant salvation. This is what I call “TRANSCHRISTIANISM” which requires only a mental construct in order to be what one obviously, by God’s definition, is not. In the social realm, one can supposedly change one’s sex simply by believing that one is the opposite sex. All biological, social, scientific proof to the contrary is overridden by a thought.
Such mental gymnastics are old news in the spiritual realm. Some 2000 years ago people discovered that believing is being relative to salvation, that through mental gymnastics one can supposedly change from sinner to saint with a thought, that one can be saved, born again and heaven-bound soul with a thought. All Scriptural evidence to the contrary is dismissed. In other words, the transchristian “knows” he/she is a child of God simply because he/she believes it. At one time everyone on earth KNEW that the earth was flat. That did make it flat.
The ultimate irony is that, while transchristians “know” that they are saved because they believe they are, they look down on transsexuals for believing what, SSBG say, is obviously not true. Both groups are deceiving themselves (Jam. 1:22) while denying both God and Christ by turning Their grace into a license to sin (Jude 4). They “KNOW” they are what the Writer of the Book they use clearly and repeatedly declares that they are not. Transsexuals are late to the “I believe, therefore I am” game. They are 2000 years behind transchristians in the “wishful-thinking=reality” realm. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER THAT SATAN HOLDS OVER THE WORLD, INCLUDING THE CHURCH WORLD. L.J.
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