Sin is sin in the eyes of God. Relative to sexual sins, homosexuality is no greater sin than adultery. Concerning sin in general, sexual sin is no worse than theft, lying, etc. SIN IS SIN AND THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH (Rom. 6:23). We are examining His Word relative to sex sins because they are the headline grabbers of this era; they are the nation’s and the world’s obsession in this day–they are the tools Satan is using in this hour to destroy the nations. Apples and Oranges Tolerance (church & nonchurch) has been covered, now let us examine Apples and Apples Tolerance (church & church).
Concerning the differences among those who call themselves “Christians,” GOD IS THE MOST INTOLERANT OF ALL BEINGS. HE HAS ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERANCE RELATIVE TO THE BELIEFS AND ACTIONS OF THOSE WHO CALL THEMSELVES BY HIS NAME. It’s His Way or the Highway–There is only ONE TRUTH (Jn. 17:17), ONE BODY, ONE SPIRIT, ONE HOPE, ONE LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL (Eph. 4:4-6). Man must choose either God or Satan as his master (Mat. 6:24/Josh. 24:15). With God EVERYTHING is either black or white, hot or cold. Nowhere in His Instruction Book does He offer gray or warm as an alternative to obedience to Him.
The Institutional Church disagrees with God, contending that, because one is “saved,” a church member can obey His Word or not, change what needs changing and ignore the rest. God’s people are instructed to steer clear of church people who, as the Lord says, are plants that His father did not plant, they are the blind leading the blind (Mat. 15:13,14). Unfortunately, the nation and the churches are following the blind. I recently saw the results of a national poll which stated that 61% of Americans believe that having children out of wed-lock is MORALLY ACCEPTABLE (up from 48% in 2000). Considering that over 70% claim to be Christians, many of those polled were self-professed “Christians.” A preacher was on hand to comment on the findings of the poll. Her response aptly reflects the moral direction the church is heading. She contended that, due to across-the-board changes in the moral direction of the American population, the church must change its stance on the legitimacy issue in order to reflect the morality of the masses. This attitude toward God and His Word is not unique to a select few. I have found that often a church’s stance relative to an issue depends on the most recent head count. I saw a couple on t.v. who had gone door to door asking members of their church to declare homosexuality a sin. They had been successful–THE CHURCH DECLARED HOMOSEXUALITY A SIN. Then the couple learned that their son was homosexual, at which point they petitioned the church to declare the perversion NOT A SIN. I have not heard how that came out. My point is this: THE CHURCH, NOT GOD, MADE THE DECISION! GOD’S EXPRESSED WILL WAS IRRELEVANT! This attitude dominates the church system nationally and globally. The Bible is approached as a buffet of possible “truths.” The diner simply selects those few passages he/she likes and ignores the other 90%. God’s Word concerning a specific issue is avoided like a bowl of maggots on the pastry table.
By combining the finding of the national poll relative to illegitimacy with all other blasphemic, heretical, Satanic, immoral, rebellious acts and doctrines found in professing Christendom (see the rest of the website), I have concluded that, along with Love and Inclusion, TOLERANCE, not God’s Word/Way/Will, is the focus of modern Christendom. The Institutional Church is a warm, gray, polytheistic entity which God condemns. To be continued. L.J.
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