It has been my observation that three catch-words, representing three theological concepts, have dominated the religious scene in the United States, and possibly the world, over the past several decades. Those catch-words/concepts are Love, Inclusion and Tolerance. I exposed the Satanic nature of the Counterfeit Church’s concept of Love and Inclusion in a previous posting. In the following postings I will bring God’s Word to bear on the third slight-of-hand maneuver used by the church to hide her rejection of God’s Word, which means she abides in neither the Father nor the Son (1 Jn. 2:24). As an aside, let it be known that church doctrines, methods, practices, customs, etc. are not of God. The church does not realize that Satan has installed these physical manifestations of religiosity as substitutes for obedience to the Lord–a watch the left hand while the right hand is picking your pocket type of maneuver. Now let us study the subject of TOLERANCE as it applies to the church.
TOLERANCE: freedom from prejudice; open-mindedness; an allowance for variations from specified measure. Webster’s Concise Dictionary, Encyclopedic Edition. Translations: “Freedom from prejudice”–whatever you believe is right, is right. “Open-mindedness”–It’s all good. “Allowance for variations from specified measure”–make whatever changes you want to make. Notice that tolerance, as it applies to the church, removes God’s universal standard of behavior and belief from consideration. Being the ultimate slick change artist, Satan has gone from causing each man to do what was right in his own eyes (Pr. 21:2)–thereby separating the professing church into various denominations, faiths, sects and cults–to of late having religious people realize that, though their groups vary in doctrine, customs, etc., they are all serving the same god and are all headed to the same place. Therefore all churches must be tolerant (accept as being “right”) of all other churches, no matter how different the groups may be. According to P.C. worshipers, God has spoken; He and His angels are rejoicing that man has finally realized that: “We’re okay; they’re Okay; everyone is okay. We can do whatever we want to do, believe whatever we want to believe–every one is right; no one is wrong. To God’s relief, man has finally realized that TOLERANCE is the third key to the kingdom. See The Ingathering. Is this true?
Let it be known that GOD IS THE MOST INTOLERANT BEING IN THE UNIVERSE. Unfortunately, for those who call themselves His people, HIS IS THE LEAST VALUED OPINION IN THE UNIVERSE, which is causing two monumental problems among them: 1) they do not know they have a problem, and 2) their problem is with God.
I recently watched a televised discussion between two world-famous men, one an atheist and the other a “Christian.” Both men are known for their stanch stances relative to the Bible, God and His program. The atheist debunks the concept of a godly entity. Therefore, being non-existent, he, she or it has no effect on either mankind or the universe. The self-proclaimed Christian believes the exact opposite. Their discussion did not focus on the rightness or wrongness of their respective beliefs, but rather on the subject of “tolerance”–the art of having no standard of right or wrong. In other words, regardless of what one believes, how powerfully one believes it or how much it conflicts with another’s beliefs, the attitude of each is: “You’re right; I’m right; we’re both right.” “You do your thing; I’ll do my thing; both things are equally good.” Satan- 1; God- 0.
As far back as I can remember (I am 74), religious discussions, whether atheist-Christian or Christian-Christian, all centered around each party’s attempt to convince the other party of his/her rightness and the other’s party’s wrongness. But no longer. Satan’s Love, Inclusion and Tolerance blitzkrieg has changed everything. The parties no longer attempt to change each other; today it’s all about tolerating each other. As I see it, the evolution of this process has produced two types of tolerance which I have labeled “Apples and Oranges Tolerance” and “Apples and Apples Tolerance.”
I am in agreement with Apples and Oranges Tolerance. Atheists, Hindus, Muslims, etc. should be allowed to practice their religion, advertise and proselytize at will in that they claim no relationship with either God’s church or the Institutional Church (Catholicism/Protestantism). In this instance we are talking apples (non-church) and oranges (church). Now let us examine the Apples and Apples type of tolerance. To be continued. L.J.
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