Thyatira was the fourth city in Asia Minor–now Western Turkey–in which the apostles had established churches. In this portion of the book (Rev. 2:18-29) Jesus introduces Himself as the Son of God Who has eyes like flames of fire and feet like fine brass–a very impressive sight. Of note is the fact that upon the saints’ rebirth at the return of Jesus, they will look like Him–eyes of fire, feet like brass, hair like wool with a countenance like the sun shining in its strength. They will wear a garment down to the feet and will have a golden girdle around their chests (Rev. 1:13-16). In 1 John 3:2 we learn about the change in the saints’ appearance following the first resurrection that will take place upon the arrival of Jesus: “Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be (look like), but we know that, when He shall appear, WE WILL BE LIKE HIM (IN APPEARANCE), FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS.” Saints will look like what they see–Him. In summary, what Jesus looks like following His born again (flesh to spirit) experience is what saints will look like following their rebirth.
Following His introduction, Jesus then praises the people of the Thyatiran church for their works, charity, service, faith and patience, noting that their last works are more than their first works. Obviously, this diligent, faith-filled, hard working church’s efforts on behalf of the Lord had increased over time. From all appearances the people in the Thyatiran church represented the epitome of church activity–they were all “active in church.” They were the ancient version of a super church which today would have world-wide t.v. and radio ministries and overflow crowds. They would have been voted Church of the Year if such a title had been awarded in those days. God was obviously pleased with such a hard-charging church.
“Notwithstanding, I HAVE A FEW THINGS AGAINST THEE ….” This must have stunned those hard working church members. What could Jesus mean by that statement? He had just praised them for their efforts on His behalf. Jesus explains that He was AGAINST THEM because they continued to allow “… that woman Jezebel” to lure people away from Him and His Word toward another (perverted) gospel. God had used the Apostle Paul to warn the Galatian church about the same problem in Galatians 1:6-10. There is a difference of opinion as to whether “Jezebel” was an actual woman, or perhaps a clique within the church that had chosen to practice their own version of Truth. Due to the fact that the Lord used the definite article “that” in reference to “that woman,” I assume that Jezebel was a woman in the church who was leading people astray by offering them a “better way,” which is the manner in which the false churches that comprise professing Christendom came into being. Then, as now, by putting forth “another gospel” (Gal. 1:6) these fake Christians were putting forth “another Jesus” (2 Cor. 11:4,13-15). In doing so they were breaking commandment number one–they were committing idolatry, as do their modern descendants who are part of that same Counterfeit Church system (Catholicism/Protestantism). Anciently, such people comprised the minority in a church and were readily recognized. Today they comprise the entire church.
Jesus makes it clear that He had given Jezebel and her disciples time to repent but they had refused to do so–He had made His Truth known to them and they had rejected it. For this reason He promised to cast them into great tribulation where they would pay the ultimate penalty for their “works” of unrighteousness. They will not be alone. The Lord promises to repay each and every one of us according to our works–either good (obedience to His Word) or bad (disobedience to His Word). Nothing else will be considered in His judging process. As is shown in these letters to the churches, no matter how good one’s works are or how often they are performed, sin renders them null and void. Remember the rich man who asked Jesus how to be saved. Jesus told him that he had to obey the Ten Commandments, which he professed to have done all of his life. However, he soon learned that simply obeying the Law was not enough, that total righteousness was required for eternal life: “Then Jesus beholding him LOVED HIM and said unto him, ‘ONE THING THOU LACKEST ….” This salvation-seeking man went away sad because he could not give up the one sin that separated him from salvation–HE CHOSE SIN OVER LIFE (Mk. 10:17-22).
In Revelation 2:24 Jesus addresses those in the Thyatiran church who had remained true to Him: “But unto you …” who had not followed Jezebel and had therefore not “… known the depths of Satan,” He promised rulership with Him in the next life. He also promised to give them the “Morning Star”–Himself. Having delivered His message to that church, Jesus then spoke to all men everywhere at all times, telling those with ears attuned to Him to “… hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” This statement proves that there is no such thing as a trinity in that Jesus Christ Himself is standing before John speaking audibly to Him. However, John is “hearing” Him via the Holy Spirit. Jesus “speaks” to mankind through His written Word. Those with spiritual ears spiritually “hear” Him by way of His Spirit. At times He “speaks” to those attuned to Him by way of an “inner voice”–a “knowing” on the part of the saint. He has spoken to me on several occasions in that voice. His Words have never failed to come to pass. The Holy Spirit is the power and instrument of God to speak to mankind; it is not another God. If the Spirit was a God in its own right, there would have been no need for Jesus to have appeared and spoken to John. The Spirit would not have needed Jesus in order to deal with the apostle. See The Trinity. L.J.
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