In the series titled The God of the Old Testament (key word–Old) I prove by the Holy Scriptures that the One called “the Word” in John 1:1-4,14 was the Old Testament God Who freed the tribes of Israel from Egyptian slavery. Israel vowed to believe and obey what the Word told them at that time, so He wrote it in stone and placed it in an Ark guarded by two angels. That same Word later came to earth as Jesus of Nazaeth. Bear in mind that the Word was the One who created the universe and everything in it. He was the God with whom Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, etc. dealt with face-to-face. No human has ever seen the face of God nor heard His voice (Jn. 5:37). The exception to that Truth was Jesus Christ, and that was earlier when He was the Word and was composed totally of spirit as God is spirit. He became (“was made”) flesh in order to become man’s example of how to live (“walk”) in this life. Those who “walk as He walked” will join Him in paradise upon His return (1 Jn. 2:6/ Rev. 3:21).
After delivering the Israelites from slavery, God (the Word who became flesh) established them in the land He had promised to Abraham as the inheritance of his (Abraham’s) descendants. This is why the land of Israel today legally belongs to those called “Jews” who make up a small portion of the people of Israel today. The Jews (Judahites) rightfully own all land located between the Euphrates River and the Nile River. This is the real “Promised Land” to which biological Israelites will one day return and occupy (.Rom. 11:26).
Understand that all Jews are Israelites (of the tribes of Israel) but not all Israelites are Jews (of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin). Less than half of the world’s Jews live in the nation called Israel today. Outside of Israel, New York is home to the largest congregation of Jews. “Jews” is the nickname given to Judahites by the King James translators. World-wide, Jews number approximately 15,000,000 souls while Israelites number in the hundreds of millions. Read Who and Where is Israel Today. Key word–Today. Now back to the subject.
In a letter to a friend, Thomas Jefferson said that he wanted there to always be a separation between the religious establishment and the nation’s governing body so that the nation’s elected officials did not control the nation’s religious activities. He did not want America’s legal system to rule in the area of the spirit. There has been much debate as to what he actually meant by his reference to “the separation of church and state.” Regardless of what he meant, he was wrong, which the Lord (the Word/the Almighty) tells us this repeatedly in His Holy Bible.
We first read about His attitude concerning the religion-nation relationship in His Words to the descendants of Abraham whom He chose to be His people because of Abraham’s obedience. Let us return to Mt. Sinai where the Almighty has gathered the Israelite people and is offering them a covenant by which they could be His people and He could be their God (king, master, lord, owner). Through Moses He tells them that if they will OBEY HIS WORDS (His “voice”) He will be their God and they will be His people. The Israelites agreed to obey whatever God told Moses, which was the Ten Commandments (Exo. 20:1-17). This was the summation of the entire Law of God which would later consist of the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation. At that point the Word, God and the nation of Israel became a family.
It is important that we now find, believe and embrace the Lord’s “fine print” relative to the covenant He was offering. Notice that He told the 12 tribes of Israel that there was a caveat connected to His offer. He said that IF they would OBEY HIS WORDS AND KEEP THE COVENANT HE HAD MADE WITH THEM, then they would be His “peculiar treasure” above all people. They would be a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS, A HOLY NATION (Exo. 19:5,6). Notice that they would be a NATION, A KINGDOM. A kingdom must have a KING. A king makes and enforces HIS rules, which constitute his GOVERNMENT by which he CONTROLS his subjects who must OBEY HIS DICTATES. The Old Testament God (the Word Who became Jesus of Nazareth) would be Israel’s RULING KING with Whom they would deal directly, sometimes literally face-to-face. Recall also that King Jesus is the Lord Who does not change, in Whom there is not so much as a shadow (hint) of turning from His governance style relative to mankind (Mal. 3:6/ Jam. 1:17). Obedience is a spiritual concept. Those who obeyed His Law were, and still are, His people, His saints, His Very Elect. Those who do not obey the KING are His people in name only, just as Judas was His disciple in name only. Though Jesus called him His disciple, He knew that Judas was a thief and was planning to betray Him (Jn. 12:6; 13:11). Note in Second Chronicles 7:14that He refers to “My people who are called by My name,” then says that they are proud and “wicked.” Keep all of these Truths in mind as we proceed.
Billions of church people believe that the Old Testament plays no part in the New Testament Church, that it was “nailed to the cross” of Jesus Christ some 2000 years ago. Let them be reminded that God’s dealings with the nation of Israel were recorded and preserved as examples to be used for teaching “us (God’s church) who are living at the end of the age” (1 Cor. 10:11) Also, be reminded that the New Testament Church was “founded on the teachings of the PROPHETS AND APOSTLES” (Eph. 2:20), and that “Holy MEN OF OLD (the prophets) spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Spirit of God” (2 Pet. 1:21), and that “ALL Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness” (2 Tim.3:14-16), and that the Gospel was preached to Abraham (Gal. 3:8), to the Egyptian Pharoah (Rom. 9:17) and to the Old Testament Israelites (Heb. 4:2). And let us not forget that the apostles used the Old Testament as their source of God’s Truth when building the New Testament Church, and that the New Testament did not exist until after its writers had been martyred, and that THE GOD OF THE OLD TESTAMENT (THE WORD) AND THE GOD OF THE NEW TESTAMENT (JESUS CHRIST) ARE ONE AND THE SAME. The Gospel that the Word Who became Jesus of Nazareth preached to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to the Israelite nation is the same Gospel that His New Testament Church was built upon and that His true saints hear, read, believe and obey today. The only thing that has changed is professing Christendom’s attitude toward Him and His Word/Law/Gospel/Truth/will. Read Luke 10:17 to learn His attitude toward those who reject His Law, specifically commandments #’s one and four. When we deliberately break a commandment we make ourselves gods, thereby breaking # one. Number four is broken billions of times each week. Thereby billions of people replace God with themselves each sun god day.
When the Almighty called the twelve tribes of Israel to be His special people He commissioned commissioned them to be His “light to the (heathen) Gentiles” (Isa. 42:6; 49:6). Their holiness, and God’s blessings on them brought on by that holiness, was meant to draw the Gentiles to the Israelites so that they (the Gentiles) could embrace God’s light, become spiritual Israelites and receive His promised blessings (Isa. 60:3). God’s light was his Ten Commandant Law by which the Israelites were to live. He referred to it as “the light of the glorious Gospel” in Second Corinthians 4:4. We must understand that from Mt. Sinai on, God’s true people were to live strictly by His Law with which He governed His true disciples then and continues to govern them today. Note it: GOD’S “PECULAIR TREASURE,” HIS “HOLY NATION,” HIS “KINGDOM OF PRIESTS” is today governed by the same Ten Commandment Law by which He governed Israel, His original light to the Gentiles. Nowhere in His Gospel does He change his style of governing. HE STILL RULES HIS PEOPLE BY HIS HOLY, UNEDITED, UNCHANGED AND UNINTERPRETED LAW/WORD/GOSPEL/TRUTH. Those who read this website are receiving the same Truth that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, the prophets, the apostles and the early church received.
But what about the law of blood sacrifice? some ask. Did God not change His requirements when He instituted that law? The sacrificial law was temporary and installed because of the sins of the Israelites who refused to obey His Ten Commandment Law. With the death of Jesus, that law was nailed to the cross. This is what Jesus told the disciples, and us, during the Last Supper when referencing the wine and the bread which would thereafter represent His blood and His flesh which He sacrificed for those who truly seek Him. His Law never stopped being His tool of governance. It still reigns today over the lives of His true saints.
The disciplining of children offers a modern day example of the use of the sacrificial law. We parents do not want to punish our children. We want to always have a positive relationship with them. But when they disobey us, God commands us to punish them (Prov. 10:13; 13:24). Doing so does not mean that our love for them has changed. Our punishment of them is designed to bring them back to a good relationship with us by convincing them to obey us. We discipline them BECAUSE WE LOVE THEM and want the best for them. God is no different. He curses us when we sin because of His love for us and His will that we live with Him forever. Only those who obey Him will do so.
As any student of the Old Testament knows, Israel failed to fulfil the Lord’s commission to be “the light of the world.” But He has always had a remnant of true believers who continue to cling to Him and His Law when all around them fell away. These are His Very Elect who, though tiny in number, continue to put forth His light though it is rejected by the vast majority of mankind–AS WAS JESUS’ LIGHT WHILE HE WAS ON THIS EARTH. His light continues to shine in and through His sheep who are His light to the rest of the world. This does not include those who claim to be His people–His light to the world–while refusing to obey His Words. Their “(false) light is darkness, and great is that darkness.” Read The Great Darkness. Key word–Darkness. The homepage of this website contains a list of ways in which the most religious around us reject God’s rules of engagement by which He governs His people–His Law. Their light is indeed “great.”
In His attempt to shed His light on the rest of the world, the Lord set about to create another nation that would do what Israel had failed to do–to be His light to the Gentile world. He would do this by sending His people to inhabit a landmass that had lain practically untouched for thousands of years. The first of God’s light bearers to arrive in the New World came on a ship called the Mayflower. Eleven of my wife’s ancestors were on that ship. These people knew that they were God’s light and that they had been sent to this foreign land to establish a nation that would proclaim His light (Word) for all the world to hear and hopefully to embrace. For this reason the new arrivals codified what they knew into what became known as the Mayflower Compact. In it they noted that God had sent them to the other side of the world for “the glory of God, by the grace of God, for the advancement of the Christian faith and for the furtherance of the (above) stated ends.”
That those who later followed them to this far away land agreed with their reasons for coming to the New World was reflected in the wording of the United States Constitution and on the nation’s currency, both of which contained the name of God as well as their allegiance to and dependence upon Him.
By the above-stated reasons we know that God intended for the United States of America to be a God-governed nation. There was to be no separation between church and state, both of which were to be governed by His Holy Scriptures. Today there is a push against what is being labeled Christian Nationalism which God had planned for both Israel and America to embrace. Make no mistake, God intended for both nations to be governed by His Law in every aspect of national and personal life. As long as Israel lived by His Law she was the greatest nation on earth in every respect. As long as America did the same, she was the greatest nation on earth. Israel fell away from that Godly pattern many centuries ago. America began falling away within a hundred years of her founding. Since then she has followed in her spiritual ancestors’ moral footsteps.
Thomas Jefferson was wrong, as are those who want the Bible to play no part in the governance of the American people. The result of this rejection of God’s Law is plain to see as the nation slides further and further into apostasy while picking up speed.
I hurt for my beloved, once God-blessed nation as I watch her evolve into a third-world, Satan-serving, mongrelized collection of reprobate people, many of whom wear crosses and go to church every Sunday. While America is decaying from within, the rest of the world watches her moral decline with glee. The question that few have the spine to ask and even fewer want to hear the answer is: WHO IS TURNING AMERICA INTO A SEWER BY CURSING HER ON EVERY FRONT? The answer is THE GOD WHO ESTABLISHED HER, BLESSED HER AND, FOR A TIME, USED HER FOR HIS RIGHTEOUS PURPOSES. To understand what God is doing and why, study Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. Notice that in the first dozen or so verses He proclaims what He wants to do and will do FOR those who obey His Law. After that He tells us what He will do TO those who do not obey His Law. America is experiencing the first installments of the terror He promises to pour out on this God-rejecting nation. As bad as it is at this time, Jesus warns that we are experiencing merely the “beginning of sorrows.” Only individually can we be protected during the curses He is pouring out on this nation. Sanctification (being set apart for holy use) is the only lifestyle that will cause Him to protect us as the world around us slides into oblivion. Let us sanctify ourselves totally unto God by obeying His Law. Then no matter what happens, we will be in the hands of the Master. L.J.
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