“You had one job!” Those words often accompany a picture of a mess someone has made. Not only are those eye-catching predicaments humorous, they serve as reminders to pay attention to what we are doing and to do the job the way it was designed to be done. They also remind us that someone is depending on us to fulfill our responsibility. In each situation we have one job accompanied by instructions for doing it. The final outcome depends on how well we follow instructions. Which brings me to the subject of this series. I am often reminded of the unbelievable price the man called Jesus paid so that I could live with Him in paradise forever. I am very tough-minded. However, I admit to tearing up at times when I remember the terrible price He paid when purchasing me. I was indeed “bought with a price. Never has so much been paid for so little. That price, and my responsibility relative to that price, is the crux of this heart-felt presentation. Let us examine the death that Jesus was forced to suffer for you and me. The flesh was literally ripped from his bones by whips made of leather thongs with pieces of metal and bone embedded in them. He was beaten so badly that, the Scriptures tell us, one could not tell if He was a man or a beast. Spikes were driven into His wrists and feet. He was left to suffer for six hours while fighting for every breath. A spear was rammed into his heart so that He would quickly bleed to death. We know by these descriptions that His physical ordeal was incredible. As bad as the physical pain had to be, we can only imagine the mental and emotional stress He endured. Jesus of Nazareth had never committed a sin when He entered the Jordan River for baptism at the hands of his cousin John. From that time until He breathed His final breath He was under extreme and relenting mental and emotional pressure from Satan and his human disciples. Even before His ministry began He was being harassed religious and political leaders of both the Jews and the Roman rulers. No sooner had He been baptized than He was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness (desert) where He fasted without food or water for 40 days and nights in order to prepare His body and mind for the job ahead. No sooner had he finished the fast than Satan tempted Him like no man has ever been tempted. I once fasted without food for several weeks. I lost 40 pounds from my 180 pound body. I understand what Jesus went through, to a point. I did drink water and He fasted six days longer than I did. Everywhere Jesus went there were jealous religious leaders trying to find a reason to have Him killed because the people were flocking to Him and away from them. As His following grew larger in size, Jesus knew that many of those people had no intention of obeying Him. He knew that they were following Him to receive physical healing and deliverance from demonic bondage. Others followed Him for the food He miraculously provided. In every group of followers, there were those who examined His every Word and watched His every move, searching for a reason to bring Him before the courts. His enemies were everywhere. Some of them were constantly at His side. At one time He had 70 disciples whom He sent out to preach and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. They returned marveling at the signs and miracles they had performed in His name. However, all but 12 of them eventually left Him because the did not like His message. One of the twelve turned on Him and betrayed Him to the High Priest. These acts and attitudes toward Him must have had a terrible impact on His thoughts and emotions. However, I suspect what weighed most heavily on His mind was the fact that He was innocent of every charge they brought against Him. He made it clear that He wanted only good for those around Him, even those who hated Him. He was as human as I am. I can only imagine the emotional effect being rejected by those He came to save had on Him. Ironically, the Jews who were trying to have Him killed knew He was innocent of the charges they were bringing against Him. At his trial the mob who shouted “crucify Him, crucify Him” knew He was innocent. Pilot the Roman official who sentenced Him to death, knew He was innocent and said so. And the criminal who was set free by His death knew He was innocent. Jesus had one job, and He did His job to perfection according to His Father’s instructions. Which brings us to us. We have only one job–TO OBEY HIS WORDS. Recall that He would become angry when His disciples failed to perform miracles after being instructed by Him. On one occasion they were caught in a violent storm on the Sea of Galilee. They woke Him from sleep crying out in fear of drowning. Then there was the time a father brought his son to them to have them cast it out. They tried to but failed. Then there was the time the Apostle Peter lost his faith after having walked on water. Recall that He grew angry when they showed so little faith. He had taught them and set them the perfect example of ministering in the miraculous. THEY HAD ONE JOB and they failed to do it. Keeping these things in mind, can you imagine how angry He is when we do not obey Him? WE HAVE ONE JOB–TO OBEY HIM. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK AFTER ALL HE DID FOR US? Professing Christendom does not know what He said and believes very little of what they know and do very little of what they believe. Why? Because “He died so that we would not have to obey Him.” In other words, so that they can sin and get away with it. The opposite is true. Jesus died and rose again so that we could receive the Holy Spirit which empowers us to not only overcome Satan’s temptations, but also to do what Jesus did and even greater things. I can only imagine the hurt He feels when cross-wearing, Scripture-quoting, Bible-reading religionists proclaim that they are “sinners saved by grace.” I am laughed at when I tell people they must obey Him. As one local preacher told his church and t.v. audience; “Don’t even try to be righteous; you’ll just make yourself sick. You are nothing but a society of sinners.” That is a quote which I “accidently” heard him speak as I “accidently” walked past a room where the t.v. was on. God in Heaven what is wrong with supposed Christians? I have personally been berated for telling people that they must obey Him. I will close with this passage. WHEN WE SIN AFTER COMING TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH WE “CRUCIFY CHRIST AFREST.” EACH TIME A CHURCH MEMBER SINS HE NAILS JESUS TO THE CROSS ONE MORE TIME. IN THE EYES OF CHRIST, THE CHURCH SINNER, HAMMER IN HAND, IS NAILING HIM TO THE CROSS YET AGAIN. But there will be a payday someday. As the ancient hymn says, “You can run on for a long time, but be sure God Almighty is gonna cut you down.” Sweet Baby Jesus of manger fame will not be returning to earth. The Lion of the tribe of Judah will. And as the Book of revelation tells us, He will bring His wrath with Him. And He will tell those who call Him, “Lord, Lord” and remind Him of all the wonderful works they had done in His name, “I never knew you, depart from Me ….” L.J.
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