Many people know much ABOUT God’s Word. Only a few KNOW God’s Word. Only a few of them BELIEVE God’s Word. Only a few of them OBEY it. The number of people who know what you are about to learn are even fewer. What I am about to tell you and show you Scripturally is a secret Satan has hidden from mankind, including those within professing Christendom, since the creation of man. Though everything you will learn is recorded in God’s Holy Bible which is owned by billions of people, only a minutely few KNOW, not merely believe, that EVERYTHING written therein is absolute, unchangeable and eternal TRUTH. If what God says about the power of His true saints was shown to all professing believers today not more than a few dozen would agree with it. The others would dismiss it as religious drivel, pie in the sky wishful thinking. Only those with Christ-level faith would embrace what the Lord has caused to be recorded and preserved throughout the history of man so that those who truly believe and obey Him can live according to (on the level of) their means. Our “means” is HAVING THE SAME POWER OF GOD THE MAN JESUS OF NAZARETH HAD WHILE HE WAS ON EARTH–AND EVEN MORE POWER THAN HE HAD. Impossible? Not if we can take Jesus at His Word, which is the definition of true faith. Jesus said that the Words He spoke personally, as well as those He spoke to the prophets and apostles, which were spoken and written by them, were given to Him by the Father. If it is in the Bible, God spoke it to Jesus, Who spoke it to His prophets and apostles who recorded what they heard. So when I quote Jesus I am in Biblical fact quoting His Father. To doubt one Word He said is to doubt both Father and Son. And as Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 7:9-11, to not believe Their Words (commandments) is to HATE Them. As a human being, Jesus of Nazareth said the same thing in Luke 10:16 where He used the word DESPISE instead of HATE. If you have any doubts about the truthfulness of the Holy Bible, stop reading now. What I will reveal to you will seem like nonsense unless you have a heart to believe “the whole counsel of God” as the Apostle Paul believed and preached (Acts 20:27). Remember that Paul received his Gospel directly from Jesus Christ through revelation by way of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 1:12). Therefore, if it is written in the Scriptures, it came from God the Father to Jesus the Son through the Holy Spirit to the prophets and apostles. These were: “holy men of old who spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit”–the “voice” and power of God (2 Pet. 1:21). Man has no business passing judgment on God’s statements which were recorded for posterity by His prophets and apostles. God does not need editors. He needs believers who are humble enough to know that He knows more than they know. As Jesus said, few fall into that category. Hopefully, a few days from now you will be among those few. For those who might already know what I will share with you, count yourselves fortunate.
Word of explanation. Henceforth the Word “God” will apply to the two-membered Godhead known as “Elohim” in Hebrew. Like the words “team” and “family,” the Hebrew word Elohim is uni-plural and identifies God and the Word. For example: “In the beginning God (Elohim) created the heaven and the earth.” The Word would later come to earth as Jesus of Nazareth (Jn. 1:1-4,14). Together They will be identified by the Word “God” for the remainder to this series. Throughout this website, the Word “God” is Elohim in Hebrew except when told otherwise. I normally use the Word “Father” in reference to the One Who sent the Word to earth to die for those who OBEY Him (Jn. 15:13,14).
We will begin our study with God’s re-creation of the earth and the entities He placed on it (animals, fish, birds, etc.). We will focus on His creation of man and man’s relationship with everything else he created during creation week. We will bring the lesson taught in the first chapter of Genesis through the Old and New Testaments and into the present era. The Truths I will bring out concerning the power of God’s Very Elect apply today exactly as they did in Genesis 1:26. and Hebrews 2:7. What God said in those verses was not only Truth then, but remains Truth today, for it was then and is now God’s holy will. GOD HAS NOT CHANGED; NEITHER HAS HIS WILL WHICH, RELATIVE TO HIS CREATION, IS FOR MAN TO HAVE DOMINION OVER THE REST OF HIS CREATION. In part 2 we will examine those incredibly informative verses which are the foundational verses upon which this series is built. What we will learn from them will apply to God’s true servants who have been born from the beginning, only a few of whom realized who and what they were. God has revealed these Truths to me. Why? I do not know. All I do know is that He did not give me this incredible information to “hide it under a bushel (basket).”
Through television we have heard sermons preached by the world’s most famous preachers in magnificent venues that hold tens of thousands of people. I have also heard the pastor of a tiny church in the mountains of Nicaragua who warned me not to venture into the jungle behind his house because it was populated by mountain lions. I have heard preachers from all ranks in between. Never have I heard a human say what I have spoken and will write on this website. The message is true because God said it. And He said it to me, time and time again. I can only guess how many men have heard the same message and dismissed it. I can’t believe that I am the only one who has read the Scriptures we will be examining and has been told by the Holy Spirit: “THIS IS TRUE NOW.” Consensus among those who know me and those who have heard or read me is that I am not spiritually wise. I plead guilty as charged. Here is the proof: I HAVE NO MORE SENSE THAN TO BELIEVE WHAT GOD SAID.
The Truths you will learn were known, at least to a degree and in part, by the prophets and later by the apostles. Their life-producing words and miraculous acts are recorded in the two testaments. As the reader will learn, these were elementary lessons God uses to introduce the world to what lies ahead as He exhibits His unmeasurable power through those men who believe and obey Him. Jesus prophesied that few people will embrace the ministries of His end-time apostles, and that the vast majority will reject them (Mat. 7:13,14). Gird your loins, you are about to see the Holy Scriptures in a whole new light. L.J.
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