For good or ill, religion is the most powerful force on earth. More people have been killed, more children have been left parentless, more widows have been created, more treasure has been expended in order to please “GOD” than for any other reason. Religion has caused human beings to do things that defy even their own reasoning. Other than religion, what could prompt a rational human being to kill himself and dozens of total strangers with a bomb strapped to his waist? What else could cause a mother to drown her children in a bathtub, or to throw her babies off a bridge or into the fire? What else could convince a population to obey their government’s call to murder millions of their fellow citizens–former friends, associates, and even relatives–simply because of their lineage?
What else could cause a self-professed Bible-believing, God-worshiping church to torture, maim and murder tens of millions of their fellow believers simply for refusing to go along with their new-found way of serving the Biblical God? What else could cause those same people to torture themselves in the belief that doing so draws them closer to Him. What else could cause people to sacrifice strangers to their God, bury their corpses until only their skeletons remain, then place them inside their places of worship as a sign of devotion to Him? What else could convince a people to consume a drug which places them in an unnatural mental state, then robs them of all remembrance of what they did while in that religious stupor? What else could cause a people to worship animals and serpents because they believe that those creatures will one day become human beings? What else could cause people to consume the bodies of their enemies in the belief that doing so transfers their spirits into themselves, giving them added spiritual power? What else could cause people to worship fire, planets, rock formations, nature, and even man himself? Only one entity can utilize religion to entice human beings to perform such inhuman acts–Satan.
Who else could cause people who profess to belong to the Biblical God to reject Him by rejecting those of His Words they find objectionable, then claim that He gave them the right to do so? Who else could convince Bible-quoters that they can claim the Biblical God as their Savior and sustainer while rejecting Him as their Lord and master? Only Satan could convince those same people to divide God’s “one faith” into hundreds of conflicting, contradicting, competing divisions (denominations, churches, faiths, etc.), each calling itself His church, then claim that He approves of the sordid mess. Only the god of the earth could convince those same people that they can determine the what, when, how, where and why of all things religious. Only the devil could entice those same people to reject the Biblical God in favor of a false god, then call him “Lord, Lord.” Only Satan could convince those same people to call “good” “evil” and “evil” “good,” to “mix the holy with the profane,” to choose “smooth things, lies and deceits” over God’s “Truth,” to choose Satan’s false prophets over God’s messengers. Only the devil could convince them that, though the God they claim to worship condemns such practices and beliefs in His Inspired Word, they can do so and get away with it because He has “saved” them.
Man is not intelligent enough to concoct the above-mentioned theologies; he needs a mind more cunning than his own to come up with such church “truths.” Only one entity fits that bill. The God of the Scriptures reveals to us how this entity has gained control over professing Christendom and all other religious “isms”–through deception (Rev. 12:9). Only Satan can cause billions of religious people to commit the ultimate act of idolatry by worshiping and obeying him rather than the Creator of the universe.
Over the past several years I have used the Holy Scriptures to show that God views man’s religious organizations, including Christianity, the same–THEY ARE ABOMINATIONS TO HIM. L.J.
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