Two whores; two times; two bodily compositions; two types of power–one end-time love affair. What is going on in professing Christendom concerning these two “Ladies?” one of which–the Catholic/Protestant Church System–was discussed in the previous posting. This website is dedicated to informing her of her Satanic theology, background and current lifestyle which she refuses to acknowledge and denounce when God’s Truth is revealed to her. She refuses to follow the teachings of the God she claims to believe because Satan has convinced her that she does not need to obey that God; she needs only to believe in Him and repent each time she rebels against Him. She persists though doing so proves that she despises and hates Him and His Son (Deut. 5:9/ Lk. 10:16). She has never heard the Truth and does not want to. To her, the age-old saying is true: “Ignorance is bliss.” But what does God say about ignorance?–“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4:6). If God’s people are being destroyed by ignorance, where does this leave the Institutional Church? As the Apostle Peter said, judgment is ongoing in the church, so where does this leave the unbelieving, ungodly sinners? for only the godly will be saved (1 Pet. 4:17,18). I am doing my best to warn the counterfeit church about her spiritual condition.
The remainder of this series will be dedicated to the study of the much older, also Biblically identified whore who is known, loved and celebrated each year with much pomp and ceremony by the counterfeit church. Let us now begin our study of this spiritual madam who is celebrated by some three billion people world-wide who comprise what is known as “the church.”
The word “Babylon” means “confusion.” What greater confusion could be possible than having over 800 different churches, each teaching different truths, each claiming to be God’s singular voice of truth to the nations, each claiming to have taken its “truths” from the same Book? Though these various “bodies of Christ” will have nothing to do with each other, there are a few “truths” on which they all agree. Consult the Introduction to this website for list of some of those “truths,” one of which concerns the focus of this series–the spiritual goddess of fertility and annually celebrate her “day” at the time of the spring solstice. Her name in the Western world is Easter. The remainder of this series is dedicated to the study of this most adored queen.
What is the meaning of the word “Easter?” From whence did she come? Her followers believe that she represents the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday morning. This in spite of the Bible telling us that He arose immediately after sunset on Friday as the Lord’s weekly Sabbath was beginning. God’s day ends and begins with the setting of the sun. Read Christ’s Resurrection. Key word–Resurrection. Since the first church-state union produced what became known as the Holy Roman Empire it has been taught that Jesus died on Friday and arose on Sunday, which amounts to one day and two nights, not three days and three nights as the Scriptures proclaim 13 times. The resurrection series proves that Jesus died on Wednesday just after sundown and arose at the beginning of Saturday which took place immediately afterward. On God’s calendar one day ends as the next day begins.
The English word “Easter” is the slightly altered spelling of the name of the Assyrian goddess of fertility called Ishtar. In Babylon she was called Astarte, the wife of Baal the sun god. In Ephesus she was called Diana. In another place she was known as Aphrodite. Many other ancient societies had their own version of the popular sex purveyor. In Babylon she was known as Astarte–the “Queen of heaven” who was the wife of the sun god. The Lord warned the Israelites about her in Jeremiah 44:17-19 and 25. Later, among heathen Anglo-Saxons she was known as the Goddess of Spring.
Much confusion has arisen due to a deliberate mistranslation by the King James translators who wanted to avoid using the Biblical word “Pasha” (Passover) in Acts 12:4 because Roman Emperor Constantine had changed the name and the date of the holy day in 324 A.D. at the Council of Nicene. His ruling applied to the Roman Empire. Later, the Catholic Church officially replaced Passover with Easter in order to pacify her “converts” who continued to worship their goddess of lust and fertility. The King James translators, being Catholic, wanted the Bible to reflect Catholic theology wherever possible. They were successful in several instances. A prime example is First John 5:7 and 8 where they replaced an entire passage with Catholic doctrine. In the better Bibles the Words of God are presented in the sidebars. The word “Easter” is found only once in the Bible (Acts 12:4). In all other places the Biblical word–Passover–is used.
The Holy Scriptures reveal that the apostles observed the Passover. and taught the churches to do the same. We learn from both church and secular history that the Lord’s Holy Passover was celebrated each year until Roman Emperor Constantine and the Catholic Church changed it to the pagan celebration of Easter in the 300’s A.D. Read the following Scriptures written by Paul and other apostles showing that they taught the early church to keep God’s Passover, not heathen Easter: Acts 2:1; 12:3; 20:6; First Corinthians 16:8; 11:20-32, especially the latter reference.
The ultimate authority relative to the change from Passover to Easter is Alexander Hislip who wrote the book titled The Two Babylons in which he exposes the Easter lie along with many other heathen beliefs and practices found in the Institutional Church today. Relative to Catholic theology, Hislip is by far the most authoritative source of information known to man. I recommend his book to anyone who wants to know the truth about the great whore God warns us about in Revelation 17. The entire Book of Revelation revolves around the activities of that beast-mounted woman as she, under the power and direction of Satan, has directed, is directing and will continue to direct the leaders of nations to move in accordance to her wishes. Her ultimate goal is to spiritually destroy humanity before they can come to know the true God. Satan, through the churches of professing Christendom, has been ultimately successful in his quest for unwitting subjects to join one of his churches. As I have written and spoken before, for proof of his success one need only to open phone book to the section labeled CHURCHES–and count. He has many weapons in his arsenal. One of his most effective is Easter. In the following segment we will examine the origin of this “Queen of Heaven” whose billions of parishioners pay homage to her each spring. We will also determine where the practice of Lent, hot cross buns and died chicken eggs originated and how the once popular sunrise service originated. L.J.
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