In the Scriptures we learn about two powerful, eternally significant whores. One of the whores is written about in Revelation 17:1-5 where she is described as a woman sitting on a beast. This lady had made her appearance at the beginning of what is referred to as the “end times” which began in 31 A.D. not long after the founding of the New Testament Church in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. She is seen and heard repeatedly in today’s world. The second whore is an ancient spiritual goddess who predates the beast rider by thousands of years. Exactly who these women are and what they have been doing over thousands of years is the subject of this series. The first whore will be discussed only briefly in that she is the focus of this website and has been discussed in almost every posting presented from day one of this website and will remain the focus of its attention until the end. Much more will be written about the second whore who has been mentioned on several occasions but only in a general sense.
Let us begin with a brief look at the beast rider who came into being and rose to power during the first and second centuries of the church era. We look to Revelation 17 for information about her. Keep in mind that the entire Book of Revelation is written about the final year of the church age which is known Biblically as the Lord’s day (Rev. 1:10), “the day of the Lord” and the “day of wrath (Zeph. 1:14,15). Revelation is a vision Jesus Christ shows the Apostle John and concerns what will take place on earth during that year which will begin following the Great Tribulation and will end with the return of Jesus Christ. The “woman” riding the beast has proven to be of great significance during the centuries leading up to the present day. She will continue to grow in power and influence globally with the passage of time. Keep in mind that this woman, written about some 1900 years ago, came on the world scene soon after the establishment of the New Testament Church in 31 A.D. Over the following years she came to life and grew exponentially in size and influence. Today she makes up approximately one-have of what is known as “the church.”
In Revelation 17:1-5 this “woman” is described as “the great whore that sits upon many waters” (vs 1). Scripturally, “waters” refers to nations and peoples. Her “sitting” on them means that she has hegemony (indirect but significant influence) over many nations, peoples, multitudes and tongues (vs 15). She is the powerful, ever-present entity that ties many nations together and influences her willing “captives” socially, politically, militarily and economically to follow her lead. She is the spiritual thread that binds those nations together. Her influence is exerted “below the radar” but is powerful because she serves as the intermediary between the nations (“waters”) she influences and the god those “waters” worship. This great whore is a religion. Her influence is far-reaching and irresistible because RELIGION IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON EARTH. Since her founding has gained ungodly power because she claims to represent the god the people look to for all of life’s needs and wants. Working behind the scenes, she persuades many national leaders to do her bidding. For example, one of America’s past presidents admitted that he made no decision until he had talked with his spiritual advisor who, after conferring with their “LADY,” would then give the president his marching orders. That American president’s “lady” has, as the Scriptures proclaim, committed spiritual fornication with the leaders of the nations she influences, in this case that nation was the United States of America, and her president was John F. Kennedy.
The leaders of many of the world’s nations have been taken in by the wine (power) of her (the whore’s) fornication” (Rev. 17:2). Kennedy, the most powerful leader of the most powerful nation on earth at that time, admittedly did nothing on the national or international scene until he had sought the will of his goddess–the great whore. The whore he worshiped and whose will he was careful to obey took precedent over the people who had elected him to office. He made it clear that when it came to running the country, the will of the American people was not his priority. It was the will of his goddess, his “Lady,” that he sought for, learned and obeyed. In verse three the whore is described as being “full of the names of blasphemy.” In verse four she is pictured as being dressed in the colors of royalty and decked out with gold, pearls and precious stones. The cup she is holding is filled with “abominations and filthiness of her fornication.” On her forehead is written these descriptive words: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (vs 5). Verse six tells us that she is drunken with the blood of the saints of God and the martyrs of Jesus (50,000,000 of them were killed during her “inquisition.” THIS “WHORE” IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. HER “HARLOT DAUGHTERS” ARE THE PROTESTANT CHURCHES THAT CAME OUT OF HER.
We will now examine two churches that, as Revelation 17 foretold, are existent in the days leading up to the end of this world as we have known it. In Revelation 3:14-20 those days are called the Laodicean era–the era in which we now live. The two churches are the Catholic Church (the whore) and the Protestant Churches (her harlot daughters) which I have described as two peas in a pod–two churches within the singular religion called “the church.”
The New Testament describes two churches that would dominate the “Christian World” at the same time–from 31 A.D. to just before the beginning of the Great Tribulation. One church is composed of what I refer to as the Catholic/Protestant Church System. The other is the true church of God which is populated by God’s true saints whom the C/PCS rejects–but not for long. In the future these two churches will unite and form a one-world church. The Book of Revelation presents her as one entity, one church. Therefore, for the remainder of his beast-rider segment we will do the same.
As Revelation 17 tells us, the beast-riding whore is great, powerful and universal in scope and influence. The word “universal” is implied in her name, The word “Catholic” means “universal.” This church was formed in 33 A.D. by Simon Magus (Simon the magician). He established this false church to meet the religious needs of everyone, regardless of his/her beliefs. Read Simon of Samaria: The Legacy. Key word–Simon. In Revelation 17 we find Jesus Christ prophesying to the Apostle John that she would participate in the world’s political order by exercising behind-the-scenes power over everything her “lovers” do in terms of political, economic, military and social undertakings. She will have had much experience at her job because she will have been around for a very long time.
As explained in the Simon of Samaria series, the end-time church which Revelation 17 describes will have exercised her powers of persuasion in the ancient past. Her roots go back to the Holy Roman Empire. That world-ruling “beast” ruled most of the civilized world with an iron hand until her demise in 1453 A.D. History reveals that the Catholic Church was the unseen guide to what the empire did during its glory days in which it ruled much of the world. The word “holy” in the empire’s title was attached to her name by the church because of her dominating influence over the Emperor Constantine who was supposedly “saved” while under her influence. This created the ultimate state-church union. The beast of Revelation 17 was the Holy Roman Empire. This empire corresponds to Daniel’s fourth “beast” depicted in Daniel 7 as well as the power described by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:4-30.
This whore-bearing beast is prophesied to “die” and be resurrected numerous times. Its final, world-ruling empire is now forming in Europe and will rule the world once again with the whore once again directing its actions. The beast of old will be the same as the original beast–the Holy Roman Empire that is taking shape now in the form of the European Union. In the near future international circumstances will cause that colossus to become a military power such as the world has never scene. Led by Germany, this war-loving beast will plunge the world into yet another war which will end with the return of Jesus Christ to earth. As the Scriptures tell us, much must take place before that happens. Much of it is taking place now. This website is dedicated to telling that whore and her harlot daughters (the Catholic/Protestant Church System–C/PCS) what God has written in His Holy Bible. The remainder of this series will introduce the reader to the other–the spiritual– “whore” at whose feet the C/PCS bows in worshipful adoration. Having in the past been one of her subjects, I can tell you she is powerful. Gird your loins, for you have probably done the same thing. Thank God for his forgiving grace. L.J.
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