In part one of this series we looked at some of the “errors” that professing Christendom accuses the Godhead (Father and Son) of perpetrating on the religious community. According to “the church,” it is her commission from the gods and lords (1 Cor. 8:5) of her denominations, faiths, orders, etc. to use their ministers to correct the errors that the Biblical God and His Son have used to deceive salvation seekers in an attempt to control their lives. Part one revealed that professing Christendom has been ultimately successful in alerting her billions of disciples (99.99% of the church world) to the wool God and Christ have attempted to pull over the eyes of the religious masses for some 2000 years. Jesus, of course, saw the church’s apostacy coming (2 Thes. 2:3) and warned His true (and few) saints within her that most seekers would choose Satan’s user-friendly, man-centered way in Matthew 7:13,14, 22:14 and 24:4,5. Adam and Eve’s religious descendants did not learn the lesson God has tried to teach them. Read Matthew 1-7: Who Are God’s People? Key word–Matthew.
God deals in duality. This is brought out by the fact that what happened to ancient Israel–His light to the ancient world–has happened, is happening and will happen to modern Israel–His church (Gal. 6:16)–the light of the modern world. Ancient Israel began with a bright glow but ended in darkness. The same is true with America. Like a city on a hill, she was designed to shed the light of the glorious Gospel upon the world in both word and example. As was the case with her spiritual and biological ancestors, so has been, is and will continue to be with America. In this super-religious nation we find “a church on every corner,” but no light comes from within them. What God finds is darkness disguised as light, which Jesus calls “great darkness” (Mat. 6:23).
As stated, God works in duality–His dealings with ancient Israel are being reflected in His dealings with modern Israel–America, Britain and the Jews of the Middle East, America being the lead country. This is reflected in the expression: “AS GOES AMERICA, SO GOES THE WORLD.” For this reason I normally use her as the focus of my messages.
With the duality truth in mind, we will briefly turn to Israel, then compare God’s dealings with her to His dealings with America today. Initially, both began in brightness, faded into a times of alternating darkness and light. Anciently, God ran out of patience with Israel and sent Assyria and Babylon to defeat Israel and Judah respectively. Over the past few hundred years He has sent wars, disease epidemics, financial disasters, “natural” disasters such as drought, flooding, extreme heat and cold and of late, invasion by the heathen hoards whom He is sending into the reprobate countries that have fallen away from Him and have embraced more and more of Satan’s ways and beliefs.
As churchman has grown more resistant to God’s ways, His “curses” have grown stronger (His “voices” have grown louder) as the four horsemen of the apocalypse have brought calamity after calamity upon the so-called “Christian nations.” Read Matthew 24:3-8 and Revelation 6:1-8. All of these “voices” of God were predicted in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. The so-called “Christian world” is now in the “beginning of sorrows” Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:8. As personal and nation apostasies take their spiritual toll, conditions will gradually grow worse and worse, with a possible short period of “revival” which, if one should take place, will have people temporarily returning to the spiritual condition that led the “Christian world” into this mess in the first place. There will be great religious repression in the near future. God’s few believers will be forced to leave their respective nations. Then–I am guessing within 5 to 8 years–the Tribulation Period will begin in full force. As noted in a recent series, it will be at that point that God will take His Very Elect saints to a “place of safety” which He calls “her (the church’s) place” where they will be cared for and protected while the rest of the world sinks into World War III. Read God’s Place of Safety. Key word–Safety.
Until God allows spiritual darkness to overtake the earth, I and others like me, few thought they are, will continue to warn the world’s masses to seek God while He may be found. His Word (“Sword of the Spirit”) will continue to cut deep and wide FOR those who are seeking His untarnished and unedited Truth and AGAINST those who hate it. Their mighty verbal Sword is the instrument by which everything knowable about Father and Son is spread throughout the world. I recently learned that this website has been visited over 3.3 billion times, and that people normally read more than one posting during each visit. The world is hearing God’s Truth. His precious Word, if BELIEVED AND OBEYED, can save the soul. Nothing else can.
As I have mentioned before, God designed this ministry to speak to the Institutional Church in the hope that some who have been lured into her religious web will recognize the Truth when they see it–probably for the first time–receive it as God’s Truth, believe it and “Come out of her (the counterfeit church)… touch not that unclean thing” and embrace the living God so that He can be their true God and they can be His true people (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1).
EVERYTING BEGINS, IS SUSTAINED AND ENDS WITH GOD’S WORD. It is by that Word that we know what we know about the Godhead. Time is running out. This world is about to go up in flames. Only one sign marking the world’s demise remains to be manifested. It could materialize at any moment. The final sign is found in Luke 21:20 where Jesus warns that when we see Jerusalem encircled by armies, know that the world as we know it is about to end. With the political atmosphere as it is today, anything is possible at any time. Lay aside everything else. Put down the book, put your idiot box in a drawer (or even better–the nearest body of deep water), turn of the t.v. and embrace the Word of God. Live as if He is all there is, BECAUSE HE IS ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT. He is not the bottom line, HE IS THE ONLY LINE. HE IS EVERYTHING, THE ONLY THING AND ALL THINGS. Only those who approach Him with that mindset will rise to meet Him in the clouds upon His return. Only they will live forever with Him in New Jerusalem and sit with Him on His throne. Only they will have rulership over the earth and the universe for eternity. Read the Three Resurrections, the Kingdom of God, God’s Very Elect and The True Trinity. Key words Resurrections, Kingdom, Caretakers and True respectively. L.J.
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