A template is a pattern, an example to be followed in order to produce a perfect replica of an entity. For this posting we will use the word “example” when referring to the One we are to emulate (copy) in order to fulfill the Father’s will, and in so doing, qualify for eternal life.
In First Peter 2:21-24 the apostle writes, “For even unto this (suffering for righteousness–vs 20) you were called. Christ also suffered (for the sake of holiness) for us, LEAVING US AN EXAMPLE (OF HOLINESS AND SUBSEQUENT SUFFERING) TO FOLLOW.” The sinless man from Galilee left us an example of holiness that we must emulate in order to join Him in the Kingdom of God He will establish in the Holy Land following His Second Advent. He bore our PAST sins (Rom. 3:25) in His own body so that we, HAVING BEEN MADE DEAD TO SATAN’S (FUTURE) TEMPTATIONS, CAN LIVE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Such righteousness is required in order to be saved upon Christ’s return. Notice in Romans 5:21 and 6:22 that THE END RESULT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS AND HOLINESS IS ETERNAL LIFE. In this life we have the “HOPE OF SALVATION” (Rom. 8:24,25/ 1 Thes. 5:8/ Titus 1:2; 3:7/ Heb. 3:6; 6:11/ 1 Pet. 1:13). Read Hope and Salvation. Key word–Hope.
Notice that in order to live with Christ in the hereafter we must walk in the here and now in the same righteousness/holiness in which He walked. This is plainly stated in First John 2:6 and 3:3 where it is written that if we claim to be Christ’s spiritual brethren we must “walk (live) even as He walked” and purify ourselves “even as He is pure.” Such purity of walk is the result of spiritually “washing” our mind (“heart”) with a continuous intake of the Holy Scriptures. We must cleanse our minds repeatedly and embrace God’s Truth “by the washing by the water by the Word” of God (Eph. 5:26/ 1 Pet. 1:22). This is the only way Christ can cleanse and sanctify (set aside for holy use) His church (“called out ones”). Only those who “walk in the light as He (Jesus) is in the light” are part of that church (1 Jn. 1:5,7). Purity and light are necessary characteristics for the believer in order that, upon His return “He can present to Himself a glorious church, not having a spot, or a wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it (the church) be holy and without sin (Eph. 5:25-27). If (as is proclaimed) Jesus makes us permanently pure by His death, why does the saint need to continually “purify himself” as decreed in 1 John 3:3? If Jesus overcame Satan for us, why must we “overcome as I (Jesus) overcame” Satan’s temptations in order to join Him on His Throne in the future (Rev. 3:21)? If Jesus automatically forgives our inevitable sins, why do we need to “walk as He walked,” “purify ourselves as He is pure” and “overcome as He overcame?” If (as we are told repeatedly) He walks, purifies and overcomes for us, why burden us with those tasks? BECAUSE HE DOES NOT DO THOSE THINGS FOR US. RATHER, HE EMPOWERS US TO DO THOSE THINGS FOR OURSELVES. Read The Message of the Cross. Key word–Message.
The reason God made Christ our EXAMPLE, placed that Truth in writing and preserved it until this day is so that we can know exactly what is commanded of us in order to spend eternity with Them. Recall that He wrote His Law in stone and has hidden it until this day. This should tell us something. Neither grace nor faith, nor a combination of the two will do our walking, purifying or overcoming for us. Why does God command us to “Be ye holy for I am (for He is) holy” (Lev. 11:44,45/ 1 Pet. 1:15,16) if Jesus has already done that for us? Why command us to do what Jesus has already done in our stead?
Jesus told the disciples: “You shall receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you, and you shall be My witnesses ….” (Acts 1:8). We bear witness of Him by allowing Him to manifest Himself through us BY THE THOUGHTS, WORDS AND DEEDS THAT WE CHOOSE TO THINK, SPEAK AND DO. The final decision as to what we think, say and do is US. It is our will that determines what we do, say and think. When we sin we are responding to the Lord’s Words as did Adam and Eve–in rebellion. When we are righteous we are responding to His Words as did “righteous Abel” (Mat. 23:35). In the case of Adam and Eve, the Lord spoke face-to-face with them. Now He speaks to His saints through His Holy Spirit which abides in them. In John 12:44-50 Jesus tells us that we will be judged, not by Jesus Himself, but by His Words. These are the same Words by which we are commanded to live (Matthew 4:4). Read Luke 10:16.
It is argued by Law deniers that it is impossible to follow the example set by Jesus of Nazareth. But First Peter 1:22 means exactly what it says–we must PURIFY OUR SOULS BY OBEYING THE TRUTH–God’s Word (Jn. 17:17) in order to join Him in the hereafter. The Holy Scriptures were recorded and preserved to serve as teaching texts for God’s end-time church (Eph. 2:20/ 1 Cor. 10:11). Peter tells us that “Holy men of old spoke (and wrote) as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21). Why did the Lord preserve their messages to this day if we are not required to obey them? Read the homepage to this website for a list of church “truths” which God warns about in Luke 10:16. The Holy Bible is God’s love letter to mankind. He preserved that holy tome SO THAT WE WOULD HAVE AN EXAMPLE TO FOLLOW which would lead us to Him. God loves man and wants him to join Him in His earthly paradise throughout eternity. Read The Kingdom of God and Next Stop, Heaven? Key words–Kingdom and Heaven respectively.
In order to face and overcome the same temptations that Jesus faced and overcame, He must live within us in the form of His Holy Spirit. This is what is meant by “Christ in you, the HOPE of glory” (Col. 1:27). Having Christ (His Spirit) in us will not save us UNLESS WE OBEY HIS “VOICE.” It was only by that Spirit that the man Jesus–a man like all other men (Heb. 4:15)–could abstain from sinning–breaking God’s Law. John 15:10 tells us that He obeyed His Father’s Law perfectly, as must we, using Him as our perfect example. Christ, in the form of His Holy Spirit, provides the true convert with internal power and leadership which enables him/her to obey the Law. That same Spirit power enabled Him to obey the Father’s Law and thereby complete His assignment. He admitted that He had no power of His own (Jn. 5:30). He was the Son of God only because He obeyed God. Are we better than Jesus Christ Who was led by the Holy Spirit? “They who are led by the Spirit of God, (only) they are the sons of God” (Rom. 8:14). This included Jesus of Nazareth. Why be led by the Holy Spirit if we are not required to follow it? Why receive instructions if we are not required to obey them? Why was Jesus man’s example if man is not required to follow His example?
So, what does Christ’s perfect example have to do with Him living in us? If He left us a perfect example , and He is living in us today, then His example reveals to us how we must live today. As Christians–true followers of Christ–we must totally rely on our Father for both the example and the power to emulate that example. And emulate Christ we must. The Lord issued commandments, not suggestions. We have two choices: to obey His commandments and live eternally, or disobey His commandments and die eternally.
Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is our perfect example of holiness and righteousness that resulted from His obedience to the Father’s Law. If the unchanging Messiah is living in us, why would He not expect us to obey that same Law? Why write his Law on His saints’ hearts, then allow them to ignore it (Jer. 31:31/ Heb. 8:8-12)? Read John 14:15,23; 15:10, Matthew 19:17 and First John 2:5. We prove that Jesus is living (“WALKING”) in us today by walking as He walked 2000 years ago–IN OBEDIENCE TO GOD’S TEN COMMANDMENT LAW. Do not let Satan’s false prophets deceive you with his “the Law was nailed to the cross” and “God changed the Sabbath day to Sunday” lies. Test their spirits to see if they are of God. Compare what they are telling you to what God tells you in His Holy Word (1 Jn. 4:1). Billions of salvation seekers have been led astray because they refused to obey this commandment. Do not be one of them. L.J.
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