In John 13:8 the Apostle Peter has told Jesus Christ that He was wrong (again), that He (Jesus) was not going to wash his (Peter’s) feet. Jesus had to correct His most vocal disciple (again), telling him that if He (Jesus) did not wash him, that he (Peter) would play “no part” in the church era that would soon begin, that he (Peter) would be an outcast.
At that point in time Peter was not walking in the holiness necessary in order to remain in Christ’s good graces. As had happened previously when he rebuffed the Lord, he realized that he had to make a total change, and said so: “Lord, do not wash my feet only, but also my hands and my head” (vs 9). As Jesus had told him in Luke 22:32: “… when you become converted, help your brethren (other disciples)” to be converted. That none of the disciples had been converted at that time is brought out in Christ’s Words to them as recorded in Matthew 18:3: “… unless you (disciples) are converted and become as little children, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven” (the church). In Peter’s case, the unconverted disciple would once again tell his Messiah he was wrong, and would once again have to be corrected (Mat. 26:31-35). The disciples would not be converted until after the death of their Savior. Because those in the Institutional Church have not been converted and have not received the Holy Spirit, they cannot obey God. For this reason so-called “Sinners Saved By Grace” have resorted to blaming Adam for their rebellion against the God Who supposedly saved them. And Satan smiles, knowing that he has deceived the whole world (Rev. 12:9). His takeover of Catholicism/Protestantism is his most valued conquest. Read True Conversion: The Sin For Righteousness Swap. Key word–Swap.
True salvation seekers must understand the spiritual Truth that Peter voiced in John 13:9. What is it about Jesus washing our head and hands that is so vitally important? What does that symbolic statement have to do with the walk of holiness He requires of His people? Moses answers those questions.
In Deuteronomy chapters five and six we find him reminding the Israelites of their Mt. Sinai visitation from God–the Word Who would later become Jesus of Nazareth. (Jn. 1:1-4,14). After repeating the Ten Commandments, Moses says to God’s Chosen People: “Now these are the commandments, the statutes and the judgments of the Lord your God who commanded that I teach them to you so that you would do (obey) them in the land you will possess.” In the following verses Moses tells the people that they (and we) must fear the Lord their God and keep His statutes and commandments throughout their generations (forever). If they would obey Him He would bless them in the land where they were going. Moses reminds them that there is one Lord God and that they must: “… love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your might” (vs 5).
It is sometimes difficult to understand which God/Lord the writer is referencing. Note in Ephesians 4:4-6 that the Apostle Paul distinguishes between our Lord God and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Note that there is no mention of the Holy Spirit being a third God. This passage and others prove that the trinity theory is merely that– an unscriptural theory. Reat The Trinity. Key word–Trinity. Because merely reading the Bible can cause confusion, God commands us to study His Word according to the rules stated in Isaiah 28:9-13. Here He tells us that we are to study the Scriptures “precept upon (added to) precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” He then repeats the rule for emphasis. I believe He requires such a rigorous study of the Scriptures in order to separate true saints from counterfeit saints, contenders from pretenders, sheep from goats. True saints will obey His command. False saints will not. Read All That Glitters. Key word–Glitters.
In verses 6-9 Moses stresses the importance of the Ten Commandments and the part they are to play in the life of the true saint. Note that, contrary to universal church opinion, #4 is not an exception. In this passage he tells all who claim to be God’s children that His commandments (including #4) must be in their minds and on their tongues when they are at home where they can influence their children. In verse eight Moses speaks to what Peter would later say relative to the washing of his head and hands (John 13:9). Moses said concerning the Ten Commandments: “You will bind them AS a sign upon your HANDS and your FOREHEAD” (Deut. 6:8). In the Hebrew language the command is thus: “Tie them on your hand and your forehead AS A SIGN.” In verse nine Moses commanded the Israelites to write the Law (Ten Commandments) on their gates and on their door posts. This the ancient Israelites did. Many modern day Jews continue to follow the practice. As the Holy Scriptures proclaim, this is no longer necessary. Why it is no longer required will be covered in this posting. Admittedly, I have a small container attached to my door frame which contains the Ten Commandments, compliments of a Jewish friend of my daughter. Being either a biological or a spiritual Israelite, or both, I do not believe I can own too many copies of the Law. Back to verse eight.
Notice that the Ten Commandments were to be bound to one’s HAND AS A SIGN. A sign serves to point one’s attention to something else. For example, “Joe’s Garage” declares two things: who owns the business (Joe) and what that business involves (fixing automobiles). The Law attached to one’s hand was symbolic, thus the use of the word “AS.” It signified what one DID. Man uses his hands to do 99% of what he does. Symbolically washing one’s right hand signified that what one DID–THE PHYSICAL ASPECT OF HIS “WALK”–would be done according to God’s Law.
The Ten Commandments symbolically tied to one’s forehead signified that what one thought was in accordance with God’s Law. Everything begins in the mind (heart). This is made clear in James 1:14,15 where it is explained that evil (as well as good) takes place first in the mind. In Prov. 23:7 we are told that “As a man thinks in his heart (mind), so he is.” We speak and do what we first think about. This is why both righteousness and evil have their beginnings in the mind. Our will determines what we do relative to what we think. First we think. We then weigh the rightness or wrongness of the thought. We then decide whether to act on the thought or reject it. Ultimately, the decision is ours. Warning: God whispers; Satan screams.
God “speaks” to all people, telling them to do the right thing. Satan also “speaks” to all people. Sinners reject God’s “voice” and obey Satan’s voice. Saints reject Satan’s voice and obey God’s voice. The person’s reaction to those voices identify which deity he/she serves. We cannot serve both God and Satan. Church sinners claim to do so with impunity but are deceived (Rev. 12:9). In God’s eyes they reject Him and serve Satan. As the Scriptures proclaim, light and darkness do not mix, STUDY 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
Incidentally, some orthodox Jews wear leather pouches containing the Ten Commandment attached to their right hands and to their foreheads. This signifies that what they think about and do are according to God’s Law.
In Ephesians 5:26 and 27 we find the specific “fine print” that explains why the Lord must “wash” the heads and hands of His Very Elect saints. Note that the “washing” of the head (thoughts) and hands (deeds) is done with “water ” which symbolizes the “Word” of God. We are to continually “wash” our hearts (minds) with the water of the Word, thereby removing anything Satan has placed there. Evil thoughts come to everyone, including Jesus Christ when He was on earth. Like everyone else, He had to reject them. Those who do are His true saints who have sanctified their minds unto Him.
God’s Very Elect are not required to write the Ten Commandment Law on their doorposts and gates. Neither do they tie them to their heads and hands because GOD’S PEOPLE HAVE THE LAW WRITTEN IN THEIR HEARTS BY THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH RESIDES THEREIN. The Lord, through the Prophet Joel, proclaimed that He would write His Law in the hearts (minds) of His people during the “LAST DAYS” (Joel 2:28). On the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. He did just that while His people were meeting in the upper room. Concerning the commotion caused by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 120 disciples in the upper room, Peter explained to the crowd that had gathered outside: “THIS (outpouring) IS THAT (prophecy) which was prophesied by the Prophet Joel ….” Read Acts 2:16-18. By those words God signified that the “LAST DAYS” of the world began on the Day of Pentecost 31 A.D. We are living in the final days of this world system. This means that the next world-enveloping phenomenon to take place will be THE GREAT TRIBULATION (WORLD WAR III) which I believe will begin within five years.
It is absolutely essential for true believers to continually cleanse themselves “… by the washing by the water of the Word” (Eph. 5:26). God’s perfect Truth/Word is the only weapon we have against the evil forces of this world. As we are told, “We do not war against physical forces. We fight against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (the air).” Read Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth. Key word–Planet. L.J.
Memory verse: First Corinthians 10:11: “Now all these things (God’s dealings with Israel) happened to them (Israel) as examples to be used instruct us upon whom the ends of the world have come.” The Almighty arranged for His dealings with Israel to be used to instruct the New Testament Church, which is spiritual Israel. Just as our spiritual and biological ancestors (Israel) rejected the Lord and, after many curses and over much time, fell to a heathen military, so will the United States and all so-called “Christian nations.” As were all the tribes of Israel, those nations will be defeated and most of their citizens will be killed. Survivors will be taken to the homelands of their enemies. Only God’s Very Elect will be taken to a place of safety prior to the arrival of the Great Tribulation. There they will be protected and provided for during the 3 1/2 years of terror, destruction and death. As I have stated, I believe the place of safety will be a mountain range in Jordan called Petra.
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