When the Biblical God is pushed out of an individual, group or nation’s life, Satan steps in to fill the vacuum created by the Lord’s exit. When the devil enters into one’s life and assumes control of it he is rarely recognized for who he is or what he is there to do. He arrives disguised in any number of ways, not one of which truly reveals his true agenda. As stated earlier, his main thrust for control of mankind began with the Industrial Revolution. Since then he has steadily harvested more and more souls as man has turned farther and farther away from God.
In the 1960’s Satan slipped into the lives of millions of individuals, and consequently, many nations disguised as something that appeals to everyone–love. This movement sounded innocent enough, as his arrival always does. A call to attend a love fest in a place called Woodstock seemingly overnight turned a meeting of young people into a national craze that became known as the “Sexual Revolution.” What began in an open field in New York now dominates the lives of billions of people. Since that fateful outdoor meeting Satan has dominated mankind by appealing to one of humanity’s most basic natural needs–sex. Sex is a gift from God to man. The powerful emotional and physical activity was designed by God to unite a male and a female in a way no other act and emotion can. The act was also designed by Him to propagate the human species as He commands in Genesis 1:27,28 where we are told that He “created man in His own image … male and female He created them” and told them to “… be fruitful and multiply ….”
As the previous posting noted, God had been persona non grata on a world-wide scale for several generations. Following Woodstock, sex became the god which took the true God’s place in the hearts of the masses. God does not abide where sin abides. With His exit, sex entered to fill the vacuum. As had been the case following World War II, America led the way. Soon the entire world was obsessed with the mating process as America began flooding the rest of the world with her obsession in the form of movies, television, books, magazines, music, etc. Through sex, Satan gained control over the mind of man. His stranglehold has increased over the decades. Today, sex, not God, is first and foremost in the collective mind of mankind. The vacuum created by His departure from the heart of man has been filled.
The Sexual Revolution was particularly powerful in removing God from the social realm. God’s Word on the subject soon became the focus of humor on late night t.v. Then sex began to be flaunted before viewers of prime time t.v, in movies, popular magazines, books and magazines. Soon God was being pushed out of the nation’s public schools and universities by laws which forbad His name to be spoken and His Words to be printed in public venues. Children are being taught about sex in the lower grades. Over the years the society has become obsessed with the subject. Many people, men especially, spend hours each day viewing pornography on the internet where it has become a multi-billion dollar industry. As a result of Satan’s vacuum-filling work, illicit sex is now the prevailing aspect of every part of human existence.
As God is forced out of man’s everyday life, the vacuum that is created is filled with another god–“the god of this world”–Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). As a result, everything in the world is now a potential god. A god is that which one thinks about, talks about and is about. Listen to people in their conversations. What do they talk about? The Scriptures tell us that what one thinks about eventually comes out one’s mouth, or in today’s world, on a screen as one’s thoughts can be instantly transmitted to the entire world. It is man’s nature to speak that which fills his mind, which can be anything–politics, food, sex, sports, fashion, movies, music, etc. Nothing is beyond becoming a god. Want proof? Notice how many people are addicted to their hand-held devices. They carry their god in their hand.
Whatever dominates a person’s thoughts is that person’s god, even though that person probably does not realize it. Religious people are loath to admit that they worship a false god which, in their case, is the church, which I call their Golden Calf. But that is not their only god. For example, prior to their retirement, two of the most religious people I know recorded their favorite t.v. programs while they were at work. In the evening they watched them for hours, their fixation on what who was doing what to whom consuming hours of valuable time. Their minds filled with garbage, they would then read a chapter in the Bible, then say a short prayer, and fall into a stuperous sleep. Outside of praying over their food, that was their daily offering to God. Since their retirement they no longer need to record their god’s activities, words, etc. Now they can stare into a screen all day and into the night. And should they need to leave home, their portable god goes with them.
Today the world has many gods, and therefore many spiritual “truths.” As a result, everything has become relative, meaning that there are no absolutes. There is no ABSOLUTE TRUTH in that truth, like beauty, is “in the eye, or in today’s world, the mind, of the beholder.” Perception has become reality. “Well, this the way I see it” is an oft-heard phrase when the things of God are brought up in conversation. This is normally followed by the individual’s version of what God should have said and would have said if He had thought the situation through. Religious man has turned the Biblical God into an inveterate liar. Either that or He was simply wrong. The sad truth of the spiritual matter is that Satan, through his human vessels, has replaced the Biblical God. “I” is now the central theme in the thoughts, words and actions of man, including churchman. The vacuum created by God’s exit from His former disciples has been filled.
But God has always had a remnant–a tiny group of true saints who cling to Him by obeying His Word/Law/Gospel/Light/Truth. It is my hope that readers of this website are part of that group who will, upon Christ’s return to earth, rise to meet Him in the clouds and go with Him to Jerusalem where He will establish His Father’s kingdom where Their Very Elect saints will live with Them forever. L.J.
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