SOVEREIGN–having supreme power, jurisdiction and authority, free from oversight, independent, autonomous. I recently heard a famous t.v. news commentator and Bible teacher say that human beings are sovereign, having the right to do whatever they want to do relative to sexual identification, preference and marriage. He was speaking from a social perspective and had much to say on the subject. But because he is a self-professed Christian who claims to believe the Bible and who is prone to telling his vast audience “what the Bible says,” I was disappointed by what he failed to say. He failed to say that though man is indeed free to do as he pleases, GOD MAINTAINS ABSOLUTE SOVEREIGNTY OVER MAN, THAT HIS RULES OF ENGAGEMENT RELATIVE TO HIS SOVEREIGNTY ARE WRITTEN IN HIS HOLY BIBLE, AND THAT IF MAN REFUSES TO OBEY HIS RULES, MAN DIES.
Because this world-renowned speaker is like other self-professed Christians, I suspect that no amount of Scriptural evidence would change his mind about the Lord’s condemnation of man’s sexual perversions– any sex act condemned by God. It has been my experience that once Satan has indoctrinated a person with his theological “truths” it is nearly impossible to dislodge them, especially if the person has high standing in the church world. I can assure the reader from years of putting forth God’s Word that ignorance truly is bliss relative to religious people, and that God’s Truth has little, if any effect once Satan’s truth has taken hold–the Lord’s Word/Way/Will/Truth is secondary to churchman’s version of “what God would have us do.” The speaker in this case was no exception. Why?
Because it would not have been religiously correct to state what God has written in His Word concerning the subject under discussion. The speaker dared not say that the Writer of the Bible he teaches from condemns both homosexuality and gay marriage. To have done so would have jeopardized his standing in the religious community. In this highly public (his program is seen by tens of millions around the world), extremely powerful example of sin by omission, the popular t.v. and radio host called evil good (Isa. 5:20), thereby giving license to two sins that God repeatedly condemns. Like millions of professing Christians world-wide, he cannot accept the fact that homosexuality and gay marriage are perversions in the eyes of God. In His Word the Lord makes abundantly clear that same sex intimacy is equal to having sex with animals (Rom. 1:26,27/Deut. 23:17;27:21). See Satan’s Sex Saturation.
Human sovereignty became the platform from which all human evil sprang when man became his own god in the Garden of Eden. It was there that Satan offered Adam and Eve total sovereignty–absolute freedom from the strict dictates of their Creator, Provider and life-sustainer. Believing that the devil had the power to grant them total independence from God, they accepted his offer. The Institutional Church has faithfully carried on the tradition established by her ancient ancestors. But there is a significant difference between then and now. In Eden it was the devil who supposedly awarded man his sovereignty; today man awards himself freedom from God. Following “the salvation experience” in which man is supposedly saved and born again, God goes on the back burner where He comes to mind only on special occasions–at mealtime, bedtime, on Sunday morning and when things go terribly wrong. Being self- directed, religious man views the true God as the provider of his needs and wants, not as his Ruler, Master and King. In other words, churchman has accepted Jesus as his savior Whose death he can use, but not as his Lord Whose Words he must obey. As a result, churchman has produced a variety of doctrines, customs and traditions that bear no resemblance to God’s Will as expressed in His Word. Research reveals that the vast majority of church beliefs and procedures are of Babylonian (heathen) origin. See the Introduction to this website. In summary, in order to be awarded eternal life at the return of Jesus Christ, man must obey His Word. Unless, as we are told every Satan’s Sunday Sabbath, the Lord has lied to us. L.J.
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