The shell must be filled. The question is: With what? God-seekers, knowing that they must be filled with the things of Him, complete an organizationally-prescribed set of activities which supposedly renders them “saved.” Once having satisfied the organizations entrance requirements and having been declared “saved,” the seeker is assured that he/she has met all requirements for future paradise habitation and need merely meet organizational requirements in order to “fly away” upon either death or the “rapture.”
As explained in the postings titled Bait and Switch, by this point in the new convert’s “salvation experience,” Satan has hijacked the victim and has lured him/her through his wide gate (joining the “church of your choice”) and has him/her walking his wide path (following that church’s doctrines). One of those doctrines involves the subject of the current postings–the filling of the shell. The question then becomes, With what is the new believer’s shell filled? The universal answer has three parts. The first two filling materials are 1) heathen teachings, customs and traditions, and 2) sin. Number one is presented as “God’s truths” in spite of the fact that the God the organization claims to believe declares them to be abominations. Number two is declared to be inevitable due to the convert having miraculously absorbed Adam’s sin dna. See Human Nature.
Which brings us to part three–the assurance that practicing heathenism and sinning repeatedly are okay because Christ’s death made them okay. According to church doctrine, the fix is in provided the “saved” person shows up on Sunday. If a weekly visit is inconvenient, an appearance on Christmas and/or Easter will suffice. Ironically, any of the above church visitations separates the visitor from God, according to the God of the Book the organization declares to be her guiding light. See Christmas, Easter and The Mark of the Beast.
Participation in the above-mentioned traditions and beliefs constitute spiritual treason, if the God of the Bible is to be believed, which is not an option in Catholicism/Protestantism. To replace the Biblical God’s Words, professing Christendom has developed hundreds of different doctrinal systems known as denominations, churches, faiths, etc. Yet, in spite of their widely-varying “truths,” there is a common, overpowering belief that runs through all of them, holding them together like a thread through a bead necklace. This doctrine involves #2–the belief that sin and righteousness must occupy the same shell (mind/heart). The theory is that God is perfectly satisfied to share living space with Satan, as long as the believer declares Him (God) to be his/her favorite master. This in spite of such scriptures as 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 in which God asks what relationship has righteousness with unrighteousness, light with darkness, Christ with Satan? To which the church responds that to accept two masters is perfectly okay, that to be unequally yoked with Satan is not only acceptable, it is inevitable due to Adam’s sin. Then there is Matthew 6:24 where Jesus states that man cannot serve two masters, that he must love one and hate the other. Not so, declares the church, reminding Him of the inevitability of sin. Another Scripture the Institutional Church rejects is Philippians 2:5 where Paul tells us to “let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.” To which the church inserts, “and the mind of Satan.” In summary, one must serve two masters, must be unequally yoked with Satan and must harbor both the mind of Christ and the mind of the devil.
The above-stated doctrine is voiced in the globally-accepted mantra: “I’m just a sinner saved by grace.” In other words, one can (must) remain a sinner and be saved at the same time. How is this possible? the Bible believer asks. Because Jesus died so that the saved person can continue to sin and get away with it, is the universal reply. In fact, I have been told, that is THE reason He came, suffered and died. And Satan smiles. L.J.
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