Someone wisely observed that “Nature hates a vacuum.” In the natural world something will eventually fill an empty space. It might be nothing more than spiders, rodents, etc., but it will not remain totally empty over time. The rule also holds true in the spiritual world where the vacuum involves the heart (mind). Let me interject a fact that some people do not accept. Scripturally, when the Lord speaks of the “heart” He is referring to the mind. “As a man THINKS in his HEART, so he is” (Prov. 23:7). Man thinks/reasons/plans, etc. with his mind. His human spirit enables him to do what animals cannot do–think and reason on a high level because of a higher developed mental faculty. The mind is housed in the brain. The brain is also the home of both man’s spirit and the spirit that empowers us–either the Spirit of Christ or the Spirit of Antichrist. Man’s human spirit determines which of those two Spirits will control him. The mind then determines how he will obey his human spirit. It is the mind that, spiritually speaking, can never be a vacuum because either God or Satan will fill it for either good or ill.
The mind is a “shell.” Once man reaches the “age of accountability” he has the option of allowing either God or Satan to fill his shell. Without exception, Satan worms his way into the thought processes of each of us at an early age when we begin to hear two “voices.” God whispers; Satan screams. For this reason we all fell for the devil’s carnival barker voice and were lured into his “tent” where we were promised eternal life. Let us face some facts: for the carnal man, sin is fun. For him the easy way is the most fun way; pleasing the flesh is more fun than pleasing the spirit. God’s way addresses the spirit while Satan’s way addresses the flesh. Satan’s way exalts the self–the me, the I, the “flesh”–while degrading God; God’s way degrades the self while exalting Himself. Man chooses either self-exaltation or self-degrading on a continuous basis. In God’s world, there is only black or white. Man determines what will fill his mind: either God and His Way or Satan and his way. For example, during the evening when we have an hour or so in which to either study God’s Word or watch a t.v. program, which do we choose? Do we choose to lose ourselves in God’s world, or do we escape into a make-believe world, or perhaps watch grown men play with a ball? Man is forced to decide whose voice he has ears to hear. In this way, MAN CHOOSES HIS MASTER. Like our ancestors from Eden, we initially chose the devil. Later, when God called us away from him, billions of us choose to answer His call to enter His strait gate and walk His narrow path leading to salvation. However, having been blinded to the existence of God’s gate and path, we were ushered through the wide gate and along the broad path provided by Institutional Christianity, called “the Church” (Mat. 7:13,14). See Bait and Switch. And having been brain washed by Satan and his people, we became one of them. Later, when God again called us to “come up hither” (see the posting by that name), 99.99% of us ignored His call and stayed the course, having been assured by the god of that course that, not only were were we already saved and born again, and that we had entered God’s strait gate and were walking His narrow path, but that those who might tell us about that other gate and path would be false prophets. In this way God’s prophecy that some would call “good” “evil” and “evil” “good” has come to pass. To be continued.
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