The ultimate question surrounding the Lord’s weekly Sabbath is: WHOSE WORD DO I TAKE RELATIVE TO RECEIVING ETERNAL LIFE? Concerning the question, we have two choices: God’s Scriptural Word spoken and written by “holy men of old as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21), or man’s word spoken and written as he was moved upon by the spirit of antichrist (1 Jn. 2:18). The ultimate choice of whom to believe and obey was first presented to the human race in the newly reconstructed world where we find Adam, Eve and Cain choosing to obey the antichrist spirit of Satan while “righteous Abel” choosing to obey the Spirit of God. As was the case in the beginning, those who , over the centuries, have embraced the Holy Bible and proclaim it to be God’s Word/Truth (Jn. 17:17) comprise only a tiny minority of those who claim to be God’s people. Jesus prophesied this development in Matthew 7:13,14 and 20:16 as the result of having two doors and paths from which man must choose. The two “doors” (churches) appear identical from the outside. However, inside they are as different as life and death, which are the two choices offered by the two churches. Concerning the masses who would seek salvation, Jesus warned that a miniscule minority would enter His strictly governed church and walk His narrow, restricted path to salvation. The many, He said, would enter Satan’s come-as-you-are church and stroll along his broad, stay-as-you-are path to destruction.
In 1 John 3:4 “the disciple whom Jesus loved” defined sin as follows: “To transgress the LAW is sin, for sin is the transgression of the LAW.” Sin separates the sinner from the Lord (Isa. 59:2). LAW BREAKERS ARE SEPARATED FROM GOD AND ARE THEREFORE NOT HIS PEOPLE. John wrote in 1 Jn. 3:6,8 that church sinners “do not know God” and “are of the devil.” This Truth is confirmed by the Apostle Peter who said that only the righteous in the church will be saved, and they just barely (1 Pet. 4:17,18). Church people are commanded by the Lord to: “… be ye holy for I am holy” (vs 16). Here Peter is quoting the Lord from Leviticus 11:44,45 where God commands His people to be holy BECAUSE He is holy–twice. Without holiness and righteousness no one can receive eternal life (Rom. 5:21; 6:22). As Peter said, only those who obey God’s command to be holy as He is holy will be saved. Why is this not being preached every God-commanded Sabbath? Because people are working, recreating, watching t.v., etc. on that day. They prefer to worship their sun god the following day–Sunday–the day Roman Emperor Constantine labeled “The Venerable (Holy) Day of the Sun (god).” Today (Sunday) around the world millions of people paid homage to their sun god, having spent God’s Holy Day doing whatever they wanted to do.
The Apostle James noted that to break one commandment in the Ten Commandment Law is to break all ten commandments (2:10), thereby making one a “worker of iniquity” (Gr–Lawlessness) whom Jesus will reject on the Day of Judgment (Mat. 7:23) because He does not know them. Law-breakers are sinners by Biblical definition. Sinners are separated from God, making Him a spiritual stranger by nailing His “holy, just and good” Law (Rom. 7:12) to Christ’s cross. Commandment # four concerns the weekly Sabbath that God commands His people to observe. This is the day He calls “My Holy Day” (Isa. 58:13). This is the day He “blessed and sanctified” (Gen. 2:3)–set it apart for holy use only.
Let us remember that Jesus Christ said that we will be judged by “… every word that I have spoken,” meaning every Word in the Holy Scriptures (Jn. 12:48). Read verses 44-50 for the full message. For the billions who refuse to extricate themselves from Satan’s Catholic/Protestant Church System by obeying God’s commandments, one of which is to keep the holy Sabbath, I have a request. I ask that you show me in your Bible where to find the following church “truths.” Show me where it says that God called any other day of the week “My holy day,” where He sanctified and blessed any other week day, where He gave anyone the power to change His “Holy, blessed , good, sanctified Day” to any other day, where Sunday, the 1st day of the week, is called “holy, blessed, good and sanctified,” where Jesus kept any other weekly Sabbath, where any of the apostles kept any other day as the Sabbath, where in any apostolic writings Sunday is venerated as God’s Sabbath, where the New Testament Church was instructed to convene on Sunday, where she was commanded to refrain from working on any other day, where one would be punished for working on any other day, where it is written that in the future any other day would become God’s Sabbath, where the apostles taught their converts to observe the first day of the week as the Sabbath, where the first day is commanded to be the Church’s day of rest, where the 7th day is called the “Jewish Sabbath,” where God authorized anyone to change His Sabbath to any other day.
The Sabbath was established before there was a Jew on earth. The 7th day was venerated during creation week for all of mankind, just as were all the other things created that week. Why, then, was the Sabbath eliminated? Why did God not eliminate fish, or stars, or anything else that was created that week? Why did He command us to “REMEMBER the Sabbath day and to KEEP IT HOLY” as it was created, blessed and sanctified.
Jesus sums up the damage done by the counterfeit church’s rejection of God’s Sabbath in Matthew 15:9: “They do worship Me in vain by teaching for (My) doctrines the commandments of men.” In so doing they “… make the commandments of God of none effect ….” (vs 6). By observing the sun god’s sabbath instead of the Biblical God’s Sabbath the false church worships Christ in vain while nullifying the Law of God which must be obeyed in order to be saved. This is the same Law/Commandments that, by obeying, one shows his/her love for God and Christ (Jn. 14:15,23; 15:10/ Mat. 19:17). Did we not show our love for our parents by doing what they told us to do? By disobeying God’s Word we reveal that our love for our parents is greater than our love for God. We are commanded to “live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Mat. 4:4). Every Word in the Bible came from God’s mouth. The Law consists of every Word spoken by the Almighty. This includes the 4th commandment.
For those who continue to honor Satan on his sabbath, what are you going to do about your iniquity? Will you stay the course, or will you follow Peter’s admonition? Will you “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? (2 Pet. 3:18). If you want to change from being a worker of iniquity you must acknowledge the Lord’s Sabbath and keep it. Then you will be able to grow in grace and knowledge of Him so that you can rid yourself of all of your sins, perfect holiness and righteousness in your inward parts and, at the return of Jesus Christ, rise to meet Him in the air, descend to the Mount of Olives, walk into Jerusalem and there help Jesus establish the Kingdom of God. L.J.
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