Just as the Serpent eased into his deception of Adam and Eve without fanfare or warning, he is stealthily gaining control over the hearts (minds) of mankind by making his (Satan’s) ways appear to be “normal” and “in line” with the “common sense” of those who “have a functioning brain” who are on the “cutting edge” of “social evolution” which places them on “the right side of history.” The problem is that the avantgarde’s (trend setters’) progressive agenda places them on the wrong side of Almighty God. The irony of this situation is that those who claim to be one with God are those who most loudly proclaim that He has changed, is changing and will continue to change as He develops a better understanding and appreciation of mankind’s “truth” and begins to learn from observing true reality as man manifests it.
Pope Francis recently voiced some of man’s “truths” and “realities” on international television. I was shocked to hear him speak the truth about the collective mind-set of that which calls itself “Christianity.” One of his many heretical statements forms THE FOUNDATIONAL “TRUTH” that guides the modern (Laodicean) church (see Rev. 3:14-20). In this blasphemous utterance Francis said that man should not obey rules, etc. that were produced before they (modern humans) were born. Evidently, things like the Ten Commandments, not to mention the entire Bible, were designed for a people of the distant past when man was not a intellectually astute as modern man has made himself. The pontiff declared that modern man must decide for himself what is right and wrong. According to the pope, THE ANCIENT BIBLE IS USELESS AS A GUIDE FOR MODERN MAN.
A truth Christ’s supposed stand-in did not voice is that the Institutional Church has been living according to that belief for almost 2000 years. Francis finally admitted what has been the church’s attitude for many generations. Though this has been the case for a long, long time, I can remember when it was first voiced and demonstrated publicly on television. The shock of watching that event still remains clear in my mind. Let me take you back to the 1970’s when churchman’s attitude toward God and His Word exploded on the world’s t.v. screens, when their true colors began to be publicly proclaimed.
The first time I heard Satan’s proclamation that the Bible was no longer relevant was when a church pastor named Jim Jones threw his Bible on the floor and told his t.v. and local congregation that they no longer needed the Scriptures which had become irrelevant. He later took his congregation to the other side of the world where, in a desperate act of power, convinced over 900 people to join him in a suicide pact. Many parents forced their children to drink the poisoned cool-aid provided by him.
As shocking to the senses as that catastrophe was, the church did not then, nor does she now, know that spiritual suicide is an on-going theme within professing Christendom, that those who refuse to obey God are unwittingly doing themselves in. Like their fellow churchites today, Jones’ followers were spiritually dead long before they drank the poison he had prepared for them. Long before Reverand Jones fed his disciples his deadly brew, Law-rejecters in every religious organization were partaking of Satan’s “truth” smorgasbord every sun god day. Nothing has changed.
Years after the Jim Jones debacle I witnessed (via t.v.) another church “truth” voiced by professing Christendom’s first openly queer priest when he explained why he qualified for membership in the church. When asked how, in light of God’s condemnation of homosexuality, he, a queer, could justify being a priest of God, he issued a three-word explanation: “God has changed.”
However, that same God proclaims in His Holy Bible that He does not change, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and that in Him there is no variableness, not even a shadow (hint) of turning (Mal. 3:6/ Heb. 13:8/ Jam. 1:17). Obviously, someone was lying then and is still lying today as professing Christendom continues to believe that Satanic doctrine today. Church people have concluded that God was and continues to be the liar in question, and that those who point the accusative finger at Him (99% of professing Christendom) are the actual bearers of spiritual truth. According to the church, the fact that God lied about queer Christians is no big deal. After all, had she not caught Him in many other lies? Read The Lying God. Key word–Lying. A Texas pastor, when asked how he could perform queer marriages, etc. in light of God’s condemnation of the union, explained that his church went “… outside the Bible” in its search for truth. Having been involved in that denomination for many years, I can attest that what he said had been church truth for hundreds of years before he said it and continues to be church truth today.
Satan–the power behind the political/economic/military beast of Revelation 17:1-5 and its controlling religious rider (who is “drunk with the blood of the saints”)–is “wiley” (Eph. 6:11), meaning sneaky. Because of this particular personality trait, his work within the Institutional Church has gone unnoticed for almost 2000 years as he has accumulated ever-increasing power over his unsuspecting subjects. As a result, salvation seekers have been lured into a false sense of security by his false prophets who have continually preached a “no Law, only faith and grace” message relative to salvation. As a result, generations of salvation seekers have bought into his “all grace–no works” theology. This in spite of numerous Christ-spoken warnings such as John 8:31; 15:9,10,13,14; 14:15,23/ Luke 6:46 and Matthew 4:4; 7:13,14; 20:14. Then there is James 2:10,14,17,18,20,24,26/ 1 Pet, 1:16, and many more.
As a result of the devil’s obsession with giving man what he wants most–self-determination (Mat. 16:23)–we are watching Biblical prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes. One need only study the Old Testament to see that what is happening on the global level today is nothing less than the warnings of God coming to fruition. Each day we witness more evidence of God’s hand in the lives of men on both the individual and national levels as the curses He prophesied come to pass. The entire Bible was written to, for and about those who are called God’s people, who are known as His followers. Much of the Bible consists of warnings relative to disobeying His commands, which is everything He tells us to do in Genesis to Revelation which He condensed into His Ten Commandments.
Along with numerous warnings the Lord includes historical lessons to assure us that He is no respecter of persons, meaning that what He commanded of ancient Israel He commands of their spiritual descendants (His church) today. The effects of obedience and disobedience are plainly written in the Holy Scriptures. Read Who and Where is Israel Today? and Who are God’s People? Key words–Where and People respectively.
What we are seeing take place today is the direct result of mankind’s disregard of and disobedience to God’s commands relative to man’s conduct of life (his “walk”). I will end this series with yet another admonition to carefully and prayerfully study Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 in which the Lord reveals exactly what obedience and disobedience involve, as well as the rewards and punishments accrued for doing each. God does not change. What He did to ancient Israel and Judah in the past He is currently doing to their spiritual descendants–the so-called “Christian nations” and the Jews of the Middle East. Study Lev. 26 and Deut. 28 and apply those messages (promises and warnings) to what is taking place world-wide. THE BEAST HAS ANNOUNCED HIS ARRIVAL. WE ARE NOW WITNESSING “THE BEGINNING OF SORROWS” JESUS WARNED ABOUT IN MATTHEW 24:8. SO-CALLED “CHRISTIAN NATIONS” HAVE “SOWN THE WIND” AND WILL, OVER THE COMING YEARS, “REAP THE WHIRLWIND.” Let us walk with the Lord and not with the world. Let us be separate from that world and its Catholic/Protestant Religious System. God commands His people to “Come out of her and touch not that unclean thing.” Read Second Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Here He is speaking to the final generation of the church which He calls Laodicean (Rev. 3:14-20). Let us be different, peculiar, strange relative to that Satanic organization. Let us spiritually segregate ourselves from it totally. Read God is a Segregationist. Key word–Segregationist. L.J.
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