Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 reveal two beasts: The Roman Empire and the false church. During the Middle Ages the “second beast” (Catholicism), operating under the power of the “first beast” (Roman Empire) caused all of the people within the empire (most of Europe) to do two things: 1) to receive the “mark of the (first) beast” and 2) to obey the dictates of the second beast. As mentioned earlier, during the Catholic Inquisition some 50,000,000 people were martyred at the hands of this all-powerful state-church killing machine which killed millions of people in the name of the Biblical God. Multiplied millions more people are prophesied to die at the end of this age and for the same reason. Read about this horrific slaughter using the key word Multitude. Read Christ’s warning to the modern day (Laodicean) church in Revelation 3:14-20.
As noted in the previous posting, the Roman Empire, in conjunction with the Catholic Church, excluded people from working, buying and selling if they did not have the “mark of the beast”–did not adhere to the dictates of the Catholic Church, specifically her Sabbath day change from the 7th day of the week to the 1st day of the week. Read the series on the Sabbath Day using Sabbath as the key word.
The Bible reveals that an even worse time is coming when “no man can buy or sell except he that bears the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:17). Note it: THE MARK OF THE BEAST WILL ONCE AGAIN BE ENFORCED. No one will be able to hold a job or engage in business without the “mark.” Those who refuse the “mark” will be tortured and murdered at the behest of the church, just as did their ancient predecessors who suffered because they would not observe the Sunday Sabbath. That rule is about to be enforced yet again. This time it will involve the entire earth. The push has already begun. For example, the United Nations and the European Union have already enshrined Catholicism as the official religion of those two organizations by constitutional writ. Now let us focus our attention on the present and the immediate future when mankind will face a global, all-powerful government that will rule every aspect of human life existence.
New artificial intelligence (AI) systems are being developed that could soon determine man’s ability to have a bank account, receive a loan or get a credit card. There is also a push for doing away with money as we know it and to adopt a digital form of currency which, initially, would be under the control of each nation’s federal government. All financial transactions would go through the government’s centralized digital banking system. The current American government is increasing its efforts to this end as you read this. If the dollar is digitalized it would enable a small group of people to know what Americans spend their money on. Being in total control of the currency, the government could determine IF you could buy what you want to buy. The current American Government is already trying to dictate what kind of automobiles we can drive, what kind of kitchen and bathroom appliances we can own, etc. George Orwell’s eye-opening book titled 1984 is a must read for those who want to see where we as a nation and the world in general are going. Orwell had his facts straight. But he was 45 to 50 years off in his time element if my calculations are right. Relative to the beginning of the Great Tribulation I have received no time element from on high. But judging by the “seasons” that are materializing around us, I predict that the Great Tribulation will begin within five to eight years. Again, this is my thinking. Only God knows the exact dates involved.
It came to light recently that people having the “wrong” political or social views are having their bank accounts frozen. In Britain more than a million bank accounts have been shut down over the past four years. In the past year, the Canadian Government froze the accounts of people who were protesting the government’s dictatorial actions. Similar events have taken place in many other countries. In some extreme cases, the governments have not merely frozen bank assets, but have in fact seized them.
We are rapidly approaching the time Biblically known as the Great Tribulation. I believe that God is going to give us one last chance to get our national and personal acts together spiritually. I believe that there will be a “come to Jesus” time when people will “see the light” and embrace it. I believe that a time of “revival” is beginning to take shape now and will grow as time goes by. However, I also believe that the movement will soon die because it will not be a TURN to God’s true “light,” but a RETURN to the false Christianity which led us into this mess in the first place. Read about the coming revivals in the series titled Revival Here, Revival There ….” Key word–Revival.
I believe that within a few years the Lord, His patience having run out, will take His tiny church to her safe place, then allow Satan to have His way with sinning man for 2 1/2 years which is Biblically known as the Great Tribulation. Then, following a brief interlude, God Himself will, for one year, pour out His wrath on those who survived the Tribulation Period. This year is described as “the great and very terrible Day of the Lord” in Joel 2:11. The Book of Revelation describes what will take place during this horrific time. Let us be about preparing for what is coming by studying God’s Word, believing it and obeying it. L.J.
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