The word “Sabbath” comes from a Hebrew word meaning “rest.” Leviticus 23:3 refers to the seventh day of the week as “a Sabbath of rest,” and serves as a harbinger of the experience true saints look forward to in the future as described in Hebrews 4:4,9-11: “God has spoken about the seventh day in these words, ‘And on the seventh day God rested (refreshed Himself-Exo. 31:17) from His work.’ … there remains, therefore a Sabbath rest, for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work just as God did from His. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest.” Notice that the Apostle Paul used the words “us,” meaning himself and the Hebrew Christians, and “every effort,” meaning that salvation was not automatic for either himself or the church, then and now. “Effort” exalts the church-rejected concept of “works” relative to eternal life.
Someone once said that practice makes perfect. Someone much wiser corrected the statement, noting that only perfect practice makes perfect. This is especially true in the spiritual realm. Question: How does one practice for that perfect rest awaiting God’s obedient saints? Answer: By perfectly practicing that rest during this lifetime. This practice must be done on a daily as well as weekly basis. We must get alone with the Lord each day, several times if possible, where we can commune with the King of the universe. Then, after a week of doing other things, enter into the Sabbath of rest He specifically created for those who love Him. We must understand that our love for Him is revealed by how we “Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy” (Exo. 20). Jesus later said, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments” (Jn. 14:15). The Apostle John said, “For this is the love of (for) God, that we keep His Commandments” (2 Jn. 1:6). Three verses earlier he had written that we “know that we know Him if we keep His Commandments.” Based on what the Lord said about His “eternal” Law in general and His “blessed” and “sanctified” Sabbath commandment in particular, obeying His Sabbath Law (Commandment #4) is of utmost importance to Him. Those who fail to do so will not enjoy His eternal Sabbath rest in the Kingdom of God. L.J.
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